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Silversun Pickups – The Pit Lyrics 11 years ago
First, I'd like to say I love the juxtaposition of the first line.

It seems to me it's someone being tempted into doing "bad" stuff - drink, drugs, sex, expressing oneself in a way "polite society" deems incorrect. But he or she finds that the "Pit" is just full of people, not monsters. And despite the warnings, everyone he or she knows or will know has indulged in the "Pit" but won't own up to it.

He or she even finds out that the "Pit" is not a place you go - it's a part of everyone, no matter how much tries to "bury the lie" or "clean out [their] wounds with dirty fingers".

Bad Religion – The Empire Strikes First Lyrics 19 years ago
I like the last two lines, as the song fades: "I can't live / If it isn't with you". It seems like that this song is partially lamenting the actions of the US, and how much the singer loves the old US - "with liberty and justice for all" - and how with recent events, that's becoming untrue.

Bad Religion – Beyond Electric Dreams Lyrics 19 years ago
I had never thought about this song in terms of spirituality, but that makes sense. I had always it was about the sense of majesty and wonderment you get when stargazing.

A few comments:
"No one here can show you where it is but I can point to a sign" - Almost obviously, it refers to when stars were used for navigation. I suppose it also is about more Eastern ideas of spirituality, where no one person or one thing can tell you the path to enlightenment, only guide you.
"The conversation of impassive planets intercepted by a human being"
The way planets move (gravity) can tell us where satellites, other planets, or stars are.
"The air is thin / up on a mountain" might also refer to where observatories are located (high, where the air is thin), and possibly where those raptors (the birds) are.
The second-to-last stanza is great - It's very vivid, and while it uses complex language, does not sound haughty or self-important (which is kind of true of all Bad Religion's songs - Maybe it's Greg's delivery, but they use big words not just to sound smart).

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