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P.O.D. – Abortion Is Murder Lyrics 19 years ago
I love this song only because it says what it means, and doesn't pussyfoot around their beliefs. It doesn't hurt, I suppose, that I agree, but my issue is not with pro-life/pro-choice; each has their reasons, and I understand them. But to those complaining that it's not "poetic"'s bold, in-your-face and meant to make you, regardless of stance, uncomfortable (hence the sound clip at the end). If you want a more eloquent song about abortion, check out "This Night Has Opened My Eyes," by the Smiths. And kwitcherbitchin.

Mazzy Star – Fade Into You Lyrics 19 years ago
Seriously. I almost think that being a guy offers more reason to love this song. I mean, if ever a there was a "sexy voice," Hope's is it.

And actually, this song inspires melancholy more than happiness, I think.

Flogging Molly – Rebels Of The Sacred Heart Lyrics 19 years ago for all that "only Catholics go to heaven" garbage above, I don't recall God ever declaring any Chosen Denomination...nor is there anything about Catholics in John 3:16, which, as much as it's been cheapened at sporting events, is the foundation of Chritianity.

Ok, enough of that. My only comment as far as the meaning of the song that hasn't already been nailed down is in regards to "the pale." Two insights here: while it may well reference a geographical region, I beleive it has more to do with the meaning behind the Irish flag...the hope for peace(white, or pale) between the Catholics(green) and Protestants(orange). Or, pale could easily refer to death/the grave.

Zwan – Lyric Lyrics 19 years ago
Anyone notice how much Corgan references faith in this album? Add the Mary, Star of the Sea/Jesus, I track and the crusade, I'm not suggesting he's Christian. But he seems to have a fascination with Christianity, no?

Damien Rice – The Professor & La Fille Danse Lyrics 19 years ago
"Loving is good if it's not understood..."

How true, Damien. How very, very true.

The Smiths – Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others Lyrics 19 years ago
It's a rather funny song, when you simply look at the lyrics. This song is a great example of the meaning and emotional weight music carries...that guitar part is so wonderfully moody, particularily the intro. Well done, Marr.

The Stone Roses – Elephant Stone Lyrics 19 years ago
Agreed. The album version is far supirior to the other mix...
I'm of the opinion it's about a guy who thinks...rather highly of himself, we'll say. But he's brought down to earth "like an elephant stone" by the girl of his dreams wanting nothing to do with him.

Damien Rice – Cannonball Lyrics 19 years ago
"Sink like a stone" is closer to the meaning. "Float like a cannon ball" is ironic (and not Alanis-type ironic, either.). Enjoy the irony. Embrace it.

The Smiths – London Lyrics 19 years ago
Hm. I am rather surprised to see no comments...I'd think most younger Smiths fans would have heard this song, seeing as it's on LTB. Anyways, I know it's not Morrissey's best lyrically, but whenever I think about the friends I left when I moved back here from college (wrong school for me, blah blah blah), this strikes a cord with me..."Do you think you've made the right decision this time?" And as always, stellar guitar work, Johnny.

The Smiths – Half a Person Lyrics 19 years ago
The backscrubber and YWCA mentions are, I belive, in reference to his support of the feminist cause (at least, early in his life). But it also factors well in the self-loathing the title suggests.

The Smiths – Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before Lyrics 19 years ago
Yes, yes, there is certainly the hint of someone with a drinking problem. Who apparently is a fighting drunk on top of that. However, the "nothing's changed..." section add a bit more depth. It would seem that our drunk is drinking his way through sadness dealing with his relationship...did she cheat on him? Perhaps the other way around? Either way, he constantly assures her that his drinking and fighting has nothing to do with her, once his "I was delayed" excuse is found wanting.

Further Seems Forever – Light Up Ahead Lyrics 19 years ago
I think that Jon's voice was the right one for this album, Jason's for How to Start a Fire, and Chris...well, i'm not really a fan, but that's besides the point. For the instrumental sound and overall tone of the third album, they have the right lead singer.
Now, as far as meaning...While it's open to interpretation, like most FSF songs, I think the Christian slant works better, particularily with the "light up ahead" theme and the first verse speaking of a heart of darkness.
Oh, and the CD has an acoustic version of this if you bought it at Best Buy...I much prefer it to the full studio cut.

Pedro the Lion – Of Minor Prophets and Their Prostitute Wives Lyrics 19 years ago
I almost see the air of superiority, until that last verse. Then it becomes obvious all he's trying to say is, despite it all, I still love you, and protect(or spare, in the God analogy) you.

Even if this was another sarcastic song regarding criticism, this one has a bit of an ironic twist: Criticising crticism. wouldn't feel the same(or angry, even) in Hosea's shoes? And the way we prostitute ourselves to the world, it's a fitting anology, but theres the element of human inperfection that makes the tone almost accusatory.

P.O.D. – Snuff The Punk Lyrics 19 years ago
Hahahaha...ok, seriously now. I couldn't help but notice the connection between the P.O.D. haters' names and the song title. Point of advice: read the LYRICS before you start spiting out profanities at a band! Yeeesh...

The Smiths – Pretty Girls Make Graves Lyrics 19 years ago
I think this is an open sexuality situation...more about fear of sex. This might be because he feels all he is wanted for is sex, and that he is is not just "about the booty," thus the "I'm not the man you think I am" line. So, when she leaves for someone more shallow, he feels betrayed..."I thought women wanted more that that?..." So he loses faith in womanhood. Of course, I could be wrong.:)

Er...please, don't sue me, Dennis Miller.

P.O.D. – Alive Lyrics 19 years ago
Look, i think if it haddn't been for that stupid, formulaic video (oo, explosions! making out! rock on!) it would be pretty clear that this song is about the new love of life that can only come through knowing you have been saved by Him. Seriously, "Tell the world how I feel inside/even though it might cost me everything..." Fairly obvious. *sigh* Yet another reason I despise MTv and what it has done to rock.

The Smiths – Stretch Out and Wait Lyrics 19 years ago
seems really simple...the thing that gets to me though, is how big Morrisey was on celibacy, and then writes a song like this...hmm.

Also odd is how, at least for me, the title is so similar to the advice your mother gave you; "True love waits."

Hmm, indeed.

Caedmon's Call – The Danse Lyrics 19 years ago
It is indeed spelled right. :)

This song was actually written and originally performed by Kemper Crabb. I mention this because he actually toured with Caedmon's Call, and is currently part of the awesome prog-rock band Atomic Opera. Check them out.

A really cool allegory for man's fall, Christ's redemption of man, and the wonderful structure of His creation.

Caedmon's Call – Stupid Kid Lyrics 19 years ago
Quite simply, daddy is God. The grass is the metaphorical feild of souls, the unreached...saturday is the Biblical sabbath, so for most Christians, it would refer to only using faith on Sunday at church, where we get all the spiritual nourishment we need, and at the same time, ignore the "knocking at the door" - the need to spread the Gospel. A great criticism of those who are "Sunday Christians."

Caedmon's Call – April Showers Lyrics 19 years ago
This, along with Stpid Kid, are the two songs showing just how poor a job we as Christians do...afraid to take faith outside the church doors, when really, that's where it most needs to go. The light cannot be overcome by the darkness...unless we keep the light out of it.

Nick Drake – Cello Song Lyrics 19 years ago
There is an appriciation here of the hidden strength of the object of his affections...he admires it, wishing he was as strong.

Nick Drake – Fly Lyrics 19 years ago
A relationship failed for reasons niether is sure of, leaving the singer in her way...he wants a second chance, but seems convinced that it's too late, that it's "to hard for to fly."

Nick Drake – Northern Sky Lyrics 19 years ago
I think this is perhaps one of the few "love songs" I like, because rather than stating how what he'd like to do to her, how beautiful she is, etc., it shows the new apriciation of life that can come with love. I also the insecurity, or uncertainty of love the third verse points at.

The Smiths – Well I Wonder Lyrics 19 years ago
This song, more than any other, hits so very close to home. Some would say "I know It's Over" is much harder to listen to, but having thought of myself as charming, clever or entertaing, I can much more feel the pain of unreqited, even unnoticed, love.
I think they know one another - the plea to keep him in mind suggests as much - but that she is oblivious to his love. At a certain point, afaid of losing the other as even a friend, he makes the "last stand" and masks those feelings as well as he can. Yet, he wonders...when she looks at me, is that brave mask all she sees?

The Smiths – That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore Lyrics 19 years ago
very nice interpretation, mdeaves.

Obviously, the protagonist is begining to feel his life unravel from lonliness, so the point his "only desire is to die." So when his partner mocks it, he is rather upset.

What of the cold leather seats? When he "drove the point home," is there some sort of double entendre here...the reason he "might die with a smile on his face", perhaps? Perhaps...what he's seen happen in other people's lives, and is now happening in his, is that he's decided that he can replace love with lust?

The Smiths – Golden Lights Lyrics 19 years ago
But oh my Smiths

Possibly the only stain on their carrer, and it's a damn nasty stain.

The Smiths – The Boy with the Thorn in His Side Lyrics 19 years ago
I once read an explanation that suggested Morrisey is "The boy with the thorn...". The thorn being cynical critics who accused him of hollow, whiney melodrama and, in the case of songs like Suffer Little Children and Panic, a sensationalist. In the second verse, he includes his fellow artists. I like that idea, but on a personal note, it seems to get at how much we hurt the ones we love with our "murderous desire"...making it a perfect follow-up to "Bigmouth Strikes Again."

The Smiths – Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now Lyrics 19 years ago
Hehe. Once again, Morrissey has a little fun at his own (or at least critics' opinon of him) expense. Ya gotta love how the instrumentation is really not miserable at all...and yet, there's still that bit of heart-rending truth, even if Moz has his tounge in his cheek the entire time.

The Smiths – Girl Afraid Lyrics 19 years ago
Great bout musically and lyrically...possibly their most underrated song. And yeah, who hasn't been in that what they thought was unrequited love, only to find out - too late - they were both waiting for the other?

The Smiths – These Things Take Time Lyrics 19 years ago
The sexual themes are there (it's the Smiths, after all) but this song always takes me to the relationships I wouldn't let happen because of my insecurity. When he sings "I can't belive you'd ever care..." well, first of all, the Louder Than Bombs version has a slight variation in the second chorus..."and so, you never cared" as opposed to "this is why you will never." I think it emphasises the fact he's been pushing the other away because of his own self-loathing...y'know, the "Unloveable" mentality. He loves her(more likely him), but cannot see how he could possibly be loved in return. He sees how ridiculous that is(I'm the most inept that ever stepped), and is trying(these things take time), but can't stop his way of thinking.

Pedro the Lion – Diamond Ring Lyrics 19 years ago
I just want to add to the above what I make of the second verse. While "sleeping with your old friends" can certainly refer to the relationships of the song's subject, i think it goes deeper. People all have a god, even if they aren't religious: money, power, fame, possesions...the "old friends." Just something to think about.

Pedro the Lion – When They Really Get to Know You They Will Run Lyrics 19 years ago
Of course, this song it so blatant it's more sarcasm than satire, but it's still damn effective. There's the obvious bemoaning of how superficial society is. But what really strikes me - especially having two younger sisters I really care about - are his statements about "Junior high" and "waxing since thirteen"'s sickening how with each generation, media is telling younger and younger kids that they are unatractive. This song isn't about shaving legs really, it's about the mask people, especially girls, are told they must put on.

Damien Rice – Cannonball Lyrics 19 years ago
Wonderful song on a wonderful album...god bless Damien Rice.
Now see, I intrepret this in a way almost like that of beyourowngirl, but i think it goes deeper than that...I think at first, it was just mutual fun, but now, he has grown to have deeper feelings. In a sense, he now feels like he has to stay distant in order to protect her from himself ("teach me to be shy"), but at the same time, can't stand being away from her. So he's trying to not let her get close...complicated, perhaps, but when isn't love complicated?

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