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Amy Winehouse – Amy Amy Amy (Outro) Lyrics 17 years ago
I love this song to bits and back, but I think she completely ruins the feel of it with the terrible histrionics at around 3:09.

I love you, Amy, but don't do that again. Please.

Frankie Smith – Double Dutch Bus Lyrics 17 years ago
I silzum billz
I-killza dilzzouble-dilzzutch!
My gizzurl!
Wilzinga izzat?
It's okizzay!
It's alrizzight!
It's okizzay!
It's alrizzight! Nizzow wizzee wizzill silzzee!"

Enya – Flora's Secret Lyrics 18 years ago
I think Myoria needs a hug.

The Dresden Dolls – Slide Lyrics 18 years ago
To me, this song really relates directly to Amanda and how she was seduced at an early age. The slide is time and life, and the description of the little girl is age. Her past is getting brighter as her future grows dimmer. She continues down the slide, still aging, while her innocence is getting tugged away bit by bit. Possibly the middle bit sounds like an excuse the parents would make. Somehow, Amanda conveys that she knew her innocence was being taken away. But she continued down the slide and then the splinters came and the pennies exploded. And in the end, she's captured. It's too late to go back. She's held in by corruption and shame.

Just a rant while I'm listening to the song.
*cough* Yes..

The Dresden Dolls – 672 Lyrics 18 years ago
For some reason, I've always thought it was either an address number or a number of something. Not saying that Amanda has ever murdered anyone, but I always think the song is about person number 672 to die. Someday they'll find the body and find out about the murder, but until then.. Maybe it could be about an abortion also? Again, not saying that Amanda has had 672 abortions or anything, I'm just saying what's on my mind.
The address thing (or area code, kudos Jonestown) is probably the best explanantion. Maybe there really /is/ no meaning, though. The words are pretty poetic by themselves.
Ah well. Maybe we'll know someday.

Frou Frou – Let Go Lyrics 19 years ago
Beauty in the breakdown: without destruction, there can be no creation; without death, no birth
Fire is one of the most destructive forces, but also motivates the best type of creation -- whether by natural or human ways.

Queen – We Are The Champions Lyrics 19 years ago
To me, this song doesn't come off as celebrating homosexuality. It strikes me as being about living thgough media attention and how they have overcome adversities to reach the point they are at now. It's really about life in general, also. Having a full life and realizing at the end of it that you know who you are and that you've overcome and survived this long.
Deep, if you think about it.
I love Queen, there's so much more to their music. They can write, play, /and/ sing. That's a REAL triple threat. You never see much of that with the bands of today. *sigh*

Everclear – I Will Buy You A New Life Lyrics 19 years ago
This song is about unconditional love. I think he must've left to find work so he could send his wife/girlfriend money for the bills and for his daughter. She is poor and on welfare, obviously. He works so hard for her, so much that he really isn't living. But he loves her more than anything and wants to make everything perfect for her. He wants to buy her everything she's ever wanted.
She's had flings with rich guys. He's away and she's lonely, and the money probably looks good. But he knows about them and loves her anyway. He knows they'll never love her like he does and never make her feel like he can make her. He still wants to make her life perfect. He just wants to be with her forever and make everything a paradise for her so she'll never have to worry again.
It's such a sweet song.

Blue Öyster Cult – Don't Fear The Reaper Lyrics 19 years ago
It's about having a love that lasts through eternity. The entire song is basically the husband/boyfriend/lover saying not to be afraid of death. "We'll be able to fly again," basically says that they'll be together in the afterlife. Death is a beautiful when you view it like that. It's a new beginning instead of an ultimate end.
The last verse is about the mourning wife/girlfriend/lover finally passing on to the afterlife and realizing that there was no reason to be afraid because she would be reunited with her soulmate again.
This song holds a lot of special meaning for me.

Mr. Bungle – The Girls of Porn Lyrics 19 years ago
Actually, it doesn't say "work it, it's dead dick".
The song says "fourteen inch dead dick"
This is the best song ever. :)

Gwen Stefani – Hollaback Girl Lyrics 19 years ago
What is the orginal defintion of 'poser', ThestrokesLuVer?
And how are you sure that /you/ aren't one. I bet right now you're wearing clothing that you bought from a store/mall that was mass produced and that a lot of other people have purchased and are wearing. So wouldn't that make you a type of poser too? I mean, you aren't being original. You're wearing something TONS of people are wearing. Why don't you go out, raise your own sheep, shear your own wool, and weave, dye, and sew your own clothing. Anything less would be unoriginal and make you a poser, now wouldn't it?
What about the computer you're on right now? I mean, thousands of other people are on those too. Now wouldn't that be sort of unoriginal and poser-like? I mean, you're taking after thousands and CERTAINLY not doing anything no one has ever done before.

Bottom line, if ANYONE doesn't want to be some type of poser, they pretty much have to reject everything and start from scratch. Don't live in houses that were made in any contemporary form. Hell, don't even use wood because OH-SO-MANY people use that too. And while you're at it, stop using things like toilets, toothbrushes, blankets. All the people who use those are 'posers'..and you don't want to be a poser, now, do you?

Yeah, absent124, people /will/ listen to anything. Obviously if you can give your opinion on this song then you have listened to it too. That's kind of the point of music, or so I hear. :)

One more thing for ThestrokesLuVeR, why don't you try the english language sometime? Also, PLEASE tear your heart out and stomp on it. It'll save me from having to see any more of your illiteracy strewn across the screen. Honestly, how hard is it to type out 'you'. TWO MORE LETTERS.

It's just a fun song really written for almost no reason. It doesn't have some deep, freudian meaning. It doesn't show that she's a 'sell-out piece of poser, slutty shit'. She makes music, she puts it out there for the public to hear, that's it. If you've all heard it, like I've mentioned earlier, then her job is done.
Also, for vballshopper05, I think a Hollaback Girl is someone who can't keep a secret. Someone who spreads rumours and such: a gossip, etc.

Stretch Arm Strong – I'll Stop The World And Melt With You Lyrics 19 years ago
Um. This was by Modern English, wasn't it?

Lee Hazlewood – Some Velvet Morning Lyrics 19 years ago
Phaerda: In Greek Mythology, the daughter of Pasiphaë and wife of Theseus who killed herself after accusing her stepson Hippolytus of rape.
Primal Scream does an awesome version of this.

U2 – One Lyrics 19 years ago
Dudette26: She hurt him, he still loves her, but suddenly she's coming back to him..and he remembers the hurt and asks her why she even bothers. Did she come to somehow try and make his pain disappear..just to hurt him again? Did she come for forgiveness? Etc..

Gwen Stefani – Hollaback Girl Lyrics 19 years ago
Aicdirt27: Did you know that Blondies 'Rapture' was actually ONE OF the first successful rap song?
Let's check the year on Rapture, shall we? January 31, 1981. Wow, that's a long time before this whole hip-hop explosion. The only song that came before Blondie's that could actually qualify as rap was the Sugar Hill Gang's "Rappers Delight" back in 1979. Or if you want to go WAY back, it could have been Twas the Night before Christmas sung by Art Carney in 1954. Check the link if you don't believe me.
Try bringing your brain with you wherever you go, Aicdirt27. It'll save you a lot of humiliation.

Now, for my comment on Hollaback Girl.
I'm very sorry that Gwen has to succumb to the whole MTV nation. I respected her a lot more before she got married (happy for her, but I think she lost a bit of herself) and left No Doubt. But even after all that, I still like Gwen's album -- and all music -- because I know that it took some effort to write it/sing it/organize it whatever. It takes no effort for you people to come on here and bash it like you're the almighty God Of MusicTastes or something. Yes, the song does get annoying after a while and does sound 'mainstream', but then again you've all listened to it at least once -- or you wouldn't be commenting here -- so Gwen has done her job. She IS in the music business after all, and her job IS to write/perform something that will seep into everyone's radio and eventually into their ears. Her job is NOT about worrying whether someone likes what she's done or not.
Now for all you people out there who think music has to be ALL about the lyrics, let me tell you this. Music is truly about the flow and the sound, not about whether or not some whiny bitch thinks the lyrics make sense. Try listening to something instrumental sometime, or something experimental or underground. Expand your friggin horizons.

In closing: the next time any of you decide you want to moan about music of ANY kind, just remember that someone somewhere doesn't like the music you love either. And on the mainstream note..If you're worried about originality then go out and record your OWN damn music and stop complaining here. Just remember that you'll have your OWN critics complaining about you someday..probably on the internet..saying that you sound oh-so-mainstream too.

Gwen Stefani – Serious Lyrics 19 years ago
Haha, whoops. Didn't notice that. Know = no.
:) Those were copied directly off the website too.
Poor Gwen. She needs to hire literate website designers.

Gwen Stefani – Serious Lyrics 19 years ago
The lyrics to the third line of the chorus are actually:
And I am so into us. (not gonna let know one get hold of you)

Gwen Stefani – Long Way to Go Lyrics 19 years ago
Elles: How many people actually think of the original Martin Luther when the name "Martin Luther" is mentioned? Present company is excluded of course. In this day and age when someone hears the name Martin Luther they more often think of the civil rights movement and associate it with Martin Luther King / Jr. than of the reform of the catholic church and nailing grievances on a church door.
Music is about the flow. Add a king in the 'Beyond Martin Luther' lines and you've screwed the flow of that line up.
Bottom line, most people pretty much get the gist that the song means MLK because almost everyone knows that the 'orginal' Martin Luther probably didn't care a bit about interracial relationships and equality. Just deal with it.

The Knack – My Sharona Lyrics 19 years ago
I LOVE this song. I could never ever get tired of listening to it in a million years. The bass line in the very beginning just sets me off...that and the 'WHOOO' near the middle.
God, this song just rocks all the way through.

Toadies – Tyler Lyrics 19 years ago
Honestly, to me this song sounds like a first time affair. As in, she's afraid of her husband/boyfriend finding them but excited (anxious) at the same time for the sex to happen. The thing that kind of sets off 'affair' in my mind is the whole sneaking in thing and the anxious breath. Oh, and the 'we can go anywhere' as if he plans to have her run away with him away from the world.
Murr, that's just what /I/ come away from the song with. The rape thing sounds much more probable, and kudos to Lateralan for his comment.

O-Zone – Dragostea Din Tei Lyrics 19 years ago
Honestly, I thought the chorus was:
"Razor blade, yeah know my name, know my know my name. Keep it down, She (something) standing day. Now I'm impressed, they won't keep playing. Razor blade, (something) know my know my name, know my know my name."
And I thought the 'mai hee' was 'why am I here'. I thought he said something about pasta in there somewhere too. *cough*

This song gets annoying, but it's damn catchy. And as I'm American I'm not exposed to it every day, every hour, on the hour. I am IMMUNE to the hate. :D

Toadies – Possum Kingdom Lyrics 19 years ago
Okay, Koolkris is One-fucking-hundred percent right. It's about a rape..NOT vampirism. This song is about a rapist killer, and he's also probably a necrophiliac, defined as someone who has sex with the dead for all you dropouts in the audience. Hence the 'I can promise you You'll stay as beautiful With dark hair And soft skin...forever Forever' lyrics. Also, on another note for those same lyrics, when a girl dies young she never really has a CHANCE to get old and ugly, now does she? People always remember how she was...which was with soft skin, not dry and wrinkley, and dark hair, not gray or white..forever and ever.

You are all idiots not to see the real meaning of this song. Honestly.

Also, the 'do you wanna be my angel' talks about how he's planning this whole thing and how after he rapes her she'll be his angel...but she has to decide to walk with him around the lake that night. This guy's just a maniac and kind of talking to himself like he's talking to the girl. Like, "Don't you wanna be my angel, come walk with me. Don't you wanna die?"
Yeah. That's all. This song rocks.

Crash Test Dummies – Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm Lyrics 19 years ago
Okay, I think the general people who talked about Emotional / Physical abuse are correct. My only thing to add, is that I think the last verse really talks about a hypocritical family. I mean, they abuse their child either emotionally, physically, or by forcing their beliefs on him. Anyway, the hypocritical part comes from this. When the song talks about 'they shook and lurched' I think it's talking about how they the 'holy ghost' 'affected them'. It's kind of hypocritical because most churches that believe in the holy spirit believe that to get it you need to be really holy, exceptionally close to God, etc. Well, if they're abusing their child they're not exactly uber holy, now are they? Also, it the child in the said verse was young, seeing their parents doing something like that could be traumatic, especially if it wasn't explained. Again, the verse could also have a hidden meaning... That verse could also not even be about any type of christianity, it could be about Hare Krishna's for all I know. (I have no idea how to spell that, so feel free to correct the error.)
On another note, I think the 'mmm mmm mmm' part is more like someone saying 'mmm mmm mmm, that's so sad, can you believe this? So horrible, mmm mmm mmm' instead of 'mmm, yeah right' etc.

Sheryl Crow – The Book Lyrics 19 years ago
I think this song is about a woman (possibly Ms. Crow) scorned by a writer she had a three day one-night-stand with--obviously in Rome. It's a tad self explanatory. Anyway, she thought they really had something and yet he wrote down their experiences and made what they shared seem cheap and lowly. "You carry a pen and a paper, and no time and no words you waste" implies that he has either done this before or that he had it all planned out. "And I didn't know, By giving my hand, That I would be written down, sliced around, Passed down, Among strangers hands" hints more at the lowness of his writing and how the experience was written down, cut in the publishing process, and passed around for the general public to read.
There are some lyrics missing here after the last chorus. They are:
"And what do I get
Do I get revenge
While you let all out
Without any doubt
How this will end

Sometimes it goes
Sometimes we come
To learn by mistake
That the love you once made
Can't be undone

But three days in Rome
I laid my heart out
I laid my soul down alone
I'll always remember
Three days in Rome"

Sheryl Crow – There Goes the Neighborhood Lyrics 19 years ago
"The Neighborhood" is a surreal character study. Crow says, "My studio's in the meat-packing district, an area filled with Hell's Angels, transvestites and very colorful people. The song's about looking at surfaces and making judgment calls. Sadly enough, people do that all the time.""

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.