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Flyleaf – So I Thought Lyrics 16 years ago
Why does the first poster of EVERY song think that EVERY song ever written is about a fucking relationship? Whether you're meeting that 'special someone' or breaking up or getting dumped. Its always the same.

Slipknot – Snuff Lyrics 16 years ago
I wish more of their songs were like this. Alas.

Justin Timberlake – Summer Love/Set the Mood (Prelude) Lyrics 16 years ago
The mindfuck ending is awesome. I can just imagine these guys in studio going "lets just stick another musical chorus at the end FOR NO REASON! haha"

its awesome

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds – O'Malley's Bar Lyrics 16 years ago
"I am the man for which no God waits
But for which the whole world yearns
I'm marked by darkness and by blood
And one thousand powder-burns"

Here is the Angel of Death reference, however whether he actually IS the AoD or not I'm not sure. He kills A LOT of people, some of which surely aren't guilty (O'Malley's Daughter), which makes me think he's just insane.

Jimmy Eat World – Dizzy Lyrics 16 years ago
Could this possible be the most emotional Jimmy Eat World song ever? I think it might be... I mean 23 is right up there, along with My Sundown but... just but... this could be the best.

Brand New – Me vs. Maradona vs. Elvis Lyrics 17 years ago
Regardless of what you people think, I will always ALWAYS think that he says:

"Number nine with my head on the bar
and it's sad, but true
Out of cash, and I owN A GUN....

...desperate desires and unadmirable plans"

I've listened to this so many times. There is no "U" sounding vowel anywhere to indicate he says I.O.Us.

Linkin Park – The Little Things Give You Away Lyrics 17 years ago
The only good song on the new LP cd. The only song with a slightly message and more meaningful lyrics... unlike the rest of this utterly awful end to one of my favourite bands.

Linkin Park – Given Up Lyrics 17 years ago
Wow... is this what Linkin Park has been reduced to? This is absolute shit. "I'm my own worst enemy" ?? Are you KIDDING ME? I heard that line and I literally cringed. And whats with the sudden need to swear on every track? Hybrid Theory was an amazing album and had no swearing at all. Swearing = a sign of the band running out of words and trying the whole "shock" routine. Lame. This whole CD, bar like 3 songs, sucks the big one.

Linkin Park – No More Sorrow Lyrics 17 years ago
What... the.... FUCK... happened to this band? What is this SHIT?

Weird Al Yankovic – Trapped in the Drive-Thru Lyrics 17 years ago
This might just be a parody of Trapped in the Closet Part 1 - 5.

Maybe he will do a Part 6 - 10 hehe
This song is so so funny, its great.

Relient K – Deathbed Lyrics 17 years ago
to mention the toy piano - i think its meant to symbolise his rebirth. like he is a child again, he is reborn. the toy piano represents a new life, a new beginning. and i think that is awesome.

AFI – On The Arrow Lyrics 17 years ago
I re-recorded this album from my original and included this song just before Endlessly She Said. I think the whole flow of the album is much MUCH better with this song as a pre-cursor to the grand ending.

John Mayer – The Heart of Life Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is not about 'breaking up' - god, you fucking teenagers say EVERY song is about breaking up, its ridiculous.

This song is a feel good song, its about being positive about whatever life throws at you (that is MANY MANY things other than something as trivial as 'breaking up')

This song is amazing, John Mayer is great.

The Notwist – One with the Freaks Lyrics 17 years ago
Vodafone offered these guys 1 million Euros to use this song as the official song for some brand thing. They turned it down... while I understand wanting to remain underground and indie etc, turning down 1 million Euros was a stupid move in my opinion.

Tenacious D – Beelzeboss (The Final Showdown) Lyrics 17 years ago
Did you know its Dave Ghrol who is Beelzeboss?
Great song

Relient K – My Girl's Ex-Boyfriend Lyrics 18 years ago
i cant believe a christian person hasnt tried to make some connection to christianity with this song...

James Blunt – You're Beautiful Lyrics 18 years ago
Hey everyone's entitled to their own opinion, right?
So what if i'm a teeny bopper? You don't have to be a prick about it, oh wait, thats right, you were making a 'point'.
The only point I can see you making is that you're jealous. That seems to be the only valid reason for a response like that.

James Blunt – You're Beautiful Lyrics 18 years ago
Strange, ive been hearing this song all the time on the radio and MTV but i havent actually LISTENED to the song/lyrics until tonight.
It's actually not a bad song.
If i had heard it about 6 months ago I might have been able to relate to alot more than I do now - I was really into a girl who I work with.
The lyrics pretty much sum up, as they do for everyone, the exact things I was feeling everytime I saw her...
Then I asked her out to a movie and we've been together since. Its a very weird experience to have the girl you've always dreamed about... Im not trying to rub it in or anything, just trying to make the point that I cant really relate to this song.

Definately a good song though.

KoЯn – Twisted Transistor Lyrics 18 years ago
This music video is the funniest thing Ive ever watched. Lil Jon Jonathan, Snoop Doog as Munky, Xzibit as Fieldy lol its a classic music video.

"say man, dont you see me meditating over here?"

Eminem – When I'm Gone Lyrics 18 years ago
I cant believe this song actually makes me cry, I dont know why.
Just the way some words are sung really hits something deep down inside of me. I feel so sorry for him.

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds – Song of Joy Lyrics 19 years ago
The entire cd "Murder Ballads" is about him killing people. It could be the same guy or it could be different cases. It could certainly be both.

Seether – Fine Again Lyrics 19 years ago
Who gives a shit? If you want to sell-out all it means is that you a) get more money b) get more popular c) get more groupies d) are cooler in general. Im going to sell out one day.

Seether – Remedy Lyrics 19 years ago
The reason you think he sounds like Kurt Cobain is because this song sounds very VERY similar to a very popular Nirvana song.
And im from South Africa where Seether is originally from and they kicked even more ass before going to the states.

Seether – Broken Lyrics 19 years ago
What is really funny is that 'Cynosure' is a famous band here in South Africa (Where Seether - then Saron Gas - comes from). So its quite ironic that a poster using that name is insulting them.
Ive met Seether before, hell ive had drinks with them. I even watched there last show before going to the USA.
Im cool.

My Chemical Romance – Helena Lyrics 19 years ago
YOu people suck so much cock.
I hate it when you people talk like you know shit about the band.
"Yeah this song is about Gerard and Mickey's grandma dying" etc etc...
Fuck just fucking dont word it like that. It makes you out to be a pretensious cunt who only found that out cause he/she heard it on fucking MTV or some gay-ass rock magazine.
This is a good song and the music video is very decent... I doubt the video is about his grandma seeing as though she looks younger than the Michael Jackson-wannabe.
Fuck all your pretensious assholes.
My Chemical Romance is cool.

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds – O'Malley's Bar Lyrics 19 years ago
He is the angel of death.
All of these people are guilty of sin and God tells the angel that its time for these people to be judged.
Very good song, full of dark humor.

My Chemical Romance – Interlude Lyrics 19 years ago
my version of the song goes

"Saints protect her now
Come angels of the Lord
Come angels of Hell"

Its cool that there are so many variations of this hehe

My Chemical Romance – Interlude Lyrics 19 years ago
THIS SONG SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE MUSE. I cant remember what song but this sounds like the quiet bridge of a Muse song. Ill try find out the song.

My Chemical Romance – You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison Lyrics 19 years ago
this song is about the frustration of being a pretty boy in prison with inmates constantly gangraping you and making you do things you dont want to do.

KoЯn – Word Up (Cameo cover) Lyrics 19 years ago
Who the FUCK says Im telling them what to play? Obviously its their music, im just saying that my opinion is that this song sucks my big fat hairy ballbag and that KoRn suck more balls than a fag at a gay pride parade.
Fuck off cocksucker! You suck more than this KoRn song.

The Streets – Fit But You Know It Lyrics 19 years ago
The song means that the girl is fit and she knows it

Bloc Party – Compliments Lyrics 19 years ago
I get the feeling of wasting away when i listen to this

Bloc Party – Luno Lyrics 19 years ago
Yeah I sort of also saw the cocaine angle

Snow Patrol – Wow Lyrics 19 years ago
WOW man, great song, awesome band. Just a quick question: Do the majority of people like slow stuff like this? Cause my band im in write slow stuff like Snow Patrol but also stuff like Perfect Circle.

Snow Patrol – Wow Lyrics 19 years ago
Fuck i love this band

Snow Patrol – Spitting Games Lyrics 19 years ago
Oh wow, is that what a T-hut is. Okay nevermind my above post ;P

Snow Patrol – Spitting Games Lyrics 19 years ago
Just for the record, a tea hut is a place where you go and sit under a hut which provides shade and you drink tea and have scones and pancakes. Birds always flock around these areas because of honey and shit.

Brand New – Me vs. Maradona vs. Elvis Lyrics 19 years ago
silent soles, it IS "I own a gun"
turn the song up and LISTEN to it. There are too many syllables for it to be "I owe you" and "I own a gun" ties in with the whole desperation/suicide theme of the song you dumb shit.
AND if you havent noticed a lot of Brand New's lyrics DONT RHYME you STUPID DUMB FUCK.
Now piss off, you annoy me

Ludacris – Ho (Skit) Lyrics 19 years ago
I know a girl who is a ho and i played this song for her and said "yo, bitch. You'se a Ho!"
And she now loves this song and says its her anthem!
Her cell no is.....

Britney Spears – My Prerogative (Bobby Brown cover) Lyrics 19 years ago
Wow, i havent heard anything about Britney Spears (except for marraige CRAP) for ages.
Maybe shes finally decided to fuck off for good?
Lets hope so.

Brand New – Me vs. Maradona vs. Elvis Lyrics 19 years ago
I dont understand how you people can hear "I owe you" or "I.O.Us"

Its pretty clear what he says. Just listening.

Trust me, when you're out of money (fading away) like this song suggests, commiting suicide is definately a possibilty

Brand New – Seventy Times 7 Lyrics 19 years ago
haha this song is really great I must admit but seriously, why the fuck do you start crying when you listen to it? For fucksake.
I can understand crying to like Play Crack the Sky or something but not this. Come on, get a life.

Brand New – Me vs. Maradona vs. Elvis Lyrics 19 years ago
The line is
"Out of cash and I own a gun"

Great song

Brand New – Play Crack the Sky Lyrics 19 years ago
The most powerful line in the song is

"But this ain't the Dakota and the water's cold
Won't have to fight for long."

Very powerful stuff. About consuming you without even having a chance to put up a fight.

Owen – Who Found Who's Hair In Who's Bed Lyrics 19 years ago
Owen is a fagget

Modest Mouse – Float On Lyrics 19 years ago
What in the name of fucking cock cheese is Modest Mouse and how the motherfuck are they number 2 on the list of popular artists?!?!!?! WHO THE FUCK IS MODEST MOUSE? I Fucking hate mice. Except the one im using to click my computer with.

Yellowcard – Ocean Avenue Lyrics 19 years ago

Rage Against the Machine – Wake Up Lyrics 19 years ago
This song is about waking up

In Flames – Bullet Ride Lyrics 19 years ago

Chingy – Holidae Inn (Feat. Snoop Dogg & Ludacris) Lyrics 19 years ago
how the fuck could ludacris snoop to this level?
Fuck, chingy is worse than fried shit.

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