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Toadies – Jigsaw Girl Lyrics 16 years ago
Er well, sorry for posting here yet again, but I recently found out over a month ago that the song used to be called "Happy Voodoo", but was edited up a bit... I've heard "Happy Voodoo" on YouTube and the bridge was different.

There actually seems to be another listing of Toadies here (but with "The" tagged on) and someone else mentions it being originally "Happy Voodoo" as well:
(second comment)

Toadies – Jigsaw Girl Lyrics 17 years ago
@T.C.: It's mainly these lines that made it seem that she was cut up... well, reading it in a very literal sense I mean. Actually I'm gonna just update my interpretation since my last comment was two years ago:

"Give me your hand, and I will hold it forever on my nightstand, in a box with your love letters."
(reading these four lines as one sentence)
Although of course it can be the hand symbolizing her love or something similar as opposed to her actual hand.

"I'll keep you near, scattered around my apartment."
Either her body parts or things that remind him of her (and "I'll" kinda shows that he hasn't yet which I have to point out for the next quote...)

"Laid on my bed, a beautiful mess. My whole world, Jigsaw girl."
Her body parts being a beautiful mess (or the items mentioned in the second verse having been gathered) on the bed.

"You gave me your hand. I don't understand why you don't want it back."
He's desperate to bring her back to life but she refuses to come back to life (rejecting her own hand), mainly because bringing people back to life is impossible. Although it could also mean that she gave him her love, but she doesn't want it back.

If he had killed her and cut up her body, he would be able to literally keep her for himself forever (unless someone finds out, etc) as he said "I promised I'll never lose you" (making the promise "true" (last line) by keeping her body) and would maybe imagine as if she were alive, even though she wouldn't actually be "there". But because she isn't really "there" he would feel less guilty ("I could breathe easier") if he were able to bring her back to life.

But yeah, I do see Destructingbeauty's interpretation though... Actually ever since I've read the comment when it was posted, I've been going with both interpretations. I mean both symbolize obsession regardless, just one is her body parts symbolizing her and the other is specific items symbolizing her.

The Smashing Pumpkins – The Imploding Voice Lyrics 17 years ago
I've posted in this lyric before but I wanted to update my interpretation, since there isn't a delete or edit feature here...

I'm now going with the second part of my last comment. "It could be an evil enemy who's taken over/trying to take over your mind. Or they're just threatening that they'll always be there in your mind." I sorta combined it with the "drug use" meaning, mainly because of what I've noticed... Enemies are like drugs. They do/try to destroy you, but you can't get away from them. They'll always be there. Or like prescribed drugs, enemies help you in the sense that you need them in your life to be stable or whatever, but if you let them go too far, they can kill you.

Toadies – Tyler Lyrics 17 years ago
It's not really a debate, it's just people having explaining what they had thought it was...

I know I posted in this lyric thing already but I've been thinking a lot more about this song, and I've finally seen the music video about six months ago. I initially said back in 2004 that I thought it was about two people who were going to make love for the first time, but I guess I tend to tie in stalking with relationships for some reason.. Anyway, I noticed in the video there is a guy running around holding a dress and a wig (and wears it at one point). I may be looking into it too much, but I think this is symbolizing the guy who is only fantasizing about this girl that is talked about in the song, yet she was never actually even there, thus the empty dress and wig. It's possible that the girl didn't even exist and was made up in his mind, but then of course as pointed in the comment above it was written in the perspective of a guy looking through windows. So yeah. The video could be symbolizing the guy hallucinating about a girl.

Poperratic – Frox Lyrics 17 years ago
As for the song, I fell in love with it when I first heard it in the movie May (especially hearing it in the credits, which matches the quietness of the ending that occured just before it. I also loved the second song, "Made to Love You", played in the credits), so I just had to look for it. Well I saw a post to the Poperratic site that Jaye made which was very helpful, so I figured out the name. Anyway, I thought it was pretty funny and clever how the kids in the movie were actually singing this song in the part where May is trying to volunteer, but they're only shown singing the first stanza.

As for the people having a conversation here: O_o Sounds like fun?

Garbage – Queer Lyrics 18 years ago
I was thinking that this song is about a guy who is very stale, as in just serious (maybe cocky as well, thinking he can't be broken, because of the "You choke behind a smile / A fake behind the fear" line), and doesn't want/care for any kind of fun or pleasure... or maybe he is cocky, as in thinking that any kind of sex bores him. He is considered queer/strange because of this, and so someone decides to hire a hooker for him. The hooker already knows that he is one of "those" types, from the line "I hate to see you here". And maybe it's something that runs in his family, because it was the same situation for his father.

I think this is somewhat similar to what starfaery was suggesting...

The Smashing Pumpkins – In My Body Lyrics 18 years ago
If this is referring to the Glass and the Machines of God story (which I read about here:, then here's my interpretation of it:

"Hold silent / you were my violence stuck / in my life..."

I think this part is describing June, and how she was a dark reflection of himself.

"Just for the moment / and let me under you / so you can die..."

He felt like this was what she was basically saying to him, because she told him that "she never loved him at all".

"I was alive..."

He used to be alive when she was around.

"In my body / you'll never find me / you'll never pull me out... /...the lonely creatures scream"

He has been sad, withdrawn, and lonely, ever since her death.

"June's offcast / left hiding, I form the screams / burned alive..."

He imagines the horror of the car crash that June was in.

"Wasted sunsets / haunting my torment / right through my clothes..."

He felt like he wasted every single day being depressed about it and feeling betrayed. (By that, I mean in terms of how he realizes everything in the end of the story)

The Smashing Pumpkins – Speed Kills Lyrics 18 years ago
@Requiem89: The story can be read here:

Toadies – Away Lyrics 18 years ago
To me (well, my sister came up with this idea, but I have the account), like in some of his other songs (mainly Tyler), he's the stalker, but in this one, it's the other person who's stalking him. The catch is that he actually lets this person stalk him. I probably take lyrics too literally, but it's still our interpretation.

"You say forever, / And I confess I shiver. / You say hope. / I say that's where I'm goin'"

The fact that this person will always be stalking him kinda makes him shiver, but he doesn't mind them knowing that he's going somewhere anyway..

"To be in the shade, / The oldest trees above my head. / When I'm away, I know in my heart / There is a heaven."

He doesn't care whether this person stalks him or not, he's still going to go out and enjoy life anyway.

"If I'm out hunting, / Come right on in, yeah. / And even when I'm gone, / My doors are always open."

Well, first two lines are pretty obvious. The last two, another way of saying that he's giving them an invitation to stalk. He leads a trail.

"And if I'm asleep, / Make sure my blanket covers me, yeah."

He doesn't mind that they're in his house.

"Come right on in, yeah."

Ditto for this one.

Toadies – You'll Come Down Lyrics 18 years ago
Heh, another thought just came across me... it could be that he planned to kill this girl, and she found out about this plan.

"And as I'm falling out of the sun,
Back to where I feel safe again.
How did I come undone...
Trying to save my own skin?"

Now he must retreat and re-plan while she is trying to ruin him with this.

Evanescence – Haunted Lyrics 18 years ago
I agree with violetae's interpretation. It's like hating someone with a passion. (although I know that the song has the meaning that everyone else keeps saying. And I do like the haunted house idea)

Weezer – Susanne Lyrics 19 years ago
Oh, anyways, I think if they were to make a movie out of the book "The Lovely Bones" (but let's hope not because good-books-turned-movie usually don't come out so good), this would be a good song to play in there.

This song is awesome!

Weezer – Susanne Lyrics 19 years ago
I love my name now!

Toadies – You'll Come Down Lyrics 19 years ago
This is just a thought that came across me, but this could be about this guy who has an arch rival, whom he wants to destroy although he kinda has feelings for her. But it could just be about some guy who's gonna kill his girlfriend. I love this song, though, whichever meaning it has.

The Smashing Pumpkins – Ava Adore Lyrics 19 years ago
I didn't mean "strange" as in their love is strange. I meant that the words he uses to describe his love may seem strange to some people.

I mean I myself have never even thought of it as strange nor abusive before ever actually reading what others think of it. I just thought it was an awesome love song. And still do.

The Smashing Pumpkins – Beautiful Lyrics 19 years ago
I agree with starlightfading. And that's also my favorite part as well ("I'll be under your stars forever... Neither here nor there, just right beside you" etc.)

The Smashing Pumpkins – Soma Lyrics 19 years ago
Umm, I know that at the very end, like around 6:35, if you put it real loud, you can hear someone saying, "And you need to resist the devil so that he will flee". I found that out from this site:

The Smashing Pumpkins – Lily (My One and Only) Lyrics 19 years ago
I also like to add that the classy background music reminds me of a cat, a classy feline.

The Smashing Pumpkins – Ava Adore Lyrics 19 years ago
What Brandon53 said, "a relationship between two people who are ... "strange"", I agree with that COMPLETELY. That's probably why I don't see it as an abusive relationship at all, just a perfect love song.

Samantha Ronson – Built This Way Lyrics 19 years ago
I like this song as well. It's fits perfectly in that movie "Mean Girls" when that guy that Cady liked looks at the picture of Cady when she is riding on the elephant as a little girl. The sweetest moment in that movie...

Anyways, it's pretty obvious what this song's about. The guys always think that they know what she's about because she seems to be like a normal average girl, but she's not.

The Smashing Pumpkins – Pug Lyrics 19 years ago
I agree with Duiel in "I think he means that when he's with her (inside, where's it's warm) everything is ok but when he's not, he's confuzed and not really sure what to do."

But I also think that in the song, where it says, "Drain and kick me hard..... Try to go to far", he means for her to just push him over his limits and maybe brainwash him, not exactly abuse him. And when it says in the beginning, "Kiss and kill me sweetly," he means for her to seduce him.

But anyways, this song is awesome! My most favorite SP song (although there are 37 other SP that I love). I have the Live in Concert video of this song, and Billy Corgan sounds and looks awesome!

The Smashing Pumpkins – Lily (My One and Only) Lyrics 19 years ago
I agree with what milescltrn said, but I like the cat theory as well. It's quite sweet, and I like cats as well. But it's kinda funny imagining a cat waving bye. Unless he means like when someone says "I could've swore my cat said 'mom'", because it's easy to hear 'mom' from 'meow', and it's easy to see a movement of the paw as a wave. Heh, I've said too much...

Toadies – Possum Kingdom Lyrics 19 years ago
Actually "bright eyes13", I agree with you. Especially on the second part (under the line) of your first post. I think it's more of murder intentions than him actually murdering her.. or during the song, at least. And I do think that he does end up raping her, though.

Toadies – Jigsaw Girl Lyrics 19 years ago
I hate to double post, but I meant "song" not "songs" on the second-to-the-last sentence on that last comment I made. (For some reason, that typo just throws me off so much).

Toadies – Jigsaw Girl Lyrics 19 years ago
This is my second favorite Toadies song (1st is Tyler), but anyways. This song is very cool, but also kinda sad when you really think about it, because he's never going to actually be with his whole world (his girlfriend) again, the girl herself being dead & cut-up, and there's also this strange lonely/old feeling that makes it sad (probably the way he sings the songs and unusually normal tune). It's very hard for me to explain what I exactly mean...

The Smashing Pumpkins – The Imploding Voice Lyrics 19 years ago
Well, there's two ways that I look at this song:

1. The person who is speaking is/was a best friend (or a bf/gf/spouse) who happens to be dead but will always be in your mind. (Although they could be alive too.) They realize that you had been alone without them all this time.

2. It could be an evil enemy who's taken over/trying to take over your mind. Or they're just threatening that they'll always be there in your mind. (Like the theme in the movie, "Cat's Eye" with the song "I'll Be Watching You". Or if you've recently seen that cartoon, "Teen Titans", when Slade was in Robin's mind, and no one else could see him except Robin, in which he was perceived as going crazy).

But I like to think of it as my best friend with theory #1 more. Although I can see what Pikmin said.

The Smashing Pumpkins – The Tale of Dusty and Pistol Pete Lyrics 19 years ago
What Rocklovinggirl said does seem true. I can actually picture that with this song. Now that I think about it, maybe the girl in the song is called "Dusty" because she actually is dust since she is dead?

But if it isn't true, I can still also picture a sad grey-blue tinted western scene.

The Smashing Pumpkins – Cupid De Locke Lyrics 19 years ago
This is directed to "zeroTT": It is not a sample of another song, but there is this other song from some other band that has a similar background music to it and it was on a comercial.

Anyways, this song is cool; it reminds me of Valentine's Day.

The Smashing Pumpkins – Ava Adore Lyrics 19 years ago
I think this is just a perfect love song; that he is "crazy-in-love" (it makes him think/do crazy things, like the part where he says, "in you I crash cars"). To me, I don't think it has anything to do with an abusive relationship.

But anyways, I think this song, "Stand Inside Your Love", and "Pug" are the most perfect love songs from SP (although there are many other good ones that they sing, too).

Toadies – Tyler Lyrics 19 years ago
Well it could be that he wants to suprise/scare her, or like a stalker-b/f. I guess what had threw me off was the "she waits" part, unless he just means that she is waiting for something else while he is waiting for her.

And Ubig, I completely agree with you about how the drums & guitar sound perfect together. I also like how he screams after the guitar part. This song and "Ava Adore" by Smashing Pumpkins are my favorite songs out of any song.

Toadies – Possum Kingdom Lyrics 19 years ago
Wangflop, That is EXACTLY what I was thinking, with the whole song and what all the lines mean and everything.. Especially since people usually use the term, "Give it up to me," as giving up their virginity.

Nirvana – Endless, Nameless Lyrics 19 years ago
I kinda wish I had gotten that version of the Nevermind CD so that it could scare the hell out of me when it's dark too, since I used to listen to that song to fall asleep, and then think it's cool that I found a hidden song, and funny that I got scared.. But that's just me..

Anyways, I like how it just switches from the loud guitar to a bit softer tune when he's saying, "Mother.."

Nirvana – Drain You Lyrics 19 years ago
In a way, this song kinda has the same pattern as "Tyler" by Toadies, but I listened to that song a million times already so that's probably why I think that.

Anyways, I agree with what treestump said, but ktina24 has a good point as well.

Toadies – Tyler Lyrics 19 years ago
Like ribi had said, I always thought it was about two people who were about to make love for the first time (or it just being the girl's first time).

Where it says, "I hear the fear in her voice", she is nervous.

Then in the beginning, "And she runs, And she waits. And I wait." they are waiting for that day to come, and "And she runs through her days; With a smile on her face.", she is happily letting the days fly by to get to THAT day. Though what everyone else says does make a little more sense.

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