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José González – Heartbeats Lyrics 17 years ago
I've seen the lyrics for this song (And it sounds more like this to my ear) as:

"To call for hands up above, to lean on,
Wouldn't be good enough for me, no."

Which changes the meaning of the song drastically. I think the song (at least as Gonzales sings it, I don't know about the original artist) is about a love lost and a loss of innocence.

"And You,
You knew the hand of the devil..."

This line immediately says to me that the woman he loved was with another man before he came along, where the "devil" is her previous lover. Having my first ever relationship be very similar to that, where the girl that I loved had been sleeping with another man up until a week or so before we started dating, that's what I get out of it. And I think it makes some sense, too.

"To call for hands up above, to lean on
Wouldn't be good enough for me, no."

I get the feeling that there's been significant loss...maybe the death of the lover, or perhaps they just went their seperate ways, and that the only thing that would make everything alright again is to have her back.

Dave Matthews Band – Kill the King Lyrics 18 years ago
This song (The alternate lyrics from 6-6-06 are clearer to me) doesn't seem to be about a love gone bad at all. It's more like being in love with someone and knowing that they can make everything okay..."Save the world every time you walk in the room." I think "Kill the king, kill the king" might be implying that the person that he loves not only makes him believe that everything is okay, but gives him the strength to take control of his own life.

Dave Matthews Band – Louisiana Bayou Lyrics 19 years ago
I see the cocaine addiction...but i think it goes deeper than that, how deep or where it leads, i have no idea.
Coins were placed on the eyes of the dead so that they could pay the toll to the Boatman on the river Styx. It has nothing to do with debt to anybody, it's simply how their soul was supposed to get into the afterlife.
Dave may have wanted it to represent a debt to a specific person, but that's not the original intent of the custom.
This is, I think, Dave's best song on the's the one that strays the least from the bands original style, and his heart really seems to be in the vocals on this one.

Dave Matthews Band – American Baby Lyrics 19 years ago
Well...the new album is out, and every song follows the new sound...
The first time i heard the album, i hated it...i'm not gonna lie, i was horrified. I said, "What have they done to my Dave???"
The more I listened to it the more I realized that I was expecting too much from the album, just because it was Dave...on its own accord it's a great album, and a great song.

However, I, for one, sincerely hope that this does not represent a new direction for the Dave Matthews Band, but merely a deviation and an experiment...because while the album is good, it's just not the same band, and I think we'll have a hard time finding established DMB fans that prefer this sound over his most powerful music. (Warehouse, Grey Street, Dancing Nancies, etc.)

While good, it lacks the power and emotion that Dave Matthews Band is known for...the emphasis on percussion and pop-esque lyrics rather than the melting flow of the entire band and Dave's signature vocals, you get a hole that's hard to fill in...and I can only hope that as they write new songs and think about the next studio release they will go back to the style that has moved so many people.

Dave Matthews Band – The Dreaming Tree Lyrics 19 years ago
Mullett2k, your interpretation is awesome. The song means something different to me, though.
Here's how I see it:
The Dreaming Tree is symbolic of a place of great comfort and peace, whether it be physical or mental, and the progress of his (the old man) life literally takes away this place of his. It's like the failed romance triggers the changes that result in the death of the tree. After the dreaming tree dies, he talks, maybe to God, saying something like "I do not deny what I have done, in my mind I know that if I had the strength I would leave you to the loneliness that is my fate, but I don't. Take pity and speak, talk to me, I need to know you're there."
The girl is a gifted child, I think. All through her life, she's been better than everyone else. More beautiful, more talented, more successful, everything she wanted she got. Maybe a child star, he beauty, talent, and success withered and soured as she aged, even though she tried harder than ever, and she begins to throw her life away ("She drinks to fill it up") at a relatively early age.
The end of the song, "Take me back, save me please." I see as the two of them pleading together, not asking another person to take them back into their lives, but asking someone to take them back to the times of success, peace, and love.

Dave Matthews Band – Joy Ride Lyrics 19 years ago
This is not the new Warehouse...Warehouse cannot be replaced.
I think these lyrics are different from the version I heard, and while I believe that it's against war, I refuse to accept that Dave is a "Bush-Hater."
It surprises me to find that a group of people who are generally very open minded can place another human being into a category filled with intolerance and malice.
I don't think the point of the song is to say, "Hey, George W, you're an idiot." It may be about war, corruption, the mistakes of the government, but I think more than pointing fingers of blame and ignorance, the song has a much deeper meaning.
"Boys and Girls, Welcome to your joyride." This line, to me, seems like Dave is almost apologizing to the younger generations for having to clean up the mess. It's almost like he's lamenting the decisions of the older generations, and the fallout that affects the young, and will continue to affect us for the rest of our lives.

Dave Matthews Band – Warehouse Lyrics 19 years ago
Musical and lyrical perfection, without a doubt.

"...When it's not the colors that matter..."

It seems cliche to me to say that this line is about tolerating peoples of all nationalities and heritages, but that's what i think of when i hear it.

Dave Matthews Band – Dancing Nancies Lyrics 19 years ago
The song says to me, "Life will get you down, you'll see people that seem better off than you are, and you'll regret the decisions you have made, but worry not, because the path you have chosen is the right path for you, and fretting over your past will move you no farther into the future." Dave reminds us to take our past for what it is, the past. Learn from it, remember it, but never dwell on mistakes and regrets. Life is too short to spend too much time on the time that we have already lost.

Dave Matthews Band – Cortez the Killer (Neil Young cover) Lyrics 19 years ago
Dave Matthews and Warren Haynes do an amazing version of the song. Definitely a cover done justice.
I like the loss of innocence angle you interpret it with, majii, but i see it more as a general anti-violence song. "But they built up with their bare hands / What we still can’t do today." These lines signify the achievements of ancient civilizations, which were ruined and destroyed by the more 'advanced' imperial nations.

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