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Led Zeppelin – Over the Hills and Far Away Lyrics 19 years ago
Anyways the main point i was arguing was the acoustic thing. I realize they wrote most songs together and lots of LZ1 songs were from the Yardbird days so Plant never really had a chance to participate in those. I dunno thats all i really gotta say now. Also i think you should give some thought to the LOTR theory and the acapulco gold theory. both make sense and a song can have more than one meaning. It could be about loving a woman, LOTR or buds... its anyones opinion but in mine i think it has different meanings.

Led Zeppelin – Over the Hills and Far Away Lyrics 19 years ago
Imagine, again, you're wrong. Im not debating zeppelin with you. Im simply proving you wrong. Neither one is acoustic. Just because there may be an acoustic guitar in it does not make it acoustic. Second, they dont have acoustics in them if you know at all what you're talking about you would know that. I never said they didnt write songs together. I was merely saying that LZ1 and 2 were mostly written by Page solo and that LZ3 and on they wrote them together. Don't argue with me because i know im right. Your box set doesnt make you a LZ expert.

Led Zeppelin – Over the Hills and Far Away Lyrics 19 years ago
Imagine, you're wrong. It is a fact that Plant was a huge fan of Tolkien. His dog was named "Strider". You're also wrong that they wrote ALL the songs together because they didnt. Plant wrote "thank you" on LZ2 and then on LZ3 they wrote more songs together. As for Stairway all lyrics were written by Plant and from that point on Page handed the lyrical reigns over to Plant because he was so impressed by Stairway. Babe im gonna leave you, for example, was already a song before they re-did it. Last thing, whether you're talking abotu Stairway or OTHFA, neither one is acoustic.

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