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Chevelle – Vitamin R (Leading Us Along) Lyrics 19 years ago
sorry that was so long people, it just hit a nerve and I ended up ranting. I apologize and hope that you all don't get bored or pissed and hate to sound like a whiny ass, but it just makes me sick....sorry

Chevelle – Vitamin R (Leading Us Along) Lyrics 19 years ago
This song really speaks to me, and I hate to sound totally cliche' about that phrase, but it does. When i was in junior high,well shit, up till my 9th grade year, for about 6 years, they teachers had my mom take me to a doctor and ask him to put me on Ritalin, and Cylert(which is far worse then Ritalin by the way) and some other shit, made me feel like a damn zombie, completely lathargic(spelled wrong) and totally non communitive. And tryingto get the other kids in school to understand that, especailly in a catholic school where everyone likes to judge you for whatever, was a waste of time, I got a lot of shit for it. then when I started getting depressed about it, the teachers and stupid counselers could not figure out why, so they wanted me to go to a shirk( who I say was nuttier then the people that went to see him) and pumped me full of anti-depressants, so finally a different doctor knew my problem and told that school to piss off and leave me alone. Ever sine then I have hated the fact that Ritalin is even used, and in fact,most people know that Ritalin is not even proven to do a damn thing for ADD or ADHD. I am so glad that fianlly soimeone is making a statement about it and it's horrible use

Stone Temple Pilots – Down Lyrics 19 years ago
I really tried to figure out the meaning to this song, but I guess it can be anyone's point of view on it, I agree it could be about marriage, with the sunday girl thing, your all mine now. Plus it could be about drugs too, who knows with scott. to me this song got on my nerves a bit, a little too repeative, but it does rock though

Stone Temple Pilots – Days Of The Week Lyrics 19 years ago
I agree with aicdirt on that, Layne would not have written something like this song, granted I like this song, I mean, it's not great, or even really good, but it's kinda cool in a way. But the rest of this album, I really did not like for anything, I still think Tiny Music was better then this album, and in my opinion, that is not saying much..but atleast Tiny Music had 7 Caged Tigers and Trippin on a Hole, but this album was just not impressive to me, and the other one No. 4 really just, upset me, to repeative and not highly creative, other then NO Way Out. But hell, not every album can be a great peice of work, shit, gotta remember not to get high and write, i am just friggin babbling

The Beatles – Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Lyrics 19 years ago
I don't know really, I mean the LSD thing is strong in this song, and having also done LSD I know what some are saying, but then again, he could have been telling th truth, the man is dead and shit well will never know..

Though about what was said and LSD, not sure when Alice in Woderland was written, But LSD was discovered near the end of the 1800's early 1900's, two Chemists or Pharmacists created it by accident and gave away the formula, tehy were working on a medicine to help with mental illness if I remember the story right.

And as far as John and being a Capitalist, he may have been as far as money, and well all know the people who called him a Hypocrite after he did Imagine, saying that his video showed him in a Big house with a big piano and talking about having " no possessions", so that might be true, but I think, and it was stated that he was a socialist, and I believe he trully believed in the Socialist Idea...and it's not a bad thing really, but all in all, John was a total genius,cut down by a loon...

Rage Against the Machine – Revolver Lyrics 19 years ago
Very good interpretation El Cato. I never truly looked at that before. You may be on to something there with that.

Rage Against the Machine – Revolver Lyrics 19 years ago
Very good interpretation El Cato. I never truly looked at that before. You may be on to something there with that.

Stone Temple Pilots – Where The River Goes Lyrics 19 years ago
Can't believe not many comments on this song at all. I think this is probably the best,or one of the best, songs on Core. I agree about letting the river take you wherever, but I also thing it's about having shit luck and not caring anymore where you end up in life. I mean with the lines "having a knife in my back,something never seem to change" or " I'm losing the game of reality where the dealer never pays" I think Scott was saying I keep playing the game of Life, but can't seem to win, so whatever happens, just let it flow, but in a sense, he is tired of it and wants more out of it..I might be wrong, but that was always my interputation

Oasis – Cum On Feel the Noize (Slade cover) Lyrics 19 years ago
meh, i like Oasis, and Quiet Riot, and sasly never heard the Slade version, but I do not think that Oasis version was the best, gratned it was good, but I love Quiet Riot's version much more

Bowling for Soup – 1985 Lyrics 19 years ago
Well, I have to agree with people on here with the whole vapid, unfeeling music out there today. But i will say that BFS is alot better then Fountains of Wayne, though for awhile i thought they were the same band. All these bands sounds the same anyway anymore, specially the pop-punk, Blink, Sum 41, Good Charrlotte, I can't even tell them apart. Nor are they punk, the real punk was Sex Pistols, Clash, Ramones, Circle Jerks, Germs, all that, even the Offspring is closer to punk then these new ones of today, but then again, everybody is different and to each thier own.

But what I like about this song is the fact that, like someone said previously, they talk about bands from the 80's and music, like Whitesnake and Motely Crue, and the funny thing is some kids i work with are like, who the hell is Motley Crue?LOL, so damn funny, but atleast this song opens up to the music from time past that maybe some kids might like to hear, because we all know that piece of crap MTV will never really said too much about them anymore.

Rage Against the Machine – Revolver Lyrics 19 years ago
well, In truth about the wonderful Draft, 7Rich black people never got drafted, why? cause they were rich, They will not draft anyone who is rich and is the upper crust, no matter who or what color they are. Look back at Vietnam, mostly poor whites and Blacks were drafted, from downtroddened homes and poor areas. No rich, why? becasue they bring money to the war machine at home. All it ever took was money to keep your ass ouit of the Draft. And to them rich black people are not a threat, because they conform to the way the game is played, no questions, no doubts, Nothing. Poor, no matter what color, will always question, and with all right to. The lower class have struggled as well as the middle, and take todays times, they are trying to phase out the middle class, trying to break up unions, to make only poor and rich. With the war in Iraq, the almighty war for Oil and Domination, the draft may sooner or later re appear, and that will once again weed out the lower and middle class making us fewer in numbers. No one to fight against them, no one to protest against them, or argue. And this is were Rage is making their point, we must Unite!! We cannot always stay seperate from each other, we must look at what we done to each other, ourselves, forgive, apologize, and Unite. This is where I believe that socialism is the only way to fully Unite as one. It may have it's flaws, but it is the only way that we can overcome the past and present and make a better future

Rage Against the Machine – Revolver Lyrics 19 years ago
well, In truth about the wonderful Draft, 7Rich black people never got drafted, why? cause they were rich, They will not draft anyone who is rich and is the upper crust, no matter who or what color they are. Look back at Vietnam, mostly poor whites and Blacks were drafted, from downtroddened homes and poor areas. No rich, why? becasue they bring money to the war machine at home. All it ever took was money to keep your ass ouit of the Draft. And to them rich black people are not a threat, because they conform to the way the game is played, no questions, no doubts, Nothing. Poor, no matter what color, will always question, and with all right to. The lower class have struggled as well as the middle, and take todays times, they are trying to phase out the middle class, trying to break up unions, to make only poor and rich. With the war in Iraq, the almighty war for Oil and Domination, the draft may sooner or later re appear, and that will once again weed out the lower and middle class making us fewer in numbers. No one to fight against them, no one to protest against them, or argue. And this is were Rage is making their point, we must Unite!! We cannot always stay seperate from each other, we must look at what we done to each other, ourselves, forgive, apologize, and Unite. This is where I believe that socialism is the only way to fully Unite as one. It may have it's flaws, but it is the only way that we can overcome the past and present and make a better future

Soundgarden – The Day I Tried to Live Lyrics 19 years ago
With the comment daddio made on the lines

The day I tried to win, I dangled from the power lines
and let the martyers strech

I think that means, hanging from power lines would be instant death for anyone, and you would fry yourself doing it. Martyers, those willing to die for a cause, would stretch upward to try to save him, thus, becomming a martyer by dying to save his life. I think his meaning was to kill himself or try to kill himself and kill those who are willing to sie for his cause, in otherwards, it would be pointless to save him, because he would already be dead. Making their effort utterly worthless.

I might be 100 percent wrong, but it goes with the rest of the song, stealing from the poor, giving to the rich, taking from people who are needy and giving to those who are not. Trying to live as those who have no heart, no soul, in other words, living like most people do day by day.

I might be wrong....I usually am.

Elton John – Tiny Dancer Lyrics 19 years ago
Anybody, I agree about the missing teeth thing,lol. But i think he meant a sly, crooked smile.

BUt I argee about the whole thing with Bernie writting it, and who it was about, it is a timeless beautiful song that you just cannot help but to sing along with, my fave EJ song next to I guess that's why they call it the blues.

Rage Against the Machine – Sleep Now In The Fire Lyrics 19 years ago
I look at it this way, They may have made some good money from their records and such, but they still spreaded the word around. A lot of people are just fakes, say a few things, raise some eyebrows, make some money, and never go back to it. Rage atleast had the integrity to go on and let the world know the evils in society, government, and that it is in every corner. From what I have read, Zack lives in a apartment, not a very nice one either, in a crappy part of L.A. So apparently, having that money did'nt spoil him.

And I do believe that Rage did like Democracy, after all, Zak was very interested in the Zapatist Movement in Mexico, a Movement for freedom, Democracy and a better life for the Mexican people, I just think they hate the fact that America's Democracy is a joke. And it is, look at the last two elections with Bush, both stolen, and I know that some right wingers who wander in here will throw their little fit, but it's jsut a fact, that fuck stole the election, both of them. And they hated all that shit, lies, corruption, war, racism, and yes,capitalism.

Capitialism is a very wicked thing, and the sad thing is, it was not meant to be that bad of a thing. It was meant to be a free, honest, prosperous form of economy, bt as time went on, it was more and more tainted with lies and corruption. Take people like Donald Trump, someone like him, having millions of dollars, and he recently filed a chapter 11 or 13, a bankruptcy file. He did not have to pay his bills for 6 months, then bought his fiance' a 35,000 dollar engagment ring. People like me or you hate the idea of having to file bankruptcy, but when it is the only choice, we have to. And it stays on our credit for some time, making things hard to do anything. Granted it is easier now then ever before, but still, it's a nightmare. And for him to file is jsut a slap in the face of every hard working american person, who wakes up in the morning, work his or her ass off for 8 to 12 hours( if not more) come home to a normal house, with kids, and food, go to bed and do the same damn thing over again the next day. And could be doing this for years and never get ahead with bills, health care, food, clothing for the family, or anything. THat is where the line needs to be drawn. The upper class gets away with too much and do nothing good for thier fellow man. Hell half the time I don;t have mouch money from my job, but if someone needs help, I do it. That is what makes middle and lower class people more human, because we are always there to help out even when we can't.

All in All, Rage is one of the best bands from the 90's. They open up people's eyes and minds to the everyday bullshit that is pumped into our heads.

Nirvana – You Know You're Right Lyrics 19 years ago
I don't know about the whole suicide/courtney killing him thing, evidence points light in both areas, unless someone knows something, we will only know what we have read. and been told, gotta kind of leave it at that. But in favor of the courtney thing, take Layne Staley of Alice in Chains, there was a man more messed up then Kurt( and I mean no disrespect out of that) but if you listened to they words in most of the songs, they were dark,suicidal and depressing, yet beautful, just like Kurts, and Layne did not want to die, specially by his own hand, so who knows?? Like i said,all we know are what we are told and read, the truth may be he said goodbye to it all and ended it that night, or it might have been a different story all together, it's all how you look at it.

As far as this song is concerned, it was probably the most poetic and self-exressive songs Kurt had ever written. I will say, it just pours with sucidial ideas. But it was a beautiful finish for him to write, and I believe that Coutrney should not have had that stick up her ass for so long getting this song out, along with anything else that might be available. Sorry to say, she is a bitch, and I cannot stand her one bit.

All the best musicans of my time are gone, Kurt, Layne Staley, Andrew Wood,countless others. I often wonder whta they would think of music today if they were still here?

Soundgarden – Slaves & Bulldozers Lyrics 19 years ago
Wish i could help you with that. I know that man can get some high ranges with his voice. As far as what the song is about, I really do not know. Might be about being used, or having a good heart and having it walked on by people and finally saying to leave me alone, I am done helping you. I don't know, Soundgarden songs are some what cryptic in most cases.

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