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Sarah McLachlan – Full Of Grace Lyrics 17 years ago
I've never actually heard of this woman before. I heard this song off Buffy yearrrrrrs ago...and I heard it again the other week. Wow. It's so beautiful..

Nobuo Uematsu – Pure Heart (Aeris' Theme) Lyrics 18 years ago
Doesn't matter, I found it! It's nice, but it would be better if she had a good voice.

Still isn't anyone here, is there...

Nobuo Uematsu – Pure Heart (Aeris' Theme) Lyrics 18 years ago
Does ANYONE know how or where I can gain access to hearing this version of Aeris' theme?!

Gawddamn, no one's here, are they...

Nobuo Uematsu – Liberi Fatali Lyrics 18 years ago
Well, I don't know whether it's Latin or not, but the above idea seems pretty cool/plausible to moi. I got FF8 on Sunday - today is Tuesday - and the opening - avec this in the background - is absolutely stunning.

{Final Fantasy is an RPG, the only one that I need, it's the RPG for me...}

Everyone heard that Chocobo mix? Good.

Deicide – Kill The Christian Lyrics 18 years ago
(Is that directed at me?) (I guess so) Don't worry, I've seen The Matrix - I loved it. (Wish I could say as much for Reloaded and Revolutions, but oh well...) In fact, it really did change my life - may have been one of the things that started me thinking about...erm..."other possibilities", as opposed to what I'd steadily believed before. And don't worry - we'd all gathered you're insane. :-)

Deicide – Kill The Christian Lyrics 18 years ago
Wow, Finnish seems like a pretty cool language. ... ... ...

Alright, chocolate, that was a great point. I've just never been able to find a better term than "agnostic" to simply describe myself (belief-wise). But from reading what you said, I don't think I'm that either. I don't know what I am. But I don't mind, as it turns out. If someone asks, I'll just say "agnostic" to be uncomplicated. If asked if I believe there's a God, I'd say no. BUT, I'd add I don't know. Could be either way. Probably.

As it stands right now, I just live my life the easiest way - assuming it is all "real" et al. If asked, I'd probably say, "Yes, from where I'm standing, or maybe sitting, it is totally possible that this is all an illusion...or is it?" etc etc. Because that's what I think. I think. But religion sure as hell (no pun intended) doesn't really work for me - though, perhaps, maybe one day I'll find one that feels right. I doubt it, but who knows what can happen? I don't. Or maybe I do. ...

(A Link To The Past is NOT crappy - not to me, anyway - , and it certainly isn't GBA)

But, thanks for that chocolate - you've given me a little more freedom of expression. If that makes sense. I don't know - but thanks. (I know what I mean.)

MONEY! Pink Floyd is on. I don't care whether they're figments of the imagination or not right now - they're one helluva lot of fun. - I'd be grateful if people would sign that. If you'd like to know my views on it - I can't be bothered to repeat them again, I already did in an email to Disney - read the post by Sweta. C'est moi. That's not grammatically correct, I don't think. Neither was that. But yeah.

Deicide – Kill The Christian Lyrics 18 years ago
{And the student becomes the teacher and the circle of life goes on...}

At the end of the day, you still can't be so sure, can you? I certainly can't. I still feel that there are limitless possibilities to the origins of the universe. Well, OK, there aren't, because only one of them happened. But from where I'm sitting (at my bro's computer, ha-di-ha-ha...) I can't actually tell which one of them occured. There's no feasible way of stating there definitely is a God. There's no feasible way of stating there definitely isn't a God. At the end of the day (oh, I said that already...end of the 2nd day then), I really don't know and have yet seen no possible way of knowing. And as I'm the only one whose perspective I can see, why should I go searching for a way? If I find a way, I'll find it. If I don't, at least I didn't spend all my time to try and find a way. I'm getting terribly repetitive here. But, anyhoo, I guess different beliefs - or lack of them - make different people happy. Obviously, though, religion doesn't equal morality. In theory it does, but a person can't really, say, kill if they're really a member of most religions, otherwise they can't BE a member of the religion because members DON'T kill. Religion is by no means all bad, but it certainly doesn't work for me. I hated going to the mandir (or is it Mandir? Sorry, I really don't know) and just standing there, worshipping a load of statues I didn't really care about when I could've been, say, playing The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past. Which sounds shallow, but it's true. How could I seriously consider myself a Hindu when I felt like that? I couldn't. And I can't. Similar with most religions, I guess. I just can't rely on stuff when I'm uncertain of it.

Nobuo Uematsu – Advent: One Winged Angel Lyrics 18 years ago
I just saw this movie...I mean, WOW. Apart from one tiny little thing I realised (OK, I realised earlier, but might as well mention): does ANYONE else feel that Cait Sith is to Final Fantasy what Jar Jar Binks was to Star Wars?

Be Your Own Pet – Adventure Lyrics 18 years ago
How much fun is this song?!! :-D

Deicide – Kill The Christian Lyrics 18 years ago
Wow, looks like most of everyone's have been deleted. I turn my back for about 3 weeks, this is what happens. Crime doesn't pay? Controversy doesn't pay, apparently. Oh well. What was to be expected? That people are allowed to express their opinions in what I thought was quite a civilised manner? Never.

Nah, I'm just whining. I'm not really that bitter about it. Does anyone else even come here any more? Hello? Hello?!

(hell knows we ride alone)

Oh, whatever.

Nobuo Uematsu – Aria Di Mezzo Carattere Lyrics 18 years ago
Shame that in the game, it sounds like a whole load of "Ohh"s. Nice tune though, if a tad predictable. Now, what would be hilarious, if you had to fight Ultros during this. He ain't no garden-variety octopus.

Nobuo Uematsu – One Winged Angel Lyrics 18 years ago
Man, I spelt "grateful" terribly incorrectly. State of sleep or something for a minute there.

Nobuo Uematsu – One Winged Angel Lyrics 18 years ago
DezSP, you have no idea how greatful I am for that. Thanks very much.

I've seen so many videos from Advent Children, on the Google Video search. Hey, I've been sick for a week, I've had a lot of time on my hands. Anyway, yeah - I went to (which has excerpts from Wikipedia) and, very good, all makes much sense...but it would do, Final Fantasy usually makes sense (well, within the confines of some Fantasy or other). Anyone ever played FF4 or FF6? Those are pretty damn good, only ones I've played other than 7 though.

Bell X1 – Flame Lyrics 18 years ago
Never heard of this band before today, but this song was on The Amp and I actually waited til the end to see who it was by. I thought it sounded pretty good - it's not often I wait around to hear things. Um, if that makes sense.

Nobuo Uematsu – One Winged Angel Lyrics 18 years ago
Hey, I love Sephiroth!...:-P He's like, the coolest evil dude EVER.


Anyway, I also love his music on FFIV and FFVI

OK, in FFVII, after the "Opening - Bombing Mission" music, there's another theme that starts, right as the train is stopping. I haven't been able to find that music, and all I have are memories from about 8 years ago to go on (I don't actually own the game, some relatives did, I haven't played for, well, about 8 years). I saw a video of the opening and heard the first second - literally 1 second - of this theme, but I cannot find it on the FF7 OST, which I have looked through several times on iTunes. Does anyone know what it is? What it's called, where I could find it...thanks very much.

Poor Sephiroth. I mean, I know he's an evil bastard, but I still feel sorry for him. He's a one-winged angel, don'tcha know. Odd, Cloud kills him, but then he just, kinda comes back for a while in Advent Children, I heard. Whatever...

Deicide – Kill The Christian Lyrics 18 years ago
I am extremely annoyed. Extremely annoyed am I. I just made a very long comment addressing most of the points, and when I attempted to post it, it signed me out. And I didn't copy it before-hand. Well, I'm not in the mood to do all that again. I'm too morose today, anyway, plus I'm a little hungry. But bear this in mind: I'LL BE BACK. ...

My Chemical Romance – I'm Not Okay (I Promise) Lyrics 18 years ago
"Are you READING these comments?"

A few. And, evidently, so are you. Heh, you can call it bitching if you like. I call it polite observation.

Actually, maybe i'm wrong, maybe you're not READING these. If you'd read mine, you'd see that I'm saying that although I don't like MCR personally, I don't mind that they're very popular and tons of people like them. The goddess thing? A joke, which I thought was obvious. Obviously not, I see now. Telling you to lighten up as there are far worse things to worry about? That I stand by still. ;-)

Hope you enjoy the song next time you hear it, ampersand_witch

My Chemical Romance – I'm Not Okay (I Promise) Lyrics 18 years ago
"Are you a fourteen year old retarded metalhead god of some sort, bequeathed with the power of knowledge of all pop-punk fans across the nation?"

Nope, just a fourteen year old goddess of some sort, bequeathed with the power of knowledge of all people across the nation. No, not really, just kidding. Ahem.

Lighten up, ampersand_witch, there's worse stuff to worry about.

Deicide – Kill The Christian Lyrics 18 years ago
"I don't believe it matters how I got here, or why I'm here. What I think is important is living my life by my standards of good and bad not by what the bible or any other holy book says"

Um, ditto. Cough. Sorry I keep coming back here and saying the same thing over and over, but I really am a little bored today. I have some music theory to go and do and it's not especially interesting, y'see.

No loopholes, I'm just saying there would have to be, if someone claims to be a Christian and then starts to go kill everyone. That's not Christianity at all, therefore you can't claim to be Christian.

Deicide – Kill The Christian Lyrics 18 years ago
I'll say this much though. The first post on the first page of this board pretty much sums up the intellectual capacity of most students in school. Maybe that's why we're only doing the short course RS. We're meant to be a fucking grammar school as well. How utterly fucking ridiculous.

Deicide – Kill The Christian Lyrics 18 years ago
Sorry chocolate, it's a bit late, I managed to read the above posts and some of yours, but my contacts are starting to blur over.

Anyway, regarding: "Oh, and Pakana Sielu could you please list these 29 million loopholes?" - s/he got it from my post earlier, go read it. I'm not actually saying there are 29 million loopholes. It worked in the context.

Well, I think I've already made my point on here several times, I don't know what I'm still doing here. I suppose I'm the sort of person who enjoys reading these sorts of debate. We don't do RS again in school til next year - we're doing a full GCSE in IT and a short course RS, and not vice versa, because our school is ridiculous.

Anything's possible. I think. It's possible that anything's possible. Possibly. Talkin' 'bout my generation.

Deicide – Kill The Christian Lyrics 18 years ago
* "Sorry I haven't covered anything"

Anything? I covered quite a bit. No, I meant "everything", sorry about that. Ahem.

Deicide – Kill The Christian Lyrics 18 years ago
I'll admit you're totally right there - you are far more educated than me. But I stand by what I say - I don't think it's possible to really "know" anything. And I think that being part of any religion is some sort of way of expressing that you really do know it all. Or, at least, the origins of the universe, which is pretty synonymous to "all". I just don't like to believe in such idealistic concepts, I suppose, when it's so incredibly easy to be untrue.

I have to ask - have you read The Da Vinci Code? (I'm aware it might be a plagarism, before you mention that) It talks about how the idea that maybe Christianity was changed so much from it's origin, and that's the version accepted today. One might argue that that's irrelevant, as it's led to good people today. But why believe in a lot of stuff that may never have happened, that may never happen, when it's easy to be a good person without believing in it?

I'm from quite a religious family. Blind faith can only happen during childhood. When I was a child (a younger one) I was basically told what to believe. In fact, that's incorrect - I wasn't told what to believe, I was told "the truth". I was never told that Hindu ideas are merely that - ideas. I was told that it was fact. And that happens to children everywhere - stereotypically, I have to say, I know many Islamic children that happened to. More often than not, they go along with it right to adulthood, and by that time they do believe it thoroughly and it isn't "blind" faith anymore. But of course it's not - they never had a chance to think for themselves (possibly. In some cases I know, anyway) during childhood. Of course, the origin of the universe is a complicated idea to comprehend, especially when young. But I'd rather children knew that, than "knew" what they were told.

Maybe you are God, I'm not discounting it. But I'm not counting on it either.

I don't want to completely ignore all sociological/historical evidence. But I can't regard it as definite, either. If it turned out that it's a whole load of lies, I wouldn't be surprised. If it was all true, I wouldn't be surprised either. If there really is a tea pot in orbit of the sun, I wouldn't be surprised much. I believe anything's possible. Including, obviously, the idea that Christianity is a true religion. But I only believe it's possible, not true. It's just as possible for me that it isn't true. But I'd rather go for the latter, for now - because, for me, that's just more likely. Looking at the infinite amount of possible beliefs, it's obviously difficult to tell which individual one is correct. Or, even, maybe it's nothing like that - we go to an afterlife based on whatever the hell we believed when alive. Who knows. I don't. Which is why I've been rambling for a while now.

Sorry I haven't covered anything, but I'm in a bit of a hurry - I have to go buy some milk and bread and, of course, Weetabix.

"No you won't fool the children of the revolution"...ironic it's on now, really.... :-P

Jack Johnson – Sitting, Waiting, Wishing Lyrics 18 years ago
I really do like this. I've only heard ein other Jack Johnson song, "Where'd all the good people go" whichever one that is....but yes, this I like, wheee

The Smiths – Meat Is Murder Lyrics 18 years ago
I adore this song. I was vegetarian before hearing it, but it probably would've converted me if not..............Morrissey's great with his lyrics. It's just so heart wrenchingly real....and stuff. I've never found the animal sounds funny, but I did laugh when I just read about other people finding it funny, heehee...Ooh, it's not funny.

I love the video for Morriesseys Everyday Is Like Sunday - the girl has a t-shirt with "I Don't Eat My Friends", plus she writes that postcard with "Meat Is Murder", and stuff...I really do like that video. Girl's a bit TOO miserable, though, I guess.

Deicide – Kill The Christian Lyrics 18 years ago
Richard Dawkins is quite a hypocrite. I respect his ideas, but I don't like the way he criticizes others for *believing* with no evidence. What evidence does he have to be athiest? How does he *know* there's nothing out there? He's just as much of a follower of blind faith as anyone he discussed. How is he certain that we originated how Darwin said? Far as I know, Darwin wasn't God. Though, he might be, how do I know, but I very very VERY much doubt it somehow.

I'm very much into morals. I don't eat meat (though that's a much more controversial ethics matter), I don't kill and I don't plan on doing so either, I give to charity every day I can (see to give free food every day. There's also links to other causes) and I generally am a good person, I think. But I'm agnostic. Ooh. Being athiest/agnostic doesn't mechanically make you an immoral person. Of course, being a monothiest/polythiest doesn't automatically make you a bad person. But what I don't like about religion is how, for want of a better word, arrogant it seems. People are generally part of a religion because they believe they know what happens. They are convinced that they, and other members of their religion, have been given insight into some sort of true meaning of the universe. In fact, athiests are similar - they believe they know it all, too. Which is why I like agnostism - like virtualfactor said, we can neither prove nor disprove God's existence. Unless you're God, chocolate - which I'm not calling impossible, nothing's impossible - I'm just uncertain as to how you can be so sure.

"in the past 2000 years christians have killed 29 million (max)" That doesn't make sense. Christians don't kill. Christians believe killing is wrong. That's part of being a Christian. If someone claims to be Christian and kills someone, they're lying. Unless they managed to find 29 million loopholes in the Bible.

Of course any true Christianity has made a good effect on society. How many true Christians are there? How many really don't sin at all? They don't swear, or think bad thoughts, etc. If you're Christian, it means you believe - *know*, even - that everyone around you who doesn't agree with it is going to burn in hell for eternity because they didn't believe. Surely that's, in a sense, racist. Believing that members of other religions are wrong, flat out.

All that stuff about how women were treated 2000 years ago - how do you know it's true? Were you there? It's as easy to know as the idea of the evolution process being true - you DON'T know. How do you know you're not basing all that on a bunch of lies, or just some strange memory implanted in your brain at some point? What if we really are living in a Matrix, where reality is fiction? Where's God then?

"If religion is true then it isn’t a false hope." - and if it isn't true? Not ruling it out, but it's damn possible.

"(i got an A- :-( )" There there, A-'s pretty damn good.

I'm not a racist - although it feels like religion's a bad idea, even I can't be 100% sure of it. No one can be 100% sure of anything. And I don't rule out the possibility of anything - maybe Christianity is the one true faith, maybe Hinduism, maybe Judiasm, Islam, etc. Maybe there is no such thing as a true religion - maybe the idea was just to live a good life. Maybe there is no idea, and when we die absolutely nothing happens. Maybe we all go to heaven in a little row boat (check Radiohead: The Pyramid Song). But if it's true that there really is one true faith, that everyone was just supposed to go along with despite the million other possibilities, that everyone else is persecuted, given the chance I would (possibly, who knows...) go up to God and ask Him/Her/It just what the hell He/She/It thought they had done.

Why should SOCIOLOGISTs and HISTORIANs be regarded any better than ANIMAL specialists? I see no reason to do so. I really do feel that humans are probably just another breed of animal. (I don't eat my friends...) My little dog - he smiles, he plays, he thinks, he dreams. As far as I can tell. I certainly adore him more than any human I know, he's like a little brother to me, he listens to me. Aw, my dog's great.

Anyway, like I said, I'm not racist. Couple of my friends are atheists, all the rest are religious. But I'd be surprised to discover there really is meant to be one true faith - I'd much rather it was that we should just lead a good life. I don't like the idea of suicide bombers or mercy killers livin' it up in the next life.

I don't like blind faith. People going along with a religion because they were told to. That's how I lived the first 13 or so years of my life. I just said I was Hindu, because I was told I was. It was just easier so I went along with it. But surely, as a Hindu, I shouldn't have dreaded going to the Mandir because I found it dreadfully boring. I shouldn't have wondered why there were meant to be so many Gods and Goddesses and such, when I had never seen any of them. It wasn't faith - it was blind faith. I just accepted it all as true because I was never told anything different from a young age.

That sugar cane, that tasted good, that's who you are, that's what you could, come on, come on, no one can see you cry.......I adore REM's music, that's for sure. Ooh, it's gone onto New Order, Blue Monday. Full length 7:25 version, hurray.......poor old Ian Curtis, huh.

System of a Down – Chop Suey! Lyrics 18 years ago
I never used to like SOAD at all, but I do now. Strange. Though I don't really like this one a LOT, but ja.

My Chemical Romance – I'm Not Okay (I Promise) Lyrics 18 years ago
Oh, and mcrgirl5851 - I'm okay, thanks. :-P

My Chemical Romance – I'm Not Okay (I Promise) Lyrics 18 years ago
Oh, I didn't somehow drag Green Day into it. Well, same - don't like them/other people do so meh/at least their stuff is original........I guess. Bet there's exceptions. Bt there's a band who people like, who write their own songs, that I despise beyond belief. Well, never mind. Hurray

My Chemical Romance – I'm Not Okay (I Promise) Lyrics 18 years ago
I really, REALLY don't like this band. I find their music bland, and completely unintelligent. But at least they write it themselves, and at least they seem to know how to write music that people like. Not my kind of thing = someone else's kind of thing. Like, couple of friends like 'em, but I'm not about to tell 'em how much they *SUCK* because they don't tell me my bands *SUCK* (usually, anyway. Pfft). I have my other stuff to keep me happy, anyways. Though it does irritate me a bit how often they play this everywhere, but ah well. See, doesn't annoy me as much as, say, Beyonce or someone, coz at least MCR write it themselves. ... Then again, people like Fall Out Boy *really* piss me off, though I'm uncertain why - they're pretty much the same as MCR, really. Just, to me, they're somehow worse. Oh dear, I'm rambling. Well, whatever.

Deicide – Kill The Christian Lyrics 18 years ago
Yup, MORALLY OPPOSED TO ORGANISED RELIGION!. They showed a programme on TV recently, called The Root Of All Evil? which I can't be bothered to go into but it was very interesting.

Yup, virtualfactor, you admitted it - well done mate :-D

Well, if it does turn out there is a one true religion, I'm likely to burn in hell for quite a while. Which is a shame, really - I'm dark enough as it is, I don't need any more tan. Am I funny or what. Anyway - no one has to try to convert people if their beliefs are that strong. They can just bask in the thought that anyone who dares think any different will be punished for their *sin*, and for a helluva lot more by the sound of it. Eternity = quite a long time.

Deicide – Kill The Christian Lyrics 18 years ago
Is this the new controversial board, then? Sorry - haven't been on in quite a while. Anyway - never heard this, but I'm not planning to. Only song I like with murder in the title is "Meat Is Murder", I think. I don't think I like any racist ones at all. Oh deary me.
I oughta mention I am morally opposed to organised religion. Everyone come join me in the agnostic corner - it's a bit lonely over here. But, y'know - I hope you do, anyway, because I certainly don't. When I remember my point, I'll come back. It has been a while for me, y'know.

Franz Ferdinand – Mis-Shapes Lyrics 18 years ago
I HAVE to hear the Franz version of this song...liked their Air cover. Plus, this oughta be an even better cover - Franz do kinda remind me of Pulp

Franz Ferdinand – I'm Your Villain Lyrics 18 years ago
Sorry about the different title and lyrics - I submitted the original "demo" type version, but it's back to the right one now. Wheee

The Smiths – Ask Lyrics 18 years ago
Oh. I dunno, Matt00004 - I always wondered if maybe they mean an attack from bombs...that sounds odd.

What I mean is, using the 7/7 attack on London as an example, or even 9/11 though that didn't really involve bombs, is how people can come together only after they're under threat. And the song is saying that is more likely to happen unless we love each other regardless.

That's just one interpretation anyway. God how depressing. The song sounds so fun too - that's the great thing about
The Smiths. They're able to make music that causes you to dance to depression

Antony and the Johnsons – Hope There's Someone Lyrics 18 years ago
Holy shit, is all I can say...I was completely startled by Antony's voice when I first heard this - well, scared, I guess...but it was just such a beautiful song. So emotional and perfect. I love Antony's voice now - it's amazingly amazing.

Jeff Buckley – Grace Lyrics 19 years ago
I could come up with something better, but what the hell: I LOVE THIS SONG. It's amazing - such talent from one guy...

AC/DC – Back In Black Lyrics 19 years ago
I won't pretend to be an AC/DC fan (actually this is one of few songs I've heard) b ut I gotta admit, this song is a lotta fun to listen to.

The Mars Volta – L'Via L'Viaquez Lyrics 19 years ago
I won't pretend to quite "get" The Mars Volta, but this song is excellent. Frances Thge Mute is apparently all about a family tree of characters that can be found somewhere on

Cannibal Corpse – I Cum Blood Lyrics 19 years ago
I was more than a little concerned when I found out my older brother has this song on his iTunes. I always thought he was fairly well-balanced, then I find a song about necrophilia on his playlist (it's not a very exclusive list, mind - it has over 10000 songs on it). So, curious to see what all the debate really was about, I decided to listen to it. The first thing I felt was relief - you can't hear a word, so maybe my brother didn't know what the song was about (though the title should've been a clue). The second thing I felt was contempt - I know that there are CC fans out there, and, fine, whatever. ... But, seriously, HOW is that music?! The third thing I felt was uncontrollable humour. The, er, distorted voice suddenly seemed extremely comical to me. The fourth thing I felt was confusion, as when the song finished it appeared to start replaying automatically. Then I realised that it wasn't repeating, and that the start of the next CC song on the list sounded exactly the same as the first one - a load of confusing noise.

But I still respect the opinions of fans out there, even though I personally feel they have no real musical talent. I'm sure people out there feel the same about the Manics, a band I like and who I'm now listening to, in order to erase the memories of CC. Oh, wait - I don't actually remember how their song (using that word loosely) goes. Never mind. All together now: under neon loneliness, motorcycle emptiness...

Manic Street Preachers – Everything Must Go Lyrics 19 years ago
This song is underrated, in my opinion. I mean, A Design For Life and If You Tolerate This... are both great, but music channels should play this just as much.

Manic Street Preachers – Motorcycle Emptiness Lyrics 19 years ago
one of the best Manic singles EVER! Though everyone always says to me how he looks like George Michael in the video...

Radiohead – Creep Lyrics 19 years ago
Yournewgod, yours is the funniest, wittiest, most intelligent comment I've ever read on this site. In case you can't TELL, I'm BEing, sarCAStic.

Sorry, saw that Simpsons episode yesterday, where Homer/Bart write that letter to Mr Burns after Bart gives him his blood...


I know the band themselves came to detest this song, but I still adore it. Best thing on Pablo Honey, in my opinion - although Anyone Can Play Guitar has become increasingly stuck in my head recently...

"Hello, my name is Mr Burns. I belive you have a letter for me"

"OK, Mr, what's your first name?"

"I don't know."

Classic comic genius.

50 Cent – In Da Club Lyrics 19 years ago

I can beatbox to this song. *hangs head in shame*
I never actually do though, don't worry...

50 Cent – In Da Club Lyrics 19 years ago
Ha, I just remembered a really funny story. A friend of mine was trying to perform this (on her own, mind - I was the only other one there) a couple of years ago, but she didn't want to see too rude, so she made it go like this:
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go (blank)
It's your (blank)
We gon' (blank) like it's yo (blank)
We gon' sip (blank) like it's your (blank)
And you know we don't give a (blank)
It's not your (blank)!

But don't ridicule her too much. She's...grown...since then. Now she can't say a sentence without saying either "shit" or "knobhead".

50 Cent – In Da Club Lyrics 19 years ago
I only actually like one rap artist. And it sure as hell ain't 50 Cent. Though why that should bother any of his "real" fans is beyond me.

Oasis – The Importance Of Being Idle Lyrics 19 years ago
I never really liked Oasis much- their only song I've liked is Live Forever. But THIS song I LOVE. It's soooo fun! - I'm ecstatic when it comes on...the guy in the video somehow reminds me of, er, Willy Wonka...?

Radiohead – Paranoid Android Lyrics 19 years ago
"I have a perverse sense of humour. It's a bit dark, that's all.... Paranoid Android, to me, was hilarious. People took it very seriously, but never mind."

From the great Thom-Meister himself.

...OK, don't worry, I'll never say Thom-Meister again.

Someone may have already posted that quote, but I am not about to read through all these.

"Paranoid Android" is, as most people know, from H2G2. As is, probably, "first against the wall". Also, incidentally, the phrase "OK Computer" is used quite a bit in H2G2. Both Radiohead and H2G2 are incredible.

Again, sorry if someone already made that point, but I'm not reading through all these. ...

The Bravery – Fearless Lyrics 19 years ago
I like the "know" squealing too :-D

The thing that makes me laugh most, though, is the "chica". How often is THAT word used in a song?!! heehee

I cannot see how this song relates to 9/11 at all. Apart from maybe the "something wicked this way comes"... but, well. Y'know. It just doesn't make a whole lotta sense...

Green Day – Wake Me Up When September Ends Lyrics 19 years ago
I like the lyrics for this song. But, to be perfectly honest, I don't really like this song. The music gets on my nerves. As does the video, somehow. The video shouldn't irritate me, but it does.

But, I did have this song in my head almost all day, and it wasn't all bad. So...I have no idea what I think of this song. Helpful or what?

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.