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The Mighty Boosh – The Soup Song Lyrics 16 years ago
also, "gespatchio" is spelt gazpacho i think

R.E.M. – Be Mine Lyrics 16 years ago
I've got a book where REM say stuff about every song they wrote. And on "be mine", Peter says that when Michael started writing the lyrics, it started as just being made up of cliches from gifts, cards and candy wrappers. "But between then and the end, it became a bit more meaningful".

Yo La Tengo – Beanbag Chair Lyrics 17 years ago
"what do you think burn down the firemens fair means?"

well, all the firemen would be at this fair, or party. and if you set the fair on fire, there would be no other firemen to save them. its just irony i think.

The Fall – To NK Roachment: Yarbles Lyrics 17 years ago
Yarbles is from "A Clockwork Orange" and is the word used for "bollocks".
so the title is basically "bollocks to encroachment"

The Fall – How I Wrote Elastic Man Lyrics 17 years ago
my favourite bit is

"The observer magazine just about sums him up
E.g. self-satisfied, smug"

because when i first heard it, i thought it was saying that the observer magazine called him self satisfied and smug in an article.
but then i realised that he's using the description the magazine gave him, to also sum up the magazine. so both of them are self satisfied and smug.
well, i think, anyway.

Bob Dylan – Tryin' to Get to Heaven Lyrics 17 years ago
robyn hitchcock's cover of this on Spooked is brilliant

Robyn Hitchcock – Flesh Number One (Beatle Dennis) Lyrics 17 years ago
nothing that you do matters.
you can fuck up all you want, and in the grand scheme of things, who cares?

however crap you feel, it doesnt matter.
nothing means anything at all.

"we're in luck, we're not there
we're somewhere else instead"

happiest song ever.

Joy Division – Isolation Lyrics 17 years ago
come on. everyone knows ian was epileptic.
the first line fits well with the epileptic/enlightenment idea; just being terrified all the time that an attack will come on again.

Green Day – Having a Blast Lyrics 17 years ago
using terrorism as a metaphor for anger. good song. don't take it literally.

Propagandhi – Homophobes Are Just Mad Cuz They Can't Get Laid Lyrics 17 years ago
phobic doesnt just mean fear, the dictionary definition is "irrational fear or hatred", so being scared of something or hating something for no logical reason. so "homophobia" does make sense as a word

Graham Coxon – Don't Be A Stranger Lyrics 17 years ago
no comments?!?!
this is like, the best song on the album.

im not really sure what this is about.
the first verse and the chorus i understand, but the last verse kinda throws me.
nostrils forming eyeballs?
i bloody love this song though, what a tune!

Robyn Hitchcock – Viva! Sea-Tac Lyrics 17 years ago
umm, the corporatism of starbucks.
considering the references to coffee, and the fact starbucks originated in seattle.
and also how people try and squeeze money out of everything, like dead rock stars.
basically, american dick'eds

Graham Coxon – Bottom Bunk Lyrics 17 years ago
"youre very pretty and youre tanned
but id rather sleep with my right hand"

oh bless mr coxon.
what a wondeful metaphor for masturbation

Alkaline Trio – You've Got So Far To Go Lyrics 17 years ago
i meant MISSED out the doubts etc.
not mossed

Alkaline Trio – You've Got So Far To Go Lyrics 17 years ago
i think apart from the "way to go" bit its just a perfect date/evening/kiss song. and i kinda wish it stayed like that. i mean i love the song, its bloody great, but i dont think those lyrics flow quite right.

what i think i mean is that the verses are about passion and excitement, and we've all been there, and those verse lyrics are so powerful. but the "way to go" bit makes it seem like theres a problem, and he's considering it, and weighing up the pro's and cons of the situation.
and i think the song would have been stronger if it mossed out the doubts, and the thinking, and the considering. if it was just raw passion.


Lars Frederiksen And The Bastards – To Have And To Have Not Lyrics 17 years ago
yeah i agree with shadowwiththeeyes, this always reminds me of i fought the law when it comes on. i went to see rancid a week ago and they were so amazing. lars also sang this song there, it was so good

The Libertines – Time For Heroes Lyrics 17 years ago
i really disagree with everyones interpretation of "we'll die in the class we were born". i always thought pete was saying it ironically. and it shows on this board, how theres dickheads saying "all middle class people are twats". well, no one can help what class theyre born into. and i think thats what pete is trying to get across, how ridiculous the class system idea is. thats why he says "we're a class of our own, my love", because i think it means that as long as you love someone, why should it matter what class theyre from. its just as bad as being racist if you start saying that a whole class of people are twats.

Graham Coxon – I Wish Lyrics 17 years ago
the perfect words in their perfect places

None More Black – Nothing To Do When You're Locked Away In A Vacancy Lyrics 17 years ago
hmm BlackLungFever that makes sense. like theyre obliged to play their more popular songs to keep fans happy, rather than the songs they want to play

Graham Coxon – Gimme Some Love Lyrics 17 years ago
saw graham live a couple of days ago. he was so amazing. its weird, hes so shy and apologetic but he has such presence and everyone loves him. and this song, was a complete rave.
that gig was being filmed for a dvd. and i was at the front. so when you get it, look out for the chick at the front with a green and blue stripy jumper

The Fratellis – Creeping Up the Backstairs Lyrics 17 years ago
i reckon its just a guy who likes a girl. and theyre young, and into drugs and drink. they sneak in and out the house late at night.
just about being a teenager i think

The Libertines – Up The Bracket Lyrics 17 years ago
yeah jess sp, neptune666 i sbasically right. in on eof the wars, people would get the first and middle finger cut off so they couldnt fight/shoot. so if they still had both fingers theyd stick them up at the enemy in a mocking salute. so basically americans got it a bit wrong and arent using it right :)

The Libertines – The Ha Ha Wall Lyrics 17 years ago
"its been a long war and im tired and dirty, still not dirty enough for you"

maybe that even though petes been through so much shit and he's had such a hard time, the newspaper and media etc just want him to get worse so they can have a better story. i love that line so much, i just think it sums up fame

The Libertines – The Boy Looked At Johnny Lyrics 17 years ago
yeah T-T in her maybe most famous song horses theres a line about looking at johnny. im not sure what her songs about so i dont know if its relevant.

dont you know who i think i am?

haha i see johnny borrel saying something like that in NME every week

The Libertines – Narcissist Lyrics 17 years ago
"wouldnt it be nice to be dorian gray, just for a day"

genius. because the point of the book is that he has to live forever with all the evil and corrupt things he's done, and only when the picture is destroyed he can die. i think anyway. so i think the "just for a day" bit is really clever

The Fall – Mr. Pharmacist Lyrics 17 years ago
saw them a week ago and this was the encore. it. was. amazing

Anti-Flag – Captain Anarchy Lyrics 17 years ago
as a society i dont think we're mature enough to live with anarchy. it would end up with some elitist bullys "defaceing bathroom mirrors" and smashing stuff up and drinking loads etc. and since those people would have reign over everyone else, it is basically fascism.
yeah whatever. im tired i dont really know what im saying. dont take me too seriously...

Anti-Flag – Safe Tonight Lyrics 17 years ago
MAYBE that last bit "i want to be with you" is about stockholm syndrome. thats when a victim of kidnap or something gets emotionally attached to their kidnapper. i dont know what im saying, im just looking for an alternative view

Anti-Flag – Red White And Brainwashed Lyrics 17 years ago
how in hell can you hate political punk songs? idiot. its not like thats the reason punk started or anything... anyway this reminds me of football world cup. in england almost every car had an english flag on. it made me sick.

Anti-Flag – Drink Drank Punk Lyrics 17 years ago
i saw a video of them live, and they ask the crowd "who here likes to drink" and the crowds all like "yeahhhh" and justin goes "well, wwe're not big drinkers, but this song goes out to all you guys that do"

Anti-Flag – Davey Destroyed The Punk Scene Lyrics 17 years ago
hmm i agree with the massive long post earlier. i dont think its about someone who likes blink 182 or whatever, and buys clothes from hot topic. i believe its about "punks" becoming an elitist bunch of pricks, competing for the biggest and brightest hair, the spikest leather, etc. punk isnt about fighting, its about uniting.

Anti-Flag – Confused Youth Lyrics 17 years ago
im feeling a bit of a confused youth at the moment. im at the stage where i either quit school, go to 6thform, go to college, stay at school, go to uni. god i dont know. and i hate being told whats best for me. and the pressure on making adecision makes it worse

Anti-Flag – One Trillion Dollars Lyrics 17 years ago
yeah its got acoustic guitar. woah. fucking corporate sellouts... yeah whatever get a life. if you would prefer that less people would be aware and interested in politics than have one song be a bit more "hardcore" then your a dickhead.

NOFX – Ska Sucks Song Lyrics 18 years ago
actually in london england theres a pretty huge new wave of ska punk bands, but heyre all unsigned so no noes heard of them. im actually going to a ska punk all dayer in a week.
yeah, basically, i disagree with this song

NOFX – Leaving Jesusland (7" Version) Lyrics 18 years ago
i personally think this song is not having a go at jesus, or maybe not even christians. its more at the church and priests, the money making brainwashing side of it. im not at all saying all priests are brainwashers, but at a church near my house we have some serious fascists who give long homophobic and sexist sermons, without saying any reason for hating gays etc. except for the fact "the bible says so"

this argument really reminds me of a tshirt jello biafra of the dead kennedys designed. it says :"if you love god, burn the church". which is basically the point i was trying to say, but he said it so much better :)

NOFX – Jamaica's Alright (If You Like Homophobes) Lyrics 18 years ago
yeah, most people see jamica as a sunny, happygolucky, wonderful holiday destination place, when in reality some really bad people can live there

NOFX – Don't Drink And Drive Lyrics 18 years ago
the figures dont lie...

NOFX – Benny Got Blowed Up Lyrics 18 years ago
actually i kind of disagree. i think its about a drug addict whos decided to clean up his act, do the "right thing" and join the army. only to be blown up. pretty ironic huh..? and also fits in with a theme in the album "where is your god now?"

Screeching Weasel – Dirty Needles Lyrics 18 years ago
pretty self explanatory

Screeching Weasel – Speed Of Mutation Lyrics 18 years ago
when you wake up one day remebering someone that meant a lot to you who you havent seen for ages. you cant quite remember who they were or why they meant so much, but you wake up wondering what theyre doing now and if theyre thinking of you.

The Network – Spike Lyrics 18 years ago
good lord. GREEN DAY ARE IN THE NETWORK. yes. they are. lets stop discussing it. on with the song.

i think its about how kids think theyll move out and live rough and think it really cool, but in reality you should be grateful for what youve got because youll end up using your parents again

The Network – Roshambo Lyrics 18 years ago
ilarybella if you listen to the song through headphones you can kind of tell that its just a whispery breathy voice saying the actual lyrics.
cartwheels, you are one lucky fuck :)

Rancid – Disorder And Disarray Lyrics 18 years ago
this song is just great. i really dont like the term selling out. just because rancid switched companies because it made it easier and more accesible for fans to get records and to see them live etc doesnt mean that they "sold out". so they can make a bit more money from doing it. wouldnt most of us choose that option?

anyway, i love this song so much and i like its message so much that im getting "disorder" and "disarray" tatooed on the inside of each of my wrists.

mm rancid are good...

Screeching Weasel – Supermarket Fantasy Lyrics 18 years ago
i know that screeching weasel are massive ramones fans, and the vocals and tune on this particular song really show that. i love it

Screeching Weasel – Compact Disk Lyrics 18 years ago
ben likes vinyl records because cds are a big fat corporate expensive way of listening to music and cds are the "antithesis to rock and roll"
im probly totally wrong...

Screeching Weasel – Jeannie's Got A Problem With Her Uterus Lyrics 18 years ago
"no simple yeast or bladder infection
could compare to the pain that Jeannie's going through"

i think this song (although hilarious) actually has a serious message, about how women have operation s and surgery and all kinds of crazy complicated stuff just to stop them getting a "simple yeast or bladder problem". but in the long term it will cause a lot more pain because shes not able to have a baby

Dead Kennedys – Fleshdunce Lyrics 18 years ago
Our pod of talent vampires
Has blown into your town
To dazzle, sign and milk you

this has so much relevance to today. with the hot topic whores who go out and steal ideas from peoples DIY clothes then mass produce them so everyone can look identical.

Dead Kennedys – Drug Me Lyrics 18 years ago
this song is such a rave. its actually my anti drug! every time i listen to it it gets me all weird and happy and excited. i love it

Dead Kennedys – Do The Slag Lyrics 18 years ago
punks not dead, it just deserves to die.

jello biafra is my hero

Dead Kennedys – California Über Alles Lyrics 18 years ago
thats for england by the way, america has other stuff like republicans for example

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