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Richard & Linda Thompson – The Great Valerio Lyrics 14 years ago
linda thompson got some fucking PIPES

NOFX – Lori Meyers Lyrics 18 years ago
If I didn't know it was Kim Shattuck, I would swear it was Brody Dalle. I wish The Muffs would do some harder stuff, Kim totally proves herself worthy with her part in this song.

Goldfinger – Don't Say Goodbye Lyrics 18 years ago
Jesus people, learn music k? This song should have assloads of comments.

It's definitely 'beef stew', and it does pretty much speak for itself. Awesome song.

System of a Down – Forest Lyrics 19 years ago
For one, hailing from a certain country doesn't make you a certain religion. Saying "They're Christian because they're from Armenia" is one of the stupidest things I've heard in a while.

Second, songs aren't prohibited from having multiple interpretations. Some of the comments people have made are just idiotic. Many of the interpretations I've read in this thread are understandable, however, given SOAD's stance on religion, I doubt it's about Jesus and God talking to each other. It very well may be, but they've expressed their religious beliefs before and it contradicts the idea of writing a song about Christianity without somehow trying to mock or disprove it.

As for my interpretaion, I believe it's a conversation between a man and his belief in God. He doubts God's existence and God is arguing with him. I saw someone with a similar, if not identical, interpretation on the second page or so.

God: Walk with me my little child,
To the forest of denial, (come with me, I'll prove that I'm real)
Man: Speak with me my only mind,(talk to me God)
Walk with me until the time,(stay with me forever)
And make the forest turn to wine,(make my life more bountiful)
God: You take the legend for a fall,
You saw the product (the man didn't believe in God and something bad happened)

Why can't you see that you are my child,
Why don't you know that you are my mind,
Tell everyone in the world, that I'm you,
Take this promise to the end of you.
(this entire chorus is God trying to make the man spread the word of God)

God: Walk with me my little friend,
Take this promise to the end, (follow me forever)
Man: Speak with me my only mind,
Walk with me until the end,
And make the forest turn to sand, (What the hell God, what once was fruitful is now destroyed)
God: You take the legend for a fall, (you still don't believe in me)
You saw the product, (so I destroyed the forest [the forest can be a symbol for anything really, it's impossible to tell without word from Serj himself])

Why can't you see that you are my child,
Why don't you know that you are my mind,
Tell everyone in the world, that I'm you,
Take this promise to the end of you.
(Again, God tries to convert the man into a loyal follower. This shows the repetition of religion and how the deities of religions are monotonous)

God: Take this promise for a ride, (take advantage of this offer)
You saw the forest, now come inside, (you saw how I destroyed the forest, so believe in me or else)
You took the legend for its fall, (you didn't believe in me)
You saw the product of it all, (you faced the consequences)
Man: No televisions in the air, [this is the most confusing line, my interpretation isn't sound] (I've never heard about this side of you before)
No circumcisions on the chair, (you punish innocent newborns instead of criminals)
You made the weapons for us all, (you gave us religion so that you may be praised)
Just look at us now. (look at us now)
[The last two lines represent how religion does more bad than good.It's supposed to be about giving hope to the hopeless and giving humans a reason to exist, but is it really worth it? Religious crusades do nothing but hurt people and give the winners more conceit.]

Why can't you see that you are my child,
Why don't you know that you are my mind,
Tell everyone in the world, that I'm you,
Take this promise to the end of you.
(Again with the repetition. The man has lost all faith in religion, so this last stanza is God talking to himself. The man no longer hears him, but his word still exists. This represents the eternal life of religion. As long as there are weak-minded people who need religion to cope with life, religion will remain.)

I can also see how this song can be a conversation between two countries. SOAD has a tendency to talk politically. I can interpret this song as a plea from a man to his conscience. As well as a man who has had to change himself to fit in. His inner self is begging him to stop the charade and stand up for what he believes. This is a very diverse song, that's what makes it so sweet. The lyrics are genius.

Metallica – The Unforgiven II Lyrics 19 years ago
FreeSpeech4ThaDum has the closest interpretation to mine, I'm surprised others don't agree with him/her.

I believe it's about the same broken man from Unforgiven, but he's found a companion. It never reveals a certain gender, but I'm assuming it's a woman. He tries to get to know her, and when her heart finally opens, ("black hearts scarring darkness still") he realizes that she's no better than the others. He begins to show her a false personality ("behind the door, should I open it for you?"). He's trying to find someone who will treat him differently, someone to care for and that cares for him ("could you be there, 'cause I'm the one that waits for you") but he doesn't believe this woman is the one ("or are you unforgiven too?"). Then she's stricken with an illness or death. Personally, I believe death.

I can see where people believe that he killed her because of the line "Lay beside me, this won't hurt, I swear." I had to think a while to find it's relation to the song but I've found it. That's the turning point. With that line, he readies her for the opening of his "door". She is, of course, deceased, but he wants to open his heart to the only one who'd ever listen, the only one who'd ever cared. "She'll be there when I'm gone" states how he will never forget her. He finally opens his heart to her with the same lyric that he once mocked her with "behind the door, should I open it for you?" I think that line is a metaphor for him crying for her, as well as the obvious opening of the heart.

But he's alone once again ("Sick and tired, I stand alone"). Then he misses her and can't forgive himself for pushing her away with accusations ("Could you be there, 'cause I'm the one that waits for you/Or are you unforgiven too?") He can't believe what he's done. He hated the only person who's ever loved him, and he can't make amends ("Lay beside me, tell me what I've done/ the door is closed so are your eyes/ but now I see the sun"). He tumbles into a distrought chaos of regret, asking himself why it had to happen that way, and never recovers.

The key to his heart lied solely with that woman and he refused access to her. He will forever be burdened with regret, because he can never forgive himself ("Never free, never me, 'cause you're unforgiven too"). He is unforgiven, too.

I enjoy this song. It does what many have failed to do: make music more than just instruments and vocals. I think James put his own demons in this song. This song could be a symbol for a "loved and lost" relationship of his. This song is too sad to be just a story that he made up. James must've been hurting pretty bad =/

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