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Modest Mouse – Heart Cooks Brain Lyrics 18 years ago
basically my favorite song ever by my favorite band ever

the line: the years go fast and the days go so slow sums up how life feels in general in relation to time (well at least for me)


to put it short, the song is about the conflicts of your heart and your brain, i.e. your emotions vs. your logic. most of the lines about the heart and the brain are pretty straightforward (well, for a mouse song) about the whole conflict between emotions and logic

concerning the line: 'the match of the century: absence versus thin air'

absence and thin air=the same thing a.k.a. it is a useless fight, because the opponents are COMPLETLY equal, and in the end, neither wins, because the fight would go on forever, theoretically.
i guess this might symbolize that in the conflict of the heart and brain, neither ever wins, but the fight never ends

anyway, whatever it means, AWESOME SONG

Modest Mouse – Float On Lyrics 19 years ago
sorry for bein a bitch mouser but what i say is true

Modest Mouse – Float On Lyrics 19 years ago
okay, float on is a good song, even though its not that good compared to all the other awesome modest mouse shit. But i hate people who always try to say 'oh im a true fan. ive been listening to MM since long drive just came out. i dont only listen to float on. float on sucks'

what if, a kickass song from long drive like talking shit about a pretty sunset or custom concern or something else from long drive became a huge hit on MTV. obviously, the song would still be awesome, right? -_- What if float on never DId make it to any mtv or wh1 shit. You wouldnt be bitching about it then eh?

just because Modest Mouse is getting popular and 'wah wah!!! all their old stuff is better!' doesnt mean you have to bitch about it

and 764-mouser i really dont think you know isacc brock dont try to act like you KNOW everything just cause you read some shit on the internet or even if 'ive listened to everyone of their songs at least 100 times each and know all the meanings of the lyrics. from interpreting the lyrics, i know about isacc's personality, therefore i know about his whole life!'

sure im pissed about people who only listen to one song by some band and then start wearing a shirt with the band name on it, saying that its their favorite band, etc etc.

hey, and at least modest mouse is finally getting popular. hell they shoulda become popular right after long drive came out

but whatever, just dont bitcxh about things you not sure about

Modest Mouse – Life Like Weeds Lyrics 19 years ago
and the songs actually shows a transition. in the beginning the person singing the song is still arrgant and defiant of everything, and in the beginning the music is loud and aggresive. But as the song progresses, the singer realizes theres no point in being arrogant, and the music gets softer and he starts to understand...

something like that....

Modest Mouse – Life Like Weeds Lyrics 19 years ago
this song might be about the arrogance and greed of humans. we are weeds just takinhg up air, we are defiant to the 'rocks' which are any obstacles in our way, but what we dont realize is that we have to work together to survive as shown in these lines:

In this life like weeds, eyes need us to see
Hearts need us to bleed, in this life like weeds
You're a rock to me
I know where you're from, but where do you belong?
In this life like weeds, you're the dirt I’ll breath
In this life like weeds, you're a rock to me

almost all of these lines show that we depend on something while it depends on us, and therefore there is no point in being arrogant and defiant because subconciously we all know that we are helpless unless we cooperate with others.

Also, even though this probably completely of the real meaning of the song, weeds are usually portrayed as pests, right? but without weeds their would be no balance in everything. if there was no such thing as bad, than there would be no such thing as good. so technically, if evil is the thing that causes good, evil is good, to some extent, at least.

yea, i have no idea where im going with this.....

Modest Mouse – Gravity Rides Everything Lyrics 19 years ago
maybe the lyrics of this song go hand in hand with the line from th stars are porjestors: "Where do circles begin?" and the lyrics from third planet possibly

it might be about how life just keeps going on, if you really think about it your life is reaaaly insignificant, your body will decay, provide food for some shit, become dirt, help grow a tree, the tree grows old, dies, becomes a home for some other shit, etc etc etc


it could mean that bad things (in this song gravity) are always present, and no matter how hard you try you cant get rid of em........or...........uuh...... yea im a dumbass

Modest Mouse – Ocean Breathes Salty Lyrics 19 years ago
i think you got the right idea, damndog

Modest Mouse – 3rd Planet Lyrics 19 years ago
well, these lines:
The 3rd planet is sure that they're being watched
by an eye in the sky that can't be stopped.
When you get to the promise land
your gonna shake that eyes hand.

show that the lyrics probably include some kind of religious meaning (the 'eye' is god. the 'promise land' is heaven), but i think isacc was showing that humans(take an unborn human child, for example, as isacc did) are not so much different as the whole universe:

A 3rd had just been made and we were swimming in the
didn't know then was it a son was it a daughter.
When it occurred to me that the animals are swimming
around in the water in the oceans in our bodies
and another had been found another ocean on the planet
given that our blood is just like the Atlantic.


Well, the universe is shaped exactly like the earth
if you go straight long enough you'll end up where you were.
And the universe is shaped exactly like the earth
if you go straight long enough you'll end up where you were.
The universe is shaped exactly like the earth.

hes showing how we are extremely insignificant and at the same time very important, in the sense that even an unborn baby has great importance. i the universe is shaped exactly like the earth line, isacc is supporting that same idea, but also could mean it not completley literally like, in this line:

Well, the universe is shaped exactly like the earth
if you go straight long enough you'll end up where you were.
And the universe is shaped exactly like the earth
if you go straight long enough you'll end up where you were.
The universe is shaped exactly like the earth.

by 'universe' isacc could just mean life. in that sense, in this line about the iniverse being shaped like the earth, isacc might be saying something similar to, 'no matter what you do you will endup back where you were'. in all essence before you were born, you were technically dead. and all that is sure in our future is death.

i dont know just some shit that came to my mind....

Modest Mouse – Ocean Breathes Salty Lyrics 19 years ago
yea but mr. e, isacc brock has even said himself he is an atheist and many other songs by modest mouse show that this is probably true. soooo, if he was an athiest i dont think he would write a song promoting christianity, but rather a song questioning it.

Modest Mouse – Float On Lyrics 19 years ago
holy shit i cant believe that there are so many post on this song (even though it IS a kickass song) the meaning of this is pretty obvious. basically: there is always hope everything will be okay.

inspiring shit haha

Modest Mouse – Ocean Breathes Salty Lyrics 19 years ago
well, this song isnt neccasarilly ( i cant spell) about isacc's personal experiences. Obviously there are lyrics in the song that are questioning religion and saying it might and probably is just wste of a lifetime. But this is one of those songs that you can interpret any way you like, as long as your interpretation has at least something to do with the main points of the lyrics
(religion is bullshit, it has something to do with death, questioning our exsitence and what happens after death, etc etc etc). Obviously isacc wanted the main idea of the song to be about religon and death etc etc etc, but he porbably wrote it in a way so you could interpret it in your own way, and relate to it, be it you share the same views with isacc on the topics of death and religon, or you could just like the lyrics because you have lost a loved one or something like that. that is the foundation of a good song (basically why modest mouse is such an awesome band, and this is such an awesome song) Songs are stupid when theyhave extremely narrow topics and mean one thing and one thing only.

~now lets sit back and wait to be flamed~

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