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Reset – My Dream And I Lyrics 19 years ago
hey does anyone know where i can download/buy reset songs? i can't find any and i'm going insane! email me or something plz

Silverstein – Smashed Into Pieces Lyrics 19 years ago
reading the lyrics you can tell what its about (betrayal, heartbreak, death resulting etc) but i love the choice of words and all that. it makes it that much more powerful and strong. like instead of saying i'm going to kill myself cuz you stabbed me in the back, they say i'll slit my throat
with the knife i pulled out of my spine
brilliant. and earlynov...this song is obviously NOT about religion...where the hell did you get that from??

Chronic Future – Time And Time Again Lyrics 19 years ago
in the music video, its all about this punk who gets sent off to war, gets out alive, and comes back to play in his old garage band. he just stumbles through life, lucky to be alive kind of looking in from the outside. i think thats a cool way to look at it

Simple Plan – Welcome to My Life Lyrics 19 years ago
i know this song sounds so whiny, and i have to admit it is, but i love it! its really catchy and its always nice to have a song that relates to what you've been through. the music video is cool too. it pretty much shows what the song is about if your too dumb to figure it out by the lyrics. and david looks fucking hot in it. well he always does but whatever

Simple Plan – When I'm With You Lyrics 19 years ago
ooh this song makes me feel so happy!!! its a little bittersweet but it still really lifts me up.

Something Corporate – Only Ashes Lyrics 19 years ago
this song has so much feeling! Personally, i interpret it two ways: a relationship falling apart is one. the other is that we're only ashes in the scale of things. we're small and pathetic or something like that.

Good Charlotte – Secrets Lyrics 19 years ago
This is such an awesome song. it completely captures something that we've all been through and i find that pretty darn cool. its reassuring in a way

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