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Tool – Reflection Lyrics 18 years ago
The moon as a magical symbol for the peaceful vision of a common humanity: The moon, by being a mirror to human souls and their longings, binds humanity together; simultaneously its mild, diffusing light infuses the human soul with a distilled (=purified) and common vision, the vision of wholesomeness/unanimity.

Tool – Forty Six & 2 Lyrics 18 years ago
Like StrYdeR, I too felt this song was about midlife crisis. Not knowing about all this psychologist theory stuff, I interpreted the shadow as a symbol for your own mortality, that you have to step through, once you notice that half of your life has already run through your fingers, that you are closer to death than to birth.

Virgin Prunes – Walls of Jericho Lyrics 18 years ago
It's about the death of hope: Realising that Jesus' vision of a better world was but the delusion of a dying man, because no one follows his example.

Virgin Prunes – Theme For Thought Lyrics 18 years ago
The quote is taken from Oscar Wilde's "The Ballad of Reading Gaol" (
It is a poem which expresses sympathy for a sinner who is hanged in a prison: "A prison wall was round us both, Two outcast men were we: The world had thrust us from its heart, And God from out His care: And the iron gin that waits for Sin Had caught us in its snare."/"Yet all is well; he has but passed To Life's appointed bourne: And alien tears will fill for him Pity's long-broken urn, For his mourner will be outcast men, And outcasts always mourn."

Virgin Prunes – Caucasian Walk Lyrics 18 years ago
I think this song is about a society in which people have become part of a system that is like a big machine to which people must conform and make themselves compatible. It's about the post-humanist reign of alienation, apparatchiks, capitalism, competition, consumerism, efficiency, gleichschaltung, means dominating purpose, panem et circenses, & the abolishment of creativity, humanism, individualism, purpose, re-creative leisure-time, & self-determination. It's about a world in which everyone just walks on, without paying heed to their surroundings, with a lack of real communication or even the ability to communicate: A world in which people just rattle on like street-cars in their grooves, punctual but dull.

Virgin Prunes – Pagan Lovesong Lyrics 18 years ago
I think it is about someone who loves, but feels he is forbidden to do so. He cannot express and live this love, he keeps it bottled up, and it owns him like he tries to own his control over it. He has lived in this manner for too long, so his heart has grown cold, and all he can think of is to keep control, like you keep a thing. That's the terms in which he thinks: Keeping, and ownership. This way of thinking and his obsession with his feeling of guilt bot have perverted his love, and his urge which once was an expression of the will to live has thus become a will to own. He watches the girl from afar, but wants to own, to steal her heart. His sensuality has already been deadened ("with these eyes I cannot see"), and his love has turned into poison. Then, he cannot longer supress his urge, and his will to own makes him kill her and eat her heart to replace his, which has become cold. I think on another level it's about how the shackles of a morally dogmatic and guilt-ridden society can turn individuals into emotionally crippled ghouls who cannot feel pleasure without pain and guilt, and thus will only be able to feed their lust off the grossest sensations when they deem themselves unwatched, while ignoring or neglecting their deeper inner needs in their everyday public life. The Virgin Prunes members felt stifled by their parochial environment, so they invented their 'Lypton Village' fantasy world, which was kind of a reclusive parallel universe, but at the same time they kept their interest in other people, like the rejects they took their name from. I think this song was their way of shocking the hypocrites by reflecting their worst nightmares back on them.

Soundgarden – Rhinosaur Lyrics 18 years ago
i think its a neologism coined by combining rhinozeros and dinosaur, implying a massive, heavy, and reckless beast of primeval origin...

Bauhaus – King Volcano Lyrics 18 years ago
I think this song is about female masturbation: She feels "overshadowed by her sister" and probably insecure; so instead of going for intercourse she retreats into her inner world, and in order to escape her loneliness and her feeling of inferiority she tries to convince herself that she has a purer soul than others. But inside she 'burns like a candle' and feels like she has a volcano in her guts (or crotch, rather). In her fancy, she has left the human sphere for a higher ground. She has become like a chaste priest for King Volcano, who gratifies her lust. - On the one hand, King Volcano is her own sex drive. On the other hand it transcends herself. There are very old myths, according to which a virgin has to be sacrificed in order to pacify an irate god or demon who lives inside a volcano, and to keep this volcano from erupting. So that's what she does - throwing herself into her volcano, to keep it from erupting; at the same time she sacrifices part of her sexual life, not having sex w/ anyone else. She takes pride in her sacrifice, because she feels that her kind of sex is purer. However, she has to reassure herself time and again (repetition of "King Volcano is clean" and "Only we are clean"). Note the ambiguity of 'only' here: It can mean both: Although we burn like candles (still want sex), we are still clean. Or: Only we (the lonely people) are clean. She hangs somewhere in there, feeling both insecure and superior. Very complex and delicate piece of poetry!

Soundgarden – Seasons Lyrics 19 years ago
depression, once again

Soundgarden – Room a Thousand Years Wide Lyrics 19 years ago
wow this must be the first entry by Oh_Pea that doesn't look like an utter troll to me. this might have made sense to you at the time, and it still is a viable interpretation, but i don't think that's the only one possible. i don't know what to make of it yet, but maybe some future posts might give me a clue.

Soundgarden – Rhinosaur Lyrics 19 years ago
yeah, right, 'subtle' things like "my enemies hung on my horns"... to me it's a song about a treacherous opportunist, turnaround, and backstabber without any morals at all, someone who perceives others only as potential rivals, someone who doesn't let on but will take them out as soon as the opportunity arises, someone who works his way slowly up the pecking order, someone who would make a perfect nazi.

Soundgarden – Pretty Noose Lyrics 19 years ago
i think treestump and WinterOnyx might well be right, this song resembles 'you can call me a dog' from "temple of the dog"

Soundgarden – Power Trip Lyrics 19 years ago
that's probably the deepest lyrics for a power trip i've ever read

Soundgarden – Overfloater Lyrics 19 years ago
I've got no idea on the lyrics, but a favour to ask of Vozzy. Where are you from? I'm currently doing some research on comparative linguistics, and I found an interesting item that might give me a crucial clue in your last posting. In case you don't want to answer, that's fine by me, but if you do: Please be honest!

Soundgarden – Never Named Lyrics 19 years ago
it's about how you seem to grow smaller as your view of the world expands, about losing your illusions and desperately wanting this process to stop, peter pan type of thing...

Soundgarden – Mailman Lyrics 19 years ago
this one relates to anybody feeling fucked over and out by society and now going down in flames, wanting to take others with them. it could be the point of view of someone running amuck, a suicide bomber, or someone crashing a plane into a building; i guess it doesn't really matter...

Soundgarden – Limo Wreck Lyrics 19 years ago
it's about stepping back, and giving up, and letting your care for the world float down the river, washing your hands of a society driving the world against the wall while busily making money or trying to recruit more followers for their religion instead of giving a damn for their neighbours, but it's also about accepting that by giving in you are responsible as well for what it will all come down to, so it really is a song about getting your revenge by passive resistance. Thanks Blind_Opius for pointing out the limo wreck metaphor, which sums it up so well - i never made the connection, but now it all seems so clear. + i agree w/ the essence of what edbutler3 wrote, though i thing that the biblical image of the towers is probably taken from the tower of babylon story rather than the samson one. of course, the samson imagery might still apply to the narrator. if he be the driver of the limo, then - to stay inside the picture - he'd be letting go of the steering wheel (like a chauffeur deciding to no longer work for his employers) and just watch what happens, saying "you were the ones who gave up control a long time ago by letting others care for you without caring for them".

Soundgarden – Jesus Christ Pose Lyrics 19 years ago
It says: please don't pray on me you sad little missionaries, i don't neither need to be saved by you nor am i the devil for not accepting your kind offers, you'd better start by getting your own lives in order instead of trying to ingratiate yourself with god by recruiting more people like you.

Soundgarden – Head Down Lyrics 19 years ago
it's a sarcastic welcome song to a newborn about how the numbed, resigned, and cynical adults will finally succeed in shaping even the most creative, optimistic and freethinking children into molds resembling their own worn-out, senseless and emotionally crippled image. have a look at the background photo to this song in the sleeve.

Soundgarden – Face Pollution Lyrics 19 years ago
the feeling of being thrown in a pool of shark, people just trying to rip you off in a smart way, and not wanting to be affected by it, keeping your calm, to not denigrate yourself and become like them, but stay out of trouble and keep your conscience clean.

Soundgarden – Dusty Lyrics 19 years ago
coming out of depression

Soundgarden – She Likes Surprises Lyrics 19 years ago
i kind of agree with both of the above, but can't think of anything to add, really. any new findings anyone?

Soundgarden – Ty Cobb Lyrics 19 years ago
song on the legendary ty cobb who introduced psychological warfare into baseball; it was his trick to maddog the other players, make them lose their cool, get them nervous or irate them to boiling point, so they'd screw up. he could get very personal in doing this, coz he took baseball so seriously that he didn't mind whether he made enemies for life with his 'special technique'; hence "I got the love to hate". he was a baseball wizard working the illusions of being an evil-psycho-killer relying on his intimidating method acting as well as on his actual ball-playing skills; hence "I'm sittin' in a magic hat with smoke and mirrors".

Soundgarden – Zero Chance Lyrics 19 years ago
I agree that the song wants to say 'You gotta accept that no matter what, you'll have to rely on yourself to lead your life'. But I don't agree that it is on not needing anyone. To me "believe
In loneliness / Stand up and everyone will see
Your holiness" means you should be your true self instead of being just the add-on to anybody else; it also means 'Stand up in your loneliness, don't try to hide it, don't deceive others; once they recognize that you are lacking, they will see themselves in you and accept you for your truthfulness'. We are all "bound to die alone", but it is vain to cry for the loss of "your highness" for this is what all of us will have to face eventually and we can't change it anyway. Holyness consists in bearing this burden with grace and truth.

Soundgarden – Boot Camp Lyrics 19 years ago
It's a song ironically expressing what many of those sel-proclaimed protestant X-tians think: That this world is just a boot camp you have to pass through without showing any resistance as to how things are or trying to change the world for the better, and then for living an utterly senseless and devote working drone life of never questioning anything you get rewarded after death with going to heaven in the foreverafter; while Jesus was actually a socialist rebel dreaming of the kingdom of heaven on earth and in order to achieve it wanted his followers to abandon the strict obeyance of any rules that weren't for the benefit of the human condition and to build a new society on the principle of love and relying on god's love for and trust in humankind rather than considering ourselves worthless of his support in doing something good for our mutual benefit.

Mushroomhead – Bwomp Lyrics 19 years ago
I have to agree with XeroxedSoul. Mushroomhead obviously take that religious issue very seriously, otherwise they wouldn't deal with it on so many songs. The support of "I doubt I will" vs. "I will not" (which they didn't choose) for XeroxedSouls theory is a strong one, as it makes all the difference between a simple searching non-believer (=sceptic) and a stubborn full-on atheist (who thinks he's got the religious questions all figured out). So I agree with XeroxedSoul - so far, so good. Yet, I don't know where to take it from there. I mean, why does he want to free Chuck M, where's the need to "separate the users from the whores" (what the heck do they stand for?), and what is all that "Twist the 4-5 Cap" stuff about? Hell, I don't even know what those words mean! red3blood, you mentioned Chuck M, but still I don't see the connection with all the other things mentioned in the song. Could you maybe explain your theory in more detail? As for what Killer_Divine said: "Defeat The Dealer That Dealt This Hand" might just as well refer to anybody claiming to have the "true" interpretation of the bible or even religion itself. MxHx often talk about religion and take a sceptic view on it; however, they don't come up with satanism or simplified reversions of what organized xtianity has told. I don't think your interpretation is correct, since it would be to simple and crude, falling short of the depth of any other of their 'religious' lyrics. If you maintain your theory you'll have to back it up by something...

Mushroomhead – 43 Lyrics 19 years ago
I have to agree with StoneKnotSiC666. It's probably about losing his mind over not being able to figure out what life is all about and which religion to follow (if any), and although he has given up believe in anything he cannot see (god), life still sucks, and he needs something to cling to, coz even the things he can actually see and proof (dog) don't make sense to him until he wonders whether even they aren't really see. so that's two black eyes... I don't know, but 43 might refer to the traveller's guide to the galaxy where 42 is the answer to the most important question in the world (the one about god, the world, and everything), but no one has even been able to find the right question. so here it would mean, this guy knows all the answers to be false AND doesn't know where to start finding the most important questions in his life. It really fucks him up so much, he can't even sleep anymore, let alone think straight. It's all different kinda thoughts intertwined, so I find it really hard interpreting Mushroomhead songs. They have almost the most puzzling lyrics around.

Mushroomhead – Becoming Cold (216) Lyrics 19 years ago
I think it's about the downside of being a sceptic. So he's found out all the faults in other peoples thoughts and believes, but he can't find the truth he somehow feels he has to get at (hence: Amputate this foolish pride. My tongue pickled in cyanide, I can laugh at myself). He even doubts whether his rationality and skepticism is the right way to go by (hence: Give me a reason to murder my idols & Save your faith for the faithless, we need it most.) He'd like to be convinced of something he could truly believe in, but there isn't anything that can stand up to his standards. He want's a foolproof AND geniusproof religion, one without contradictions and faults and flaws, and someone with a true belief to show him the way and proof it's the right one (Messiahs mend the word), but there's no one around with that ardent and true belief who could show him, as most people just follow sheepishly what they've been told (I feel no pulse, no vital signs. A forced impusle among idle minds) without ever asking the questions that bother him. Although he cannot belief (Need something to believe in but nothing comes close), he is a more religious person than most so-called believers, as he really suffers from his lack of understanding, from having "killed his idols" (Hindsight won't let me sleep at night). But this he has to follow this path (Heads have got to roll) in order to find something that isn't just an illusion... I couldn't disagree more with oKySP. He hasn't grown cold at all, he's boiling with doubt and he BURNS for finding the answers, whereas some people just stop once they think they've found the answers and just shut their mind to any questions that might shake the foundations of their believe. I think this song expresses the pain of a person that's got a strong religious urge, an active searcher for truth, who is on the verge of becoming an agnostic (Don't think I'll ever make it home), but nevertheless doesn't give up his search (I won't forget where I came from). You made me what I am today is his adress to a god he cannot truly believe in (or maybe half-way he does), and all his thinking is 'The toll that my life's taken everyday'. One day, 'Some heads have got to roll' (whether it be his own or that of god / his last remains of belief in him). At the moment the struggle is just too much. These lyrics are so good!

Mushroomhead – Destroy The World Around Me Lyrics 19 years ago
It's about US government unleashing the dogs of war once again, out of a false sense of having a mission in the world. ...while in fact all they are doing is destroying the world around them. At the same time government, pretending to protect it's citizens makes it more and more impossible to speak out against them. People backing up the government are but puppets, their bloated sense of supremacy (over the rest of the world) makes them miss the point that the government just uses the war to stabilize its own powers inside the US system. He feels supressed by the waves of hatred and warmongering around him, and asks himself how much longer this senseless behaviour can go on before 'the dam breaks'.

Mushroomhead – The New Cult King Lyrics 19 years ago
I think the line "it's such a joke every new walk thru life just inherits Christ" refers both to a) each new generation of Xtians, and b) to the New-Age religions and Satanisms which have borrowed a lot from Christianity (or simply reverse it), instead of coming up with something original. Hence his words "you should have to prove something first": Instead of claiming to correct where 'the others' went wrong in following god, you should base your beliefs on proofs - not just come up with a new interpretation of something which hasn't been proven in the first place (the so-called 'Word of God'). People who just take it for a given that god exists (even if they defy the traditional views of him) or that there is some 'old but lost wisdom' about the one true religion (basically what the neo-pagans believe) - those people he calls "godfiend"s. He pleads that in order to find the truth (a flawless system of belief) you first and foremost have to question everything, and proof everything which is supposed to be a part of true religion. That's why he goes: "Can't you see why I'm still wondering if there is a dog" - it's like: Heck, I don't even know that dog's for real and not some illusion. How then am I supposed to believe in some fuckin' scriptures and metaphysical stories you present me with, or even the revelation that has been given to you by a freakin' angel/demon/visionary dream at your bedside last night? ==> "need to believe in something real don't need this crutch because it just deceives" | He's only relying on himself, religion to him is a most personal thing, it's only between him and the power's that be. So he has to become his own Messiah, since nothing else can convince him. This skepticism of his is probably the hardest path to go by ("can this be can my soul be saved all alone I think too much"), so he call's it "doing the cross thing" - but that's what he has set out to do, even if it means being overwhelmed by a "search for love or war to restore disorder" by pulling down everything he thinks he already knows. This he takes to be god(or whatever might be out there)'s challenge for him: "to hold my head above water" in a sea of uncertainty. However he suffers, and this sea of uncertainty is slowly killing him "flooding in soaked through my lungs". So now he breathes uncertainty, let's it all out in this song. However, he doesn't let himself be led by "lip-service faithful" (as cylent watcher has so nicely put it), as he knows that it's unlikely that any god will let those be rewarded with anything. They are not worthy to judge his beliefs. Instead he has become his own jury, but hasn't figured it out yet so "it seems the jury is hung". He thinks there might come "judgement day" after all, so he doesn't simply dismiss god although he can't truly believe in him. [If I were God, I'd keep the best places in heaven for people like that; people who take religion seriously and search for the truth instead of just following what they are taught by some complacent suckers never questioning anything. But I guess there probably is no god at all and he's gone to all these troubles in vain.]

Mushroomhead – Solitaire Unraveling Lyrics 19 years ago
Has anybody any idea how Rembrandt and (Han?) Solo made their way onto this song??? What do you guys make of it, as I don't have a.n.y. idea a.t.-.a.l.l. Someone mentioned a Rembrandt Brown from some Sci-Fi show; so what's that guy all about, then?

Mushroomhead – The New Cult King Lyrics 19 years ago
I think the line "it's such a joke every new walk thru life just inherits Christ" refers to the New-Age religions and Satanisms which borrow a lot from Christianity (or simply reverse it), instead of coming up with something original. Hence his words "you should have to prove something first": Instead of claiming to correct where 'the others' went wrong in following god, you should base your beliefs on proofs - not just come up with a new interpretation of something which hasn't been proven in the first place (the so-called 'Word of God'). People who just take it for a given that god exists (even if they defy the traditional views of him) or that there is some 'old but lost wisdom' about the one true religion (basically what the neo-pagans believe) - those people he calls "godfiend"s. He pleads that in order to find the truth (a flawless system of belief) you first and foremost have to question everything, and proof everything which is supposed to be a part of true religion. That's why he goes: "Can't you see why I'm still wondering if there is a dog" - it's like: Heck, I don't even know that dog's for real and not some illusion. How then am I supposed to believe in some fuckin' scriptures and metaphysical stories you present me with, or even the revelation that has been given to you by a freakin' angel/demon/visionary dream at your bedside last night? ==> "need to believe in something real don't need this crutch because it just deceives" | He's only relying on himself, religion to him is a most personal thing, it's only between him and the power's that be. So he has to become his own Messiah, since nothing else can convince him. This skepticism of his is probably the hardest path to go by ("can this be can my soul be saved all alone I think too much"), so he call's it "doing the cross thing" - but that's what he has set out to do, even if it means being overwhelmed by a "search for love or war to restore disorder" by pulling down everything he thinks he already knows. This he takes to be god(or whatever might be out there)'s challenge for him: "to hold my head above water" in a sea of uncertainty. However he suffers, and this sea of uncertainty is slowly killing him "flooding in soaked through my lungs". So now he breathes uncertainty, let's it all out in this song. However, he doesn't let himself be led by "lip-service faithful" (as cylent watcher has so nicely put it), as he knows that it's unlikely that any god will let those be rewarded with anything. They are not worthy to judge his beliefs. Instead he has become his own jury, but hasn't figured it out yet so "it seems the jury is hung". He thinks there might come "judgement day" after all, so he doesn't simply dismiss god although he can't truly believe in him. [If I were God, I'd keep the best places in heaven for people like that; people who take religion seriously and search for the truth instead of just following what they are taught by some complacent suckers never questioning anything. But I guess there probably is no god at all and he's gone to all these troubles in vain.]

Mushroomhead – These Filthy Hands Lyrics 19 years ago
Hey The_Hobs, I'd never come up with that interpretation, but in some weird kind of way it might fit. Still, there's so much in it, I just can't make sense of. Like a lotta thoughts bouncing about, richochetting and intertwining, and all... I also thought about what born4of3desire wrote, and there is something to that explanation as well. Well, lyrics_r_meaningful, the lyrics were certainly meaningful to that guy who gave you the cd. This is so romantic, how it helped him to finally get in touch w/ you. It might well be that _both_ interpretations sort of came together in his case. I mean, what else could he do before you two got together. And he probably did blame himself for not finding the strength to tell you that he loved you... Anyway, I just love that song, although I haven't figured all of it out for myself as yet (and probably never will). But the piano part is just great, and the way it first seems chaotic but everything together just comes out fine once you've gotten to know it a bit.

Mushroomhead – Too Much Nothing Lyrics 19 years ago
clearly one about depression: being sucked down in a bottomless pit, and trying to hide it and just go on with life, but really making it worse by doing so. being caught up in between thinking about the bad things in life and losing out on all the good ones while doing so. not finding the strength within you to do something about it. just waiting for that feeling to pass you by. thinking, thinking, thinking, without ever improving, doing something, anything... in the end he will have lost out on life completely, having "never strayed far from the grave".

Motörhead – Lost In The Ozone Lyrics 19 years ago
depression | utter lack of hope

Motörhead – No Class Lyrics 19 years ago
I think it's as song addressing fake people desperately trying to fit in and outdo others instead of being just themselves.

Motörhead – Orgasmatron Lyrics 19 years ago
It's just their personification of powermadness, and a brilliant one for that. The way the music fits in with the lyrics and his groveling voice, it's haunting!

Motörhead – Vibrator Lyrics 19 years ago
Great job, burn-in-my-light! *g* Stating the obvious...

Motörhead – Born To Raise Hell Lyrics 19 years ago
I think it's just about the band up on the stage spurring on the people in the mosh pit to totally lose it and turn into Wild Motörhead Metal Boogie Animals. Hell-yeah!

Motörhead – Back At The Funny Farm Lyrics 19 years ago
It might be a song about going into delirium tremens at the Betty Ford Clinic.

Motörhead – (We Are) The Road Crew Lyrics 19 years ago
To me, this is just what Motörhead are all about.

Jeff Buckley – Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen cover) Lyrics 19 years ago
I basically have to agree with the posts by Destructedstar, MusicOfSilence, bob33, caitsith01, Greyshoes, Phrogex, & Hetfield. However, I'd like to also point out, that this is may be a disillusioned look at love, but he is not turning away from it. He still proclaims his Hallelujah, even if it is a broken one. To me, this is one of the most beautiful songs ever recorded.

Leonard Cohen – Hallelujah Lyrics 19 years ago
I think he took religion just as a metaphor. To me it is a lovesong, about a love that has gone wrong, and now he suffers terribly, but still he wouldn't change a thing, since he's still in love with her, and for every minute he ever spent with her, there's another Hallelujah, even if it's a broken one, and in spite of all the pain.

Alkaline Trio – Hell Yes Lyrics 19 years ago
Hey, ilovealkaline, just to remind you: There is a difference between being an atheist and turning to the devil. In fact, they are mutually exclusive.

Die Ärzte – Grotesksong Lyrics 19 years ago
They called this one here grotesque song, so it is probably ironic.

Die Ärzte – Anneliese Schmidt Lyrics 19 years ago
Analyzer Smith seems to be a direct translation of Anneliese Schmidt.
You can find the lyrics here:

I just love Anneliese Schmidt.
Longing for the innocent child inside him, that somehow got lost. Then turning into a cannibal. Seems to say a lot about stiff adults try to model children according to their own boring image.

Although I don't think the band really reflected that much while writing the song. Still, one of my favourite.

Dilettantenschrammelrock at its best!

Die Ärzte – Trick 17 M.s. Lyrics 19 years ago
Well, this is a song about suicide, so I take it to be an abbreviation of Mach Selbstmord! (=Commit suicide!).
Trick 17 is just what you would call a supposedly very clever trick (ironically) - something that you just gotta know, but if you do then it's a piece of cake, really. Let's say a friend of yours is really desperate about something; you know how to help him/her out, and you do. Then you migh say, half triumphantly and half jokingly: "Trick 17!". It's like saying "Piece of cake, if you got the knack. Clever me!" Or he/she might say "Trick 17!", meaning "I see! Shoulda have come up with it myself."

Rammstein – Stripped (Depeche Mode cover) Lyrics 19 years ago
I think RemyKilledElvis, Lorcado, and rammsteingirl got it just right. I also like Alucard_Mishima's interpretation of the video [yes, the olympics have become all about the money and the show, and the idea of a peaceful assembly of all nations has become almost totally buried under all the commercial aspects. However, this was already the case in the 1930ies' olympics where the material used by R+ for their video clip is actually taken from; Hitler used the olympic games for his propaganda in order to give himself the air of a peaceful and cosmopolitan politician (while in fact he was just a powermad and reckless racist)]. Thanks for coming up with an interpretation which wouldn't have occured to me, Alucard_Mishima! Here in Germany, though, most people didn't go as deep in their interpretational efforts; the whole discussion just got hooked up on (maybe even sidetracked to?) the question, whether it was reprehensible to use clippings from the Third Reich olympic games to illustrate the music. This public discussion served to fuel the controversy whether R+ are supportive of right wingers or not. Well, I don't think they are (in fact they distanced themselves from this in their song 'Links,zwo,drei,vier' - but nevertheless: with this type of video they kind of asked for it! I think, it was probably just a well-planned publicity stunt, since bad news is good news - especially if nobody can actually pin you down to what they accuse you of. But I find it refreshing to see that people can actually get much more from R+'s art than just the obvious and very superficial thrill of the verboten. But let me come back to Depeche Mode's Song 'Stripped' for once: I think it is interesting, that they mention Metropolis and chose the television as a symbol for the distractions and fake appearances of our modern society; "Metropolis" is a famous dystopy, and it immediately made me think of other ones such as "Brave New World" and "1984". Now, in "1984", television is also an important motif: In this narrative, the 'telescreens' work both ways, and everything you do is directly televised to the government agencies overseeing all our lives. Now, in the song 'Stripped' (just like in the book "1984"), the protagonists get away from the metropolis in order to regain some privacy out in the fields where they make love. So in a way all these narratives intertwine here. And by this, there's another message conveyed: Making love should be a private thing, and not something you do in order to show off (like all those wannabe celebrities who'll do anything [presumably] shocking on tv just to get their 15 minutes of fame. Ironically, this is just what Rammstein tend to do...)

Rammstein – Kokain (English) Lyrics 19 years ago
This translation is awful. I'll try a better one, it will be far from perfect - and yet an improvement. Here we go:
"If the friends are well disposed |
the Fairy White will arch her bow, |
shoots my troubles in the face, |
and on both sides the mirror cracks, |
the father of all mirrors. ||
He beckons me, and I reach down, |
he whispers softly in my ear: ||
You are the most beautiful child of all, |
I'll keep you as blood of my own blood. |
You are the most beautiful child, |
In me even evil will be good. ||
Curiosity prolongs my dream, |
the Fairy White, she sings and laughs, |
having forced me into expectancy, |
and tormenting me throughout the night |
is the father of all mirrors. ||
You are the most beautiful child of all, |
I'll keep you as blood of my own blood. |
You are the most beautiful child, |
In me even evil will be good. ||
And as I defy the pain of birth, |
still whoring in the maternity bed, |
I watch myself as I give birth |
and devour my own afterbirth. ||
You are the most beautiful child... "

Rammstein – Hallelujah (English) Lyrics 19 years ago
Yet another weak translation. Here's a better one:
" He is holy and very sensitive
On his wall a picture of the Lord
He wipes the stains off the Bible
He endulges in dealing out the Communion wine / nightly meal

[Abendmahl is an ambiguous word in German;
as the communion service goes back to Christ's last supper,
we still use the same word for both meanings.]

He loves the choir boys
They keep their souls clean
But the tenor makes him full of care
So he must be attending to him most
On his bedside table still and mute
A picture of the Lord
He slowly turns it round

When the church bell strikes twice
He folds his hands in prayer
He has remained without a wife
So he will have to love his neighbour

The young man may stay with him
Sin dwells above the leg
So he is pleased to help exorcizing it
With music and candlelight.

When the church bell strikes...

When the church bell strikes strikes twice
He gives the boy a private sermon
He is the true Christian
And he knows what love thy neighbour means

Turn around slowly
Turn around "

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.