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Powerman 5000 – Free Lyrics 20 years ago
I think it's about personal freedom and rights. How are we free if we are so controlled that we can't shape our own lives? In one aspect, I see it as a political statment, although I'm unsure of what is being said exactly. Is he discussing propaganda when he says "Living so free is a tragedy, when you can't see what you need to see"? And the last few lines about Americans being trigger happy, is that a slam on the war? I really don't know PM5K's political standing, but it's a great song nonetheless.

Pearl Jam – Yellow Ledbetter Lyrics 20 years ago
I hate to say this, but it may just be a song about nothing in general (which is rare in Pearl Jam's vast collection of music). If you read the notes on it in the Lost Dogs cd cover, Mike McCready said, "A riff loosely based on...something I had during the Ten sessions. I thought it was pretty. Eddie started making up words on the spot and we kept them. I still don't know what it's about and I don't want to. I love it. Fans like it too."

Powerman 5000 – Relax Lyrics 20 years ago
This particular song shows off one of the best attributes of Powerman 5000: they're ability to layer voice. The lyrics are sung in a staccato-like manner at a higher pitch and at the same time also sung in a lower, legato voice.

Btw, does anyone know who does the rap bit and what he's saying?

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