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Todd Snider – Long Year Lyrics 17 years ago
It appears to be about alcoholism; the situation the character (presumably Todd himself, being as he's had quite public substance abuse problems) is in would appear to be an alcoholic's anonymous meeting, and every chorus, he is asking "how did I get here?" - how did I get this bad?

The key to this meaning is really in the lines "So I threw one down and said 'thanks a lot'/As I thought to myself 'Well, here we go again'." - He just can't give it up, no matter how many meetings he goes to.

Capdown – Headstrong Lyrics 19 years ago
I don't know if it's atheism-related, the whole idea of peace within and focus sounds more like Taoism to me... but it's a great song, and a definite anthem. Gives you heart... it's good to hear someone who believes in themselves without being ignorant.

Cex – My Head Lyrics 19 years ago
This always seems to me to be some sort of joke about the music industry and how he feels about other people's work and his own.

But, on a lighter note, it's a fantastic song. Much like the rest of Cex's stuff, I never know what to call it exactly... I think I've given up. I can't describe his music to others, I can only say "it rocks".

Bright Eyes – The Big Picture Lyrics 19 years ago
You know, I like the rest of this album, but this song just sounds... I dunno, too rough. The rest is all really emotional serious stuff (for the best part), but this sounds kinda like a joke in how it's badly played over the top of a car journey. It really bugs me. If he'd recorded it cleanly, with a few more instruments perhaps, it could have been a fantastic song.

Hell, he could have kept the intro, I thought that was cool, I just wish he'd kicked the song into gear (pun not intended) and lost the backing noises a lot earlier.

Pixies – Tony's Theme Lyrics 20 years ago
Dammit, I'm a skateboarding Tony...

.... Oh well, close enough. I'm gonna try and figure out a freestyle run to this at my next comp, hahhahaha, that'd rule so much ass.

Dashboard Confessional – For You To Notice Lyrics 20 years ago
I think we've all been there... wanting to be seen by someone, hoping they'll finally give you that chance to prove yourself. There's a girl who I adored from the first time I met her. I did everything I could to please her, worshipped the ground she walked on, just straight loved her. All she did was mess me around. She must have found it amusing. That was five years ago... we hadn't really spoke for about two years until recently. And even now, she makes me turn to jelly. I just can't think straight around her... But she's still out of my league. I'm the dirty skater, the freestyler even other "normal", "cool" skaters don't like, and she's the preppy, fashionable, well-dressed, intelligent, sociable beautiful girl everyone wants. Dammit. If I could play guitar, I'd sing this for her. But until then.... You'll find me in the corner doing gymnast plants and kickflips and crying softly to myself.

Cursive – The Great Decay Lyrics 20 years ago
I think it's not so much a way of saying "look man, I'm screwing up here" or "none of this matters" (as eyessobright put it, "When the world ends, no one will care or remember you.") but more pointing a finger at society and saying "look at this, you're all just wasting away, quit doing nothing with your life..."

"i don't believe in wasting time
searching for truth you never find"

"all these ghost towns share a name
anywhere, usa
all these strangers look the same
day after day after day"

Both of these sections seem to point to the idea that he's trying to say something along the lines of "stand up and do what you want. Don't just sit around and bow down to conformity".

However, that last section ("all these verses share a theme/we dont amount to anything/its the day after bloodsucking day/this great decay, this great decay/asleep in your grave") at first seems to sound like it means "none of this matters". However, think about that last line: Asleep in YOUR grave. Quite clearly, however he's talking to cannot be in a grave, literally, so to me it seems like he's saying "you, the public/society, just aren't living anymore. You might as well be dead because you're not truely alive." - in other words, that we all have to go out and actually live, spend our time as we want to - the "not bowing down to conformity" again.

But then, as Jawbreaker once said... "You can turn a phrase until it reads a million ways." ;)

The Postal Service – Sleeping In Lyrics 20 years ago
I've just been on a Postal Service download fest and this song is AMAZING. I caught them on MTV2 (That hardcore late night session on saturdays where they play all the "wierd stuff") a while back (bout November time or something), thought they were brilliant - and only just remembered them.

To be honest I want these guys to become big. I couldn't care, they deserve it. Their writing skills and their quirky use of odd sounds (in this song, especially) along with the creepily eerie tone of the singer's voice far surpasses the other shit that's clogging up th "music industry" at the mo.

It's about time the really good bands like these guys, Cursive, Jets To Brazil and Sleep Station got the recognition they deserve and show other, weaker bands how it's done.

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