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Carrie Underwood – Before He Cheats Lyrics 16 years ago
Whoever wrote this song has NEVER been cheated on. If you can tear apart a cheatin' guy's car and sound as happy and satisfied about it as Carrie Underwood does, YOU DIDN'T CARE THAT MUCH TO BEGIN WITH, which makes you a CRAZY PSYCHO for doing something angry for something you never even cared about.

Nickelback – If Everyone Cared Lyrics 16 years ago
All Nickelback songs should be about choking women during sex. Their songs and their sound are just too ugly and unpleasant to be about anything else. What they should not be is about how, golly, if everyone was just a little nicer, PEOPLE WOULD STOP DYING. I wouldn't even tolerate this faux-utopian fifth-grade B.S. from Marvin Gaye, and I'm sure not going to tolerate it from a drooling cretin like Chad Kroeger.

Jon Mclaughlin – Beautiful Disaster Lyrics 16 years ago
Jon McLaughlin wants to sound sympathetic to this girl -- while at the same time saying NOTHING nice about her*. She just needs someone to take her home? Well, why don't you take her home, Jon McLaughlin? The fact that he can't think of a single positive thing to say about her leads me to believe that there is, in fact, nothing special about this girl, which makes his tone of sympathy ring hollow. Look at how many people on this board think this song was written about them; no duh it sounds like it's about you, it's deliberately vague for just that purpose. McLaughlin doesn't care about you, ladies; this song is nothing but shallow, cynical pandering to the billions of girls with body issues.

Even beyond that, it's a badly written song. "She loves her mama's lemonade." Right. Unless she lives in the 1940s, her mom buys Country Time powdered mix same as everyone else. "Beautiful Disaster" is an overused line already (and already used as the title of a far superior Kelly Clarkson song). And Jesus, she's not a drama queen but she's crying over pictures of prettier people? I call B.S.

*(Except that she's "perfect only in her imperfection" - a meaningless compliment if ever there was one.)

Say Anything – Alive with the Glory Of Love Lyrics 17 years ago
The stalker aspect is interesting but doesn't at all jibe with the Holocaust stuff.

Say Anything – Alive with the Glory Of Love Lyrics 17 years ago
Everyone should stop giving that teenage girl shit about comparing being grounded to the Holocaust. She's got the right idea: In this context, being grounded is EXACTLY like the Holocaust. It's a teenage love anthem, and while apparently the Nazi Germany imagery is meant to be taken literally, this isn't a song about surviving World War II, it's about teenagers fighting external sources to keep their love alive. It's "I Think We're Alone Now" in form and in tone, and while the WWII stuff justifies the melodrama, the effect is exactly the same. God, I love this song.

Kelly Clarkson – Beautiful Disaster Lyrics 18 years ago
We've all been with that someone who was too messed up for words but loved you and you loved them back so much and you tried to help them so much but you failed or maybe there was never a chance to fix them and you can't sleep at night because you wanted to be their hero but you failed you failed oh god i think i need to go cry.

Harvey Danger – Flagpole Sitta Lyrics 18 years ago
The "publishing zines" part of the song is incredibly snotty and sarcastic. It's a heavy dose of '90s irony, making fun of the idea of changing the world with your badly-Xeroxed little zine.

Jimmy Eat World – Authority Song Lyrics 18 years ago
In case anyone's wondering, the most famous song from JAMC's Automatic is "Head On," once covered by the Pixies, and probably the single greatest get-yourself-psyched-up song ever written. No wonder Jim was looking for it from the DJ. Mellencamp's "Authority Song" is not quite a substitute; no wonder he strikes out.

Eminem – When I'm Gone Lyrics 18 years ago
None of this song is addressed to Hailie. It's all addressed to you, the fan.

Deana Carter – Strawberry Wine Lyrics 18 years ago
When she says her "first taste of love," she's talking about sex. Not falling in love. It's puppy lust. It's about the time in a girl's life where she can confuse love and sex. Deana is very much up front about this: She liked this guy 'cause he had a car. And it's bittersweet because she wished it had meant something more; first time notwithstanding, she describes a very minor relationship. This is a very good song, not the least for its honesty.

3 Doors Down – Kryptonite Lyrics 18 years ago
Okay, as stated, this is about a guy who was a hero to this girl once but doesn't mean shit to her now. He's been laid low by some unnamed Kryptonite; Kryptonite could mean drugs, alcohol, his own infidelity, or something he can't define. But what it does mean is that he's failing, he's weak, he can't be her Superman her Superman, her Superman. The key line is "You took for granted all the time I *NEVER* let you down." If he had *NEVER* let her down, we wouldn't be having this conversation, would we?? He's fallen down on the job. And it's understandable that she wasn't there for him like he was for her (it's not stretching to say that the line "if not for me then you'd be dead" could be taken literally). But at the same time he does sound kind of weak and spineless. With Kryptonite left undefined, it's difficult to say whether the woman is justified in leaving.

Good Charlotte – I Just Wanna Live Lyrics 18 years ago
People! It's a fucking joke song!!! They KNOW it contradicts that other song they did! They MENTION IT IN THE SONG! It's a parody of whiny pop songs! Jesus Christ, people!

Dramarama – Anything, Anything Lyrics 18 years ago
This obviously is about a dying relationship, but I think what is most obvious is the singer's desperation and impotence in fixing the problem. There's nothing he can do, and his solutions all seem woefully inadequate. His suggestions are all gifts, which in my experience are never enough to fix anything, and also, "I'll let you watch the shows you wanna see." His solution is giving her the remote. It's a desperate, kind of pathetic suggestion. He's lost, he's confused, he's alone.

Kenny Chesney – I Go Back Lyrics 18 years ago
Not only does this song namecheck a whole bunch of classic rock songs, it makes reference to -- holy crap -- being in college. This is a huge demographic shift in country music.

Gwen Stefani – Cool Lyrics 18 years ago
I agree that most breakup songs sound angry, pissy, or just utterly destroyed, and that isn't true of "Cool." But moreover, most "good" breakup songs say something like "can we still be friends" or "but I'll still love you forever." And this isn't true of "Cool" at all. This is a song entirely without love. The love isn't even a very strong memory. The friendship, however, is stronger than ever, and Gwen is too amazed that it ended up this well to even think of any possibility of loss. She doesn't have to ask to still be friends; it's just the way it is.

Modest Mouse – The View Lyrics 19 years ago
This song is probably the bleakest song on the entire album. There's no such thing as progress.
We've gotten nowhere. We're cavemen. And Isaac Brock is sick of it and he just doesn't want it anymore.

Temple of the Dog – Hunger Strike Lyrics 19 years ago
It's obviously a song about white, liberal guilt, the shame of the overpriveleged. I love it.

The Cars – Drive Lyrics 19 years ago
It's a very sad, but very resigned song. There was love here, but it's gone. Whoever Ben is singing to is going to have to go it alone.

Ben Folds Five – Smoke Lyrics 19 years ago
He's saying that not only the relationship over, it never really happened to begin with. The good times, the bad times, everything done and said; they were worthless. They mean nothing. They never will. There will never be anything to replace them; there is nothing there to replace. In the end, it turned out to be nothing but shit and ashes.

Ben Folds Five – Don't Change Your Plans Lyrics 19 years ago
There was a reviewer I read once who put it as succinct as possibly: "love not good enough to keep." what else is there to say?

Jason Mraz – Wordplay Lyrics 19 years ago
WOW, WOW, WOW is this song awful. If you're going to spend an entire song bragging about your flow, you've got to give it some oomph. You can't just say it's good, you've got to say that your flow is the best goddamn flow in the whole world and you're going to kick some ass. Otherwise you get something as simpering and soft-edged as this piece of mush.

Gin Blossoms – Hey Jealousy Lyrics 19 years ago
The line was originally "You can trust me not to DRINK." Hugely important. Lead singer Robin nixed the line, saying he didn't want any more songs about drinkin' on the album. The line is clearly dishonest anyway: The guy admits that he's in no shape for driving, most likely because he's drunk off his ass. Also, the songwriter's alcoholism would eventually kill him. "You can trust me not to think" probably comes a lot closer to the truth.

Matchbox Twenty – Downfall Lyrics 19 years ago
What I think you guys missed is that the relationship in the song is already over. Read the verses. The breakup has come and gone. And the reason why is that it seems that the singer has counted on this one woman to be his savior, solve all his problems for him, make him into a good person. And instead all he did was bring her down.

Jimmy Buffett – Margaritaville Lyrics 19 years ago
Margaritaville is about a guy whose life is withering away from alcohol and is too stupid to realize it. It has been embraced by people whose lives are withering away from alcohol and are too stupid to realize it. Margaritaville is a song so mellow it may as well not exist, about a guy so mellow he may as well be dead. It's an addiction song, pure and simple, but one without any balls. It wants to be a song of celebration, but it isn't; it's about that time long after the party is over and you just feel dead.

Soul Asylum – Misery Lyrics 19 years ago
No no no. This is a song about the music industry, specifically the rock scene how it was in 1995, after Nirvana. What were bands like Soul Asylum doing but exploiting their own misery and selling it to poor unhappy teens? Pain and angst were really popular at the time. To underline the point, I believe the music video was a factory boxing up a whole bunch of Soul Asylum CDs.

Good Charlotte – I Just Wanna Live Lyrics 19 years ago
I wonder if I'm the only one that gets this song. I see all these comments about how this song isn't punk rock. Well no shit. How perceptive people are that a song that was meant to sound like the Backstreet Boys isn't punk. Bravo. Personally, I think this is easily GC's best song. Rather than try to deny that they're sellouts (like in the awful "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous"), they dove in headfirst this time around and they've actually come out the other side. It's a joke; they're saying, "Hey, we're popstars now, we might as well act like it!" It's half-serious at best. It's whiny and meta because that's what most pop songs are. It's a spoof of boybands written by the biggest boyband in the country. Also, it's really well-written, particularly that second verse.

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