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Shelby Lynne – Dreamsome Lyrics 17 years ago
i can't believe nobody has commented on this one. well. the song means a lot to me partly because i searched for it for a long time and was absolutely happy when i found it! apart from that, it flows nicely.good one.

Reamonn – Star Lyrics 18 years ago
go see the video,it's really beautiful. the song reminds me of my younger days:) *sigh*

M. Ward – Who May Be Lazy Lyrics 18 years ago
this song is beautiful. it seems to be about the last night on earth (before ''the end'',i'd guess). very nice one.

Queen – Let Me Entertain You Lyrics 18 years ago
we'll sing to you in Japanese..when teo torriate comes along,those guys do sing in japanese.or was it after teo?

Kings of Convenience – Winning a Battle, Losing the War Lyrics 18 years ago
i have a friend who traveled with a girl in a crowded bus for an hour just to make sure she gets home ''safe and sound''. i guess the song deals with this kind of worry and love in general. love the song,BTW.

Die Toten Hosen – Kein Alkohol Lyrics 18 years ago
shall not be advised to recovering alcoholics:) is actually just a joke...right?(confused smiley here)

Die Toten Hosen – Hier Kommt Alex Lyrics 18 years ago
you have to know a bit of russian for the translation because some words are partially russian in 'a clockwork orange'. droogs may be such one.

Carly Simon – You're So Vain Lyrics 18 years ago
it does not have to be mick jagger or warren beatty,it could be anybody(leaving out the parts about wealth,of course). the guys like the guy described in this song walk amongst us,unfortunately..

Rammstein – Morgenstern Lyrics 19 years ago
i believe the guy actually says:erscheine,not ach scheine.
it makes more sense to me.

Radiohead – Creep Lyrics 19 years ago
if i'd heard this song earlier,i would fall for it surely. still,it reminds me of my high-school days(sigh). it's hard to write something that simple and get like 11 pages comment-or meaning- on it.

The Beatles – Cry Baby Cry Lyrics 19 years ago
i read that john liked alice in wonderland.i can't help but think that the baby is the pig-baby from the book. sounds nonsense,huh?

Stevie Wonder – They Won't Go When I Go Lyrics 19 years ago
such an amazing song...seems to be gospel,indeed...and pretty obvious,huh?:)

Marvin Gaye – Let's Get It On Lyrics 19 years ago
for the record,this song appears in the movie ''high fidelity''. jack black sings it on the stage,you simply should see him,he moves the audience so bad:)))

Sting – Consider Me Gone Lyrics 19 years ago
good song. i think it is about being somewhere with your body and somewhere else with your mind so you can not focus and can not utilize your resources(cupboards of patience for exmaple) every nice thing has a bad side and this relationship ends-consider him gone:)

Cake – No Phone Lyrics 19 years ago
maybe the song is meant to be annoying since the phone annoys the singer and he wants us to get the same effect! lol

Starsailor – Alcoholic Lyrics 19 years ago
i guess this i was looking for another you..... lines may represent the change in a alcoholics personality. the child looks up to his father and he was good-at the beginning.after the addiction,he changed and became somebody else.and mom tries to keep the child away from alcohol desperately. well,i don't know,just an opinion:)

The Beatles – Get Back Lyrics 19 years ago
for freethegoldfish, i think these lines refer to a woman who is in business world with men and playing by the rules of men. she thinks she is a woman but has become a part of a masquline world-she is another man.she may be working hard to''get it while she can'get back may mean to be a woman again with high heel shoes and low neck sweaters-something she cant wear at work.
i may be wrong,though.

Placebo – Protect Me From What I Want Lyrics 19 years ago
this song reminds me of ravenloft books where you have to be careful what you wish for ravenlofts dark powers may hear you and make your wish come true in a way that it does not always please you as you thought it would.i guess this song deals with a kind of life we all live:we drink coffe to be awake(coffee republic)in our places we call homes(hole we call home)houses used to be bigger,you know.maybe he is yearning for an ordinary life,but at the same time he knows that its going to kill him,therefore ''protect me from what i want''.
good song.

Queen – Spread Your Wings Lyrics 19 years ago
i dont know why,but every time i hear this song,i somehow seem to end up with mr.bojangles.can mr. bojangles be sammy bojangles:))))
anyway,the blind guardian cover is also not bad.the drums are heard more,and the voice is not mercury's....but still,not bad.

Queen – Made In Heaven Lyrics 19 years ago
when this song was recorded,mercury knew that he was going to die soon.i think if you see that your end is coming,you get somehow confused and it all gets clear-its nothing but destiny.with the
''When stormy weather comes around
It was made in heaven'' part,i guess the emphasis is that everything we see was made in heaven and maybe eventually will return to its origin. even bad things like stormy weather. rip,mercury.

Queen – The Great Pretender Lyrics 19 years ago
oh no,i don't want to believe i am the first to comment on this song....this song means that you may want to seem otherwise,but there are so many people out there who do the same so you simply know that it is all about masks-be it in love or sth else. in a more shallow interpretation,it means that you can not hide your heartache,you can only make it wear like a may also be proud of your heart.(wearing it like a crown)or you are just making fun of you first so that no one else can hurt you this way. anyway,magnificent song.

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