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Green Day – Kill the DJ Lyrics 11 years ago
I kind of like the worship aspect, the DJ is their god with the corrupting voice, and the whole thing is like a cult, each night a battle as soldiers march down there and do their thing, not all of them coming home. And the voices, well, reference to drugs, really, a play on the effects. It's kind of a simple song, but the imagery and the metaphors are genius.

Green Day – Oh Love Lyrics 11 years ago
One way that I see this is that it's about how the band is a relationship that's lasted a long time, and every time they get up on stage they're doing what they love, a love affair that's gone on forever, and every time they make decisions they're taking risks of losing it, preparing to hang themselves with their own love of the thing if it doesn't work out, but it's a risk worth taking, and they keep doing it. And maybe sometimes it strays from that, becomes about something else, or the wonder of what it would be to give it up.

Green Day – Carpe Diem Lyrics 11 years ago
I get a sense of reflection from the new album, and I feel that there's a hint at sarcasm amongst the lyrics, because you make your choices and you live that life, and that's just how things are. But there's always someone or something looking down on it, trying to control it into how they think it needs to be and those who don't agree, but the fact is that it is what it is and as much as they love doing what they do, live for the moment and do their thing, there are parts of it that get old and get in the way of getting on with it, and there's always the nagging wonder of whether or not they're losing themselves to it, being left behind, but does it really matter if they're doing what they love anyway in the end? Life's too short to really stop and spend wondering, and when it's time to walk away it's time to walk away to get on with other things that matter.

Tegan and Sara – Back in Your Head Lyrics 12 years ago
Are you actually saying that to 'become' a lesbian you have to have been let down by too many men and/or have been abused as a child? Because that, my friend, is ignorance if ever I saw it. For one thing, you don't become a lesbian, you either are or you're not, and for another for anyone realising that they're gay has nothing at all to do with anyone else but themselves, not members of the opposite sex or the same, it's a personal thing that doesn't come from what anyone else has done. Being gay isn't a choice, it just is, and what you said right there is digusting.

HIM – The Sacrament Lyrics 14 years ago
"I hear you breathe so far from me
I feel your touch so close and real"

"I hear you weep so far from me
I taste your tears like you're next to me"

I always think that whereas a person who believes in a god of whatever sort believes strongly that their god is always with them, it's not a physical being that you can see or touch or hear, etc. (and I love that he used the play on the senses - 'hear', 'touch/feel', 'taste' - to show that), but a force that's always with you, always around you, keeping a something good going strong within you as long as you believe in it strongly enough. I don't think it's actually a person being referred to, but as a 'religion of love' and living by it as you would a god, it's a power you can't reach out and touch, but one that you can sense is always there with you in some form or another.

"My church is not of silver and gold,
It's glory lies beyond judgement of souls
The commandments are of consolation and warmth"

A lot of churches of organised religion are more or less run as businesses, which isn't a religion at all. Ville has mentioned in interviews his dislike of organised religions and the money making aspect of it, and the silver and gold reference always makes me feel it relates in that way. The money grabbing churches are complete bollocks, and as a lot of the people running them are sinning by their own standards, I think it's sort of a stated point on the matter that living a life of something worth believing in brings you what you need rather than following a religion that contradicts its own rules. It's hollow and empty, and love is so much more rewarding with comfort. Also, thinking about it, 'Its glory lies beyond judgement of souls' could also be another poke at business run churches if you use a different definition of the word 'lies'.

And the sacrament in general is usually something innocent and pure and beautiful. It might not end well, but does it really matter while its present? Or, referring to an actual someone, also a huge compliment, I would say.

Well, there's my tired, rambling opinion of the lyrics to pass the time.

Funeral for a Friend – Hospitality Lyrics 17 years ago
I love the irony in this song. I personally think this song is about giving up. When you're depressed - in whatever form - and you reach a point where all you want to do is sleep, to hide and hope that everything will go away long enough so that when you come back out it'll all be fine, you feel so lost, and (having been there myself I guess it's hard to explain) you can't always see the light - you can't see the good in there amongst the bad, no matter how small, and I think this could be about having felt that way, but the second you realise you could in fact get your wish, if you were to find yourself seriously ill in a hospital bed, you'd been shocked out of it and you'd suddenly realise that it wasn't as bad as it first seemed. Maybe this is about Matthew when he was ill, but either way, I think this is basically someone feeling so desperate and full of despair that they can't see the good and they can't bring themselves to make things better, but if you're in that place mentally and suddenly have a near-death experience or whatever, a brush with death - if you were strong enough you'd see what you'd been doing with your life, or what you hadn't been doing, and if you were to be given a second chance you'd never wish yourself harm again, not even if things were as bad as they were beforehand, you'd find a way to put things right, because you probably hadn't realised just how lucky you actually are or how easily it could all be taken away from you and made even worse.

So, basically, I reckon it's about becoming lost in despair and finding the bright side, even if it means something bad has to happen before you realise it, and if you're giving a second chance, you'd make sure things were done right.

Funeral for a Friend – She Drove Me To Daytime Television Lyrics 17 years ago
I reckon this is about watching someone for so long and then suddenly realising that they're full of shit. Like, everything they said and did was false, it was all just an act, and you're pissed off, because you fell for it for a while. I guess it could be taken literally or metaphorically, and it could be about a relationship, a friendship, or just any form of relationship that isn't what it first seemed. Each to his own, but to me this is about realising someone isn't what they claim to be, and that said person is living a lie and not only ruining their own life, but also fucking with other people's as well.

My Chemical Romance – Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough for the Two of Us Lyrics 18 years ago
I've always thought this song was about self-reflection or whatever, and with a mirror you have yourself and you have your reflection. Obviously the reflection isn't real, but it's what people see, and the whole thing about the mirror not being big enough for the two of them - I think the two of them is the real person behind the reflection and the reflection that everyone sees.

I think this song could be taken a number of ways, but that's how I've always seen it, and as morbid as that is, that's the way I like to see it. There's more ways to fuck yourself up without it being about drugs, and he wasn't really an addict back then, right? I thought his problems were at their worst later on and whatnot, but either way, I'm going with that.

Placebo – Song To Say Goodbye Lyrics 18 years ago
I bought the album the first day it came out, but it's only today that I've sat down and really had a good listen to it. This song was perfectly picked as the last track on the album, and it left me sitting there in deep thought. The song itself did seem to feel to me as if it were about saying goodbye to a part of yourself that's held you back, that's ruined everything good you once had or could have had if you hadn't fallen into the wrong path, but as depressing as the lyrics seem as well as the sound, it's got that flash of hope - of strength, and to say goodbye to anything takes a lot of guts.

Also, the idea of the video with the boy - I felt that maybe using a young child and his grown father was more of a thing to make it hit that much more or something, it definately made me think a little more than usual anyway, but as the person before me said, Brian has a son now and if he hadn't have given up a part of his life to get on the straight and narrow, that could be him and his son further down the line. I don't think it's about drugs directly, but obviously it more than likely is. I think it's about any bad path a person walks leaving the better stuff behind because it didn't seem so great at the time, but you get out of it, and you realize you've lost so much than you ever thought possible, so there comes a point when you just need to get out and say goodbye to it properly so as it won't come back to haunt you anymore.

I'm tired, but it made sense in my head. I believe that songs that have true meaning should be personal to each person, and in my heart, this song is touching and I love every aspect of it. Placebo never fail to be amazing.

Pink – Stupid Girls Lyrics 18 years ago
I'm not exactly a huge Pink fan, although I have liked her since I heard her second album, and I have to say she's really grown as an artist and it's definately for the better.

Everywhere you look these days there's always some 'pretty' bleached-blonde woman who's thinner than a rack on the front of this and that to make it leave the shelf, and for the most part, girls buy into it. It's not really about being pretty though, because beauty really is in the eye of the beholded - everyone has a different perspective on different things, so who's to say who's pretty and who isn't. This is more about the way people act and the way people live their lives. So many woman think they have to look a certain way to make money or to be liked, and they tend to turn into complete bitches having an overload on attention, but there are still a few wonderful woman out there who don't feel the need to look a certain way to get by in life and that's because they're pretty on the inside. If you're so shallow of a person that you feel the need to pretend to look and act like a barbie when that's not who you are then that's your choice, but for some of people, life means more than going out, looking pretty and acting cool, and they're the people who are comfortable with who they are on the inside whether they're ugly, pretty, thin, far, tall, short, whatever. Looks aren't everything and if you believe all the crap that the media throw at you about having to look a certain way, act a certain way, etc, then you're stupid for buying it. I have no idea how anyone could live their life day in and day out being the typical fake blonde bimbo, because they feel that crappy about themselves and want everyone else to give them an ego bust by showering them with attention that won't last two seconds.

Snow Patrol – Chocolate Lyrics 18 years ago
I think this song is about second chances, having learnt from past experiences and trying to go at things again with a different perspective in mind. I think the title is what it is, because with chocolate, sometimes you don't know when to stop, even if you really want to, you can't help but eat more of it. As you get older or wiser, you learn how to deal with things better, and eventually you can control when to stop, and when and how to start again the right way.

Placebo – Every You Every Me Lyrics 18 years ago
I think it's about anything that comes along that you take, because there's nothing else, so why not? It could be a person, a substance; anything in general, and at first it makes you feel better about yourself or about whatever you need to feel better about, but after a while it makes you more and more miserable, probably more so than before, but you get stuck in it and it all ends up twisted.

Alkaline Trio – While You're Waiting Lyrics 18 years ago
I think all the bad shit that stands out is metaphorical for the general pain we all suffer through life. Not everyone on this planet wants to kill themselves and not every one self-harms, but we all beat ourselves up about shit from time to time, and we all have our pain to bear. Sometimes having someone there to say they care can make the biggest difference if only you can believe them through the mist of your pain. I think this song is universal and can be based on any walk of life, because let's face it, even though not everyone experiences or deals with pain in the same way, we all carry some around with us.

Alkaline Trio – Good Fucking Bye Lyrics 18 years ago
Blah, blah, blah. How about we talk about the song and stop trying to prove who is a real fan and who isn't. You either like them or you don't, the end. Get over yourself.

Personally, I think this song is about giving up drinking or drugs or whatever else. It's a great accoustic number, and Skiba is amazing at what he does. He makes sure his stamp is on every song he writes/sings.

Bright Eyes – Sunrise, Sunset Lyrics 18 years ago
Conor's lyrics usually make you think deeply, but I think people can often look too much into them, picking out specific parts to relate to a song, but we can all relate to this one anyway.

In my personal opinion, this song is just about life. You're born, you do whatever you do inbetetween, and then you die. It's simple, maybe so obvious that you look passed it and dismiss it so easily. What is life? No one knows, but we still ask ourselves anyway. Life is the stuff you do inbetween birth and death; it's getting by. Every little thing in life is to get by, to survive. No matter what life style you lead, people have instincts to search for things to occupy their minds. They can seem so important, like they're life and death, and maybe they are, but it's just all the little pointless things we do in life in order to get through each day. There's reference to love, depression, vanity, insecurity, jaded routine, confusion, betrail, life, death, poor, welthy, etc. All of lifes emotions, all the situations, no matter who you are, where you are, or what you're doing; we're all the same. We all can relate to each other with this, yet we set so many things between us.

You live, you die. This song is honest, nothing more, nothing less. It just is.

Yeah, I'm tired, I'm weird and I ramble, but what can you do. =]

Funeral for a Friend – 10 Scene Points To The Winner Lyrics 18 years ago
I've never heard this song before, sadly, but reading through the lyrics, I got an image of prison. I think that came from the ink stained fingers though. I saw someone sitting at one side of a glass wall, locked away inside a place they never thought they'd reach, but certain things happened to get them there. The other person is 'clean' on the other side; I think it's some kind of metaphor for struggling through life, trying to be who and what you want to be, but getting there is a constant battle, because who ever knows what they want anymore or how to get there. You do things that seem right at the time and pay for them later. There's two sides to us all, the one we want to be and the one we've become, you just have to know how to even it out and find yourself at the right side of the glass.

Tegan and Sara – Take Me Anywhere Lyrics 19 years ago
I think this song is about how someone loves you and even though you might not see all the great stuff in yourself, you know that person does or they wouldn't be there. As long as you have that other person there to help guide you, you'll be okay.

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