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Billy Joel – The Downeaster 'Alexa' Lyrics 17 years ago
Is the word "trolling" correct? I suspect that "trawling" is the proper term.

Andrew Lloyd Webber – The Point Of No Return Lyrics 17 years ago
Actually, I thought that Butler was a pretty decent Phantom. He was certainly not the singer that Crawford (or any other major-musical-caliber leading man) was. However, I suspect that - no matter how much of a genius one might be - a lifetime living in catacombs and sewers (not to mention some small amount of stress during the events of the musical) might well lead to some amount of roughness of voice. In that sense, a less-talented singer adds some measure of verisimilitude. In any case, why don't we try to keep snobbery to a minimum?

And indeed, the song is clearly about sex. It's most beautiful and erotic.

Tenacious D – The Amazing Spiderman Lyrics 19 years ago
I always thought he said 'cheap ass'. I'm also pretty sure that it's "he's freezin' the audience", not "he screams at the audience".

But does anyone really care? I think not.

Good Charlotte – I Just Wanna Live Lyrics 19 years ago
Let's see. Those of you who would prefer to listen to a similar song by an actual punk band, even one with actual talent and more than 3 neurons between the members, may want to check out 'Confused Youth' by Anti-Flag.

Good Charlotte is shamefully boy-band-ish, and worsens it by pretending otherwise.

Live – Lightning Crashes Lyrics 19 years ago
Just something that struck me as I was reading this lyric again:
What is another term for pale blue? BABY blue.

Weird Al Yankovic – Waffle King Lyrics 19 years ago
It's all very complicated, but I'm going to venture a guess that this song is about a narcissist who makes really awesome waffles.

Marilyn Manson – User Friendly Lyrics 19 years ago
I think it's very strange that so many people miss what I think is clear irony that makes up basically this whole song. Like most MM songs, this one is a rather scathing commentary on modern American society, where it has become increasingly acceptable to have sex at random, without consideration for the long-term effects on both partners.

The term "use" does not have good connotations in the sexual sense. If it is understood that an encounter is "just about sex", truly understood by both partners, then nobody is being "used". The only way that word enters into things is when one person takes advantage of the other to get something (sex, in this case).

Seriously, how many people do you know that want to be "used like a whore"? Not as a fantasy, but as a reality.

Live – Selling The Drama Lyrics 19 years ago
A thought:
Jesus was killed for challenging the established religious heirarchy of his time and region.
Live continuously challenges the established religious heirarchy of the present-day US.

Perhaps it is a statement that, whether they are 'crucified' by the public for spreading their beliefs, they will do it anyways because they think it's the right thing to do.

After all, "it's the way [they] sing that makes [us] dream."

Live – Lightning Crashes Lyrics 19 years ago
I heard the same thing as adam mac. Because of that, it's always seemed to me that confusion was a metaphor for death in this case.

Also, nobody's reflected on the title. I think it has a dual meaning. First, the way life can change utterly in just a single moment, the time it takes for lightning to strike. And second, a sort of tying birth/death/the cycle of life to other primal forces of nature (lightning, thunder, wind, gravity).

Brand New – Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades Lyrics 19 years ago
Quote from sarsattacks:
"Not too sure what the 'upon the arrival the guests had all stared'"

I get the feeling that he's having sex with this girl at a party. They must have prearranged it (she's already in the room, "he headed straight for the stairs"). Perhaps it is her party?

Anyways, he shows up late, soaked (it must be raining outside), and "clearly depressed". Because of this, when he walks in, everyone stares at him while he walks to the stairs. Now, if I had to guess, I'd say that nobody actually stared at him. But when you're depressed and you look out of sorts and you're about to do something you're not ready for and maybe a little embarrassed about, you assume that everyone somehow knows. And you feel like everyone's always staring at you.

And to wrap up, a quick note on his depression. Perhaps this gives us some additional insight into why he has sex with the girl, despite knowing it's "so messed up." Maybe he's so low that he just doesn't care anymore, or maybe he's subconsciously thinking that getting laid will suddenly make him happy. I lean toward a combination of both, especially the second one.

Anyways, if you check this, sarsattacks, I hope I was helpful without being condescending. >.<

Live – T.B.D. Lyrics 19 years ago
Although it probably does stand for Tibetan Book of the Dead, the first thing that always pops into my head when I read "t.b.d." is "to be decided."

I'm not sure why, but I think that it makes for an interesting interpretation, when combined with the Huxley story and the lines "This is how I'll go out tonight / but I don't need a book." The idea being that the speaker rejects the idea of what is almost ritualistic suicide, instead preferring to let God/fate/whatever decide how his life will end.

Brand New – Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades Lyrics 19 years ago
Quite a few people have good and interesting interpretations of this song (which, yes, is absolutely incredible), so I don't really have a lot to add as far as a holistic interp of it. However, there were two things that I noticed that I didn't see anyone say.

To wit: the lines "...and she's probably only looking for... / So much more than he could ever give, / a life without lies and a meaningful relationship" can actually be interpreted two ways.

Way #1: The girl is looking for a life without lies, and a meaningful relationship. The boy cannot provide this, or at least one of them perceives that he can't.

Way #2: A life without lies and a meaningful relationship are the things that the boy could provide. However, the girl is probably only looking for so much more than that.

Personally, I prefer the second.

It also begs the question: why "probably"? My guess would be that the boy /thinks/ she's looking for so much more than the measly "meaningful relationship" that he can give her. It's classic low self-esteem. He doesn't feel good enough for this girl, so he automatically assumes that she's really looking for something better than him, and/or the unspoken "But she's probably only looking for sex"

So, in the interest of discussion, I'll leave you folks with questions. "He's holding back from telling her exactly what it really feels like." What does it really feel like? Why isn't he telling her?

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