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Streetlight Manifesto – One Mississippi Lyrics 17 years ago
lol its a fake song anyways.

Against Me! – Thrash Unreal Lyrics 17 years ago
Sad song makes me sad

Against Me! – Borne on the FM Waves of the Heart Lyrics 17 years ago
Sad song is sad.

Blink-182 – Another Girl, Another Planet (The Only Ones cover) Lyrics 17 years ago
Love song? The things preteens come up with..

Against Me! – This Is Control Lyrics 17 years ago
Is this sincerity or is this a joke? Is this sincerity or is this a joke? Is this sincerity or is this a joke? Tom Gabel, is this fucking sincerity? Or is this a joke?

Gimp – Mrs. Butterworth's Indestructible Bombshelter Lyrics 17 years ago
That doesn't mean there wasn't an old lady this song wasn't based on.

Against Me! – Pretty Girls (The Mover) Lyrics 17 years ago
This isnt about HIV/AIDS. It's the eternal disconnect.

Bomb the Music Industry! – The Soul Crushing Northeast Lyrics 17 years ago
Yeah, got the entire first verse figured out just after I added it and forgot to edit it.

Johnny Hobo And The Freight Trains – "No Trespassing" Waltz Lyrics 17 years ago
Verse four is the best.

Against Me! – Wagon Wheel (Old Crow Medicine Show cover) Lyrics 17 years ago
Its by OCMS, the comp its on when AM covered it has nothing to do with the meaning of the song.

This, Our Battle Cry – Conscience Lyrics 17 years ago
I wish I could write like jun D=

Leftover Crack – Gang Control Lyrics 17 years ago
"leftover crack is not a fucking political band"

You're a fucking retard. Honestly. Then again, I get the feeling you're a - what's the word - troll.

Bomb the Music Industry! – Future 86 Lyrics 17 years ago
My friend was the first to get the lyrics to this down, I think. Well, the first to post them online. Which he posted to me in an IM. >_>

Bomb the Music Industry! – Future 86 Lyrics 17 years ago
My friend was the first to get the lyrics to this down, I think. Well, the first to post them online. Which he posted to me in an IM. >_>

Paul Baribeau – Never Get To Know Lyrics 18 years ago
He said it was an anti-substance song at PIX

Against Me! – Wagon Wheel (Old Crow Medicine Show cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
Whats wrong with the original?

Against Me! – I Still Love You Julie (Hanging on for a Scam) Lyrics 18 years ago
"this is about the night his girl broke up with him for another guy out of no where"

I thought this was critical of the punk rock scene.

Against Me! – Shit Stroll (Nah Nah Nah) Lyrics 18 years ago
Shit, looks like the are right for everything but the last "sell out or set against"

Johnny Hobo And The Freight Trains – D.I.Y. Orgasms Lyrics 18 years ago
Really? I thought it was about loving God.

Leftover Crack – Atheist Anthem Lyrics 18 years ago
Go masturbate to Jello and Rollins more if you dont like this.

I Voted for Kodos – Todd Lyrics 18 years ago
"Todd's so great, he's like one of my best friends. He's so kind, caring and sensative, I could tell him anything. He's a good listener. I just have so much fun when I'm with him. He's so friendly and outgoing. And he's so cute! But date him? No, I could never date him. It would ruin our special special friendship, 'cause he's so great and I would never want to lose what we have. Because I just love Todd so much. He's such a great guy."

Against Me! – Burning Bridges Lyrics 18 years ago
we're here to ruin your fun

Against Me! – Untitled Two Lyrics 18 years ago
Tom just described it as "this is another new one" in the recording I have.

Die, Emperor Die! – Goodnight Irene Lyrics 18 years ago
Leadbelly is a folk artist...

Leftover Crack – One Dead Cop Lyrics 18 years ago
It was a statement to the world saying; the public: watch your ass. Because we can come into your house at any time. you have no more rights anymore. This is a world for big bussiness and if you don't want to play the game you better be aware that you'll end up a prisoner or on the streets. The cops are just like another gang, only they're the biggest. ya' know? It feels fucking hopeless. Fuck the police.

Against Me! – Untitled Two Lyrics 18 years ago
This is from the CORE 2001 show.
You can find it at
I know alot of the lyrics arnt right.
Tell me if you know the right ones and Ill correct it up there

Against Me! – Armageddon Lyrics 18 years ago
Speaking of CORE; the unreleased song there is fucking awesome.
They should just record that for one of their songs on the next album instead of shit like FHLTGE

Atom and His Package – (Lord It's Hard to be Happy When You're Not Using) The Metric System Lyrics 18 years ago
^ Imperialist British Crown Loving Socialist Scum.

Streetlight Manifesto – The Big Sleep Lyrics 18 years ago
Crazy Kalnoky and his film noir.

Rites of Spring – Spring Lyrics 18 years ago

New Order – Love Vigilantes Lyrics 18 years ago
I'd say Maximus or Cactusdave have the right answer. Leaning towards the former.

New Order – Love Vigilantes Lyrics 18 years ago
I'd say Maximus or Cactusdave have the right answer. Leaning towards the former.

Streetlight Manifesto – Day In, Day Out Lyrics 18 years ago
All he did was change in a new verse in place of the repetition of the first. Wish he did stuff like that for On and On and On, 1234 1234, ect.
Just to give the album more new content, ya know?

Streetlight Manifesto – Kirstina She Don't Know I Exist Lyrics 18 years ago
OMG tomas is being leik so blink 182 by being leik over leik 20 and leik still singing about a gurl he leik had leik a crush on in leik high school

Streetlight Manifesto – Dear Sergio Lyrics 18 years ago
"Why do people insist on ruining things for the band?"

'Most of us in the Bandits have used file-sharing programs such as Napster, Kazaa and Limewire for years now and it’d be hypocritical of us to try and stop the free distribution of our music.'

Streetlight Manifesto – Supernothing Lyrics 18 years ago
The Gimp version also has an additonal section of lyrical material.

Streetlight Manifesto – 1234 1234 Lyrics 18 years ago
Naw, I just felt the intervew part at the end wasnt part of the lyrics. Its just on the same track - you know?

Leftover Crack – Rock The 40 Oz. Lyrics 18 years ago
^Sarcasm is a bitch.

Choking Victim – Death Song Lyrics 18 years ago
And I just realised the person who posted the lyric already said that. Oh. *feels sad*

Choking Victim – Death Song Lyrics 18 years ago
The sample at the begining appears to be from a movie called Omega Man from 1971

Streetlight Manifesto – Supernothing Lyrics 18 years ago
March 7th.
Leaked online.

Streetlight Manifesto – 1234 1234 Lyrics 18 years ago
Please describe the experience of making the new album.
Making the record was not unlike chipping out each piece.

2: What took so long to make it?
Did it take long? If so it's because be are very busy. Bands make almost nothing from record sales, so we were out touring and whoring in order to pay rent. Plus some other reasons which we are keeping quiet.

3: What is the record exactly, as it's called Keasbey Nights, but no-one knows yet what the record contains.
It's Keasbey Nights. We wanted to get it right for once. Plus ? knowing that blood sweat and tears are poured into and album as opposed to paying 13 bucks for a record they only put a flashy new cover on it. This release is a pre-emptive strike, I guess. Whatever you want to call it, it will piss people off. And that, at the end of the day, is all that really matters.

This confuses me, aren't they paying 13 bucks for a record they already own? Because that is what I thought was happening, sounds like I have it wrong?
Yep you've got it wrong. If there's one thing I can't stand it's when a CD is re-released untouched sonically, with a new cover, and maybe a live video and ? kids are tricked into buying this new edition of something they already have. I was upset when I was told the guys were going to do this with Keasbey so I offered to re-record it, because I've always thought it sounded like pure garbage sound-wise. ? particularly for a band with 7 musicians to record, so we used some of our own money and took our time with this one. So we used some of our own money and took out time with this one. I'll tell you right now, we have no intent of hiding our intentions, we wanted to prevent the re-release of Keasbey untouched as well as to get the record to sound how it should have sounded originally. For that we sacrificed months of our time, and our money and now we feel what we have is worth paying for. Although, truth be told, I don't care if a single record is sold as it is, indeed, old music and kids have a right to know what it is and to decide whether or not they'll pay for it. Do I think it's worth 13 dollars? Yes, very much so, but that's my opinion. What other people decide, that's their own opinion. We're going to keep doing what we do whether or not a single record is sold.
We're going to keep doing what we do whether or not a single record is sold.
We're going to keep doing what we do whether or not a single record is sold.
We're going to keep doing what we do whether or not a single record is sold.
We're going to keep doing what we do whether or not a single record is sold.
We're going to keep doing what we do whether or not a single record is sold.

Wow. Okay. First time I have heard it said that this is the same songs. Every time you were asked, you skirt that issue.
Whatever you want to call it, we will piss people off. And that, at the end of the day, is all that really matters.
As my good friend ? always says, you are indeed a ?, and unfortunately just don't get it. Peace out bitches.

Gimp – Keep It To Yourself Lyrics 18 years ago
Shit, alot of the verbs are screwed up in the posted version too..

Gimp – Supernothing Lyrics 18 years ago
The "Hey, hey, hey" part is very good, and is lacking from the Catch version. They're both good in their own regards. Its like if Tom did a version of Point / Counterpoint as a slow song (which it was intented in the first place) along with the EGN version - they'd both have merits.

Bomb the Music Industry! – Even Winning Feels Bad Lyrics 18 years ago
This is one of those songs that pretty much wrote itself initially. I wrote some of the words while on the last tour with Bomb the Music Industry! and getting used to playing smaller crowds and also being easily the oldest guy in the room. When you think too much and hang out with people after shows that are a different age group than you (older or younger), you start to wonder whether or not anyone could possibly care about your views or problems. So this song is about feeling out of touch with other people whether it's 'cause they're older, younger or just don't feel the same as you. Word.

Bomb the Music Industry! – Old And Unprofessional Lyrics 18 years ago
This song underwent a massive transformation. It was always meant to be the first song on the new album, but initially I was trying to write something that sounded like Supergrass's "Caught By The Fuzz"... a quick fuzzy pop song with fun melodies and no extra fat. It ended up sounding more like Green Day, until I heard the melody at the beginning of this song in my head while I was pumping gas after leaving a temporary job which I made my rent off of. I wrote it down while driving, almost crashed, went to an all you can drink wine party, drank too much, came upstairs, listened to a lot of Botch and decided that the song should not be fun and poppy but spastic and glorious. It was originally titled "Stylish Looks For The Young Professional" and is about how people my age have started to take career-oriented paths in their lives that I find pretty ridiculous and impressive at the same time. Either way, there are plenty of people my age who are competing for promotions in the world of work, and screwing people over and I feel that they can have whatever it is they're trying to gain by doing that and I'll just ignore them. This song is an obvious Wrangler Brutes and Mclusky ripoff.

Bomb the Music Industry! – Happy Anterrabae Day!!!! Lyrics 18 years ago
This song probably took the longest out of any Bomb the Music Industry! song I’ve ever written to finish, and that’s mainly because it was predicated on ridiculousness. The introduction was originally crafted to kick off “John Starks: Motherfucker”, a mini-punk-rock-opera based on the New York Knicks losing the 1994 Eastern Conference Finals, which I felt was the first time in my life I had a panic attack. I eventually decided to whittle it down to a two and a half minute song, but trying to write lyrics relating missing lay-ups to social anxiety to punk rock to the depressing nature of interacting with fake people all day... well, it wasn’t that it was tough as much as it was trite. It was boring and forced. My plan to place constraints on myself to write something outside of my own voice that was a bit different had become a failed experiment. During 2005 I had a job as a graphic designer at a venue in Long Island, and ended up seeing quite a few hardcore shows because of it. When I was a kid, I was originally attracted to hardcore because I didn’t feel like I was connecting with whatever it was the rest of the kids in junior high were feelin’. It pissed me when tough guys would start fights because it felt a lot like football, and watching hardcore shows today in Long Island, it has actually escalated to the point where gangs are involved. I feel like gangs are so against the punk rock mentality of thinking for yourself. Y’know, only in fucking Long Island. Eventually I clearly realized that this issue was something I felt a bit more passionately about than John Starks. Speaking of passionately, the moral of this song is that if you make out with a member of a hardcore gang, he’ll probably leave you alone because he is most likely a homophobe.

Bomb the Music Industry! – Congratulations, John, On Joining Every Time I Die Lyrics 18 years ago
For any musician, a day job can be a pretty depressing thing - kind of a constant reminder that you’re not successful or good enough to do what you feel is your strong suit for a living. So when John (our guitar player) found out that Every Time I Die’s bassist quit last winter and at the same time realized that a couple of his friends were also good friends with the ETID gang, we all decided to celebrate. I mean, the only requirements for the band aside from the ability to play the bass was that you have to like AC/DC and you have to drink a lot... how could he not get it? This song was meant to congratulate John because we all truly felt he was going to get this gig. This song was also meant to yell at John because his getting this gig would definitely have held up BTMI! a bit. It turns out that his friends forgot to make phone calls until it was too late and they already got the guy from Between The Buried And Me to do it, which allowed John the necessary free time to play the few shows we’d had in 2005. This song is mainly inside jokes, and also part rumor that I heard in a magazine which said ETID’s newest album would be produced by Dave Grohl. I think I read that in Revolver. Punk rock, man.

Bomb the Music Industry! – Brian Wilson Says SMiLE aka Beard Of Defiance Lyrics 18 years ago
:{)> Unless you live and work in Williamsburg (or Park Slope I guess) or you're in a successful indie/math rock band that does not need to has real jobs, I truly feel that growing a beard is a very rebellious act, it's the spikes and hair dye for twenty-somethings. Let me tell ya, if you're a guy, you can grow some kind of beard once you hit your early twenties. Even if you don't have much facial hair, you can grow something. It'll look like shit for a while sometimes: when I grow a beard it looks awful until about a month in. But then one day you'll wake up and see "holy fuck! I have a beard!" Now, as for the rest of the world, they don't really like beards. If you're going to a job interview, you should shave off your beard if you want the job. If you're going out to meet ladies at a club, you should shave off your beard. Isn't that ridiculous? You'll know your true friends if they stick with you while growing a beard! With that said, this song was nothing more than an attempt to write the greatest breakdown in recent hardcore history, something to challenge "Sunshine The Werewolf" by Dillinger Escape Plan, and we will play it loud until spin kicks happen. As far as the lyrics go, it's difficult to take beards seriously as a listener. I bet it's also difficult to take a line like "Stick it to the man, because the man don't own your face" seriously. But come on, there's SOME truth in there, right?

Bomb the Music Industry! – Bomb The Music Industry! (And Action Action) (And Refused) (And Born Against) Are Fucking Dead Lyrics 18 years ago
I wrote this song after I saw a couple of my friends start to get even MORE jobs and get promoted to better jobs and I felt like I was kinda staying stuck where I was. The positives of this were that I didn't have to wake up early and commute, I got to do something that was mildly creative and most importantly I didn't have to kiss anybody's ass or edge anyone out for the top. I also feel a lot better about making music when I don't have to do those things. It still stings quite a bit when your friends start lapping you, getting raises before you even get a career going but the truth is if you work too hard at anything, you're not gonna be clever or creative: you're going to be part of the 90% of the population that tries too hard to advance at what they're doing. So this song is about taking stuff at your own pace even if your future depends on it. It's also about how miserable that can make you. The song title is a reference to an old Born Against song. A lot of bands have taken that song title and made it their own and I felt that it would be REALLY CLEVER if I did it too. Also, the "Everybody's clever nowadays" vocal part was ripped straight from the Buzzcocks. This song was actually a very conscious attempt not to write a song with a million parts, considering I had just finished "Dude..." and that song seemed to have a lot going on. Verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, instrumental break, chorus. Simps.

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