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The Alan Parsons Project – Eye In The Sky Lyrics 18 years ago
The star system Sirius is traditionally through EVERY ancient religion in the world, the birthplace of the gods. In ancient Central American times, the gods where to have taught the people not to be savage or cannabalistic anymore and that they're worshipping of the sun was for the wrong reasons. They taught the people through hymns and songs how to live but never forced the people to change, only showing them this new way of life as an option. This is just one example. If your really interested read about the Dogon religion of Mali in the Sirius Mystery by Robert Temple. These spear carrying tribesmen knew more about astronomy than we just are learning in the past 30 or so years. Also check out Robert Duvaul , Graham Hancock and many others....and decide for yourself what this song could mean. If our thoughts produce a sound, which they do through ultra low frequencies, could anyone pick up the frequencies and how far would the sound waves travel. Gives a whole new meaning to prayer or meditation. The Eye is well known to be the symbol for Atum-RA, Isis the wife of Osiris, is represented by the star system Sirius. Please in the search for the truth, it led you here didn't it. All of the history of man from the beginning has brought you here to this site and reading this post.

Soundgarden – Burden in My Hand Lyrics 18 years ago
To me the song means that there are those in the Middle East now that don't beleive in war but have to fight it anyway. The weapon is an extension of their body and they are trained to use it as such. If I were in a situation like a "me or him" scenario, I would have a difficult decision because the "enemy" is probably some guy that his only option is to fight because he is paid to do so. That may be his only means of income to support his family, which seems to be the case in a lot of the U.S. Forces. They had no other options but to enlist. Therefore the men fighting are the same, brothers even. Imagine killing because someone else told you to and its justified. Think about what this does to people. The real enemy is the ideals behind the scenes driving the war mentality through propaganda. Another scenario would be that they are fighting only because we wiped out their whole family 'accidentily'. That is what breeds terrorism, these accidents and our ignorance to find out what is really going on instead of only watching CNN and such. This also signifies the the extremely high alcohlism rate in the military. I'm sure this is not what it was intentionally suppose to mean, but given my prior military background, it means this to me.

The Moody Blues – I Know You're Out There Somewhere Lyrics 18 years ago
In order to evolve to the next level, one must understand that their unique self is part of a higher order. This order invloves everyone and those who allow their hopes and dreams rule their actions realize that if we dig deep enough, all of our dreams would lead to a place I would refer to as home. Once one establishes contact with a fellow human and they both see that they can rebound off the strength of each other to pursue the inner/outer peace. This is primarily attempted through a bond named marriage. Although with a community style viewpoint, one could recognize that those closest around you could also share these dreams of a world without pain. Make no mistake, a perfect utopian society would be near impossible to achieve; we all in a sense get distracted at times. Even though the fire(passion) isn't yet realized in most people, we must find those that are already seeking answers to questions that may never be answered. But we will try, accepting each others faults through forgiveness, because we too get distracted from the dream. There has to be a goal for actions to take place, or there is no moving ahead. To seek out the truth through love and creativity we once lived by when we were younger, is the future of tomorrow. Believe that and let your dreams take you for that journey, that river and let the music guide you every step of the way.

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