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The Hives – Hate To Say I Told You So Lyrics 22 years ago

The Hives – Die, All Right! Lyrics 22 years ago
WHAT THE. . ??

Savage Garden – I Want You Lyrics 22 years ago
haha it's easy to sing to, and come on One Week? That's even easier ! haha This song is awesome though. It not only has good lyrics it captures the whole rush of a crush, And yes I did mean to be extremely lame and retarded on that last line, muahaha

Bush – Letting The Cables Sleep Lyrics 22 years ago
It's most direct meaning, without reading into it and analyzing it too much, is about a relationship of some sort, doesn't matter what, where there are problems and they're just ignoring them rather than talking them through hence "letting the cables sleep". Stopping the lines of communication for fear of what might come of it.

"Whauever you say it's alright
Whatever yoe do it'b all good
Whatever yod say it&s alrigxt
Silence is not the eay
We need to talk about it ..."

No Doubt – Underneath It All Lyrics 22 years ago
You all suck. This just shows that you're all No Doubt Fan Posers! You can't make the same music over and over agian, you should be happy that they're growing as artists and experimenting with new material. This song and so many others are great on the new album. Stop trying to catagorize yourselves and open up your minds. You shouldn't give a shit what your ska friends will say if you still listen to No doubt.

Fiona Apple – The First Taste Lyrics 22 years ago
Eden84, although songs are open to interpretation and songs can mean different things to different people, I really think your interpretation has gone ascew. . .just a little.

She's upset, waiting for the one she wants to make his first move toward her. It's almost as if they've known for a while that they are interested in eachother, but she wants him to make the first move and he's hesitant about getting caught up in her.
She's at a point. "Waiting for the black to replace my blue "
Either he makes a move and they start what she believes will be a wonderful relationship, or she starts the process of moving on and trying to forget her feelings for him.

Nirvana – Jesus Doesn't Want Me for a Sunbeam Lyrics 22 years ago
I'm sick of you bastards pushing your fucking beliefs on the people that don't want them! I'm glad you all band together to fight your obvously low self esteem, but cut the witnessing crap! You don't see us non-religious people calling you worthless and sinful because you don't believe what we believe, do you??

Didn't think so. . .

Our Lady Peace – Whatever Lyrics 22 years ago
The WWF! HAHAHAHAHA Oh man! I feel sorry for the world when I see the stupidity that worships this "sport". Yeah so they work out and work real hard to be buff and learn stunts, but why not do something usefull with it instead of trying to use their lack of acting skills to pretend to beat others up?

On another note:
This song is one of the best ever! Not because it so perfectly describes my favorite wrestler!(sarcasm) but because it helps get the frustrations out.

Dashboard Confessional – The Sharp Hint Of New Tears Lyrics 22 years ago
Just like everyone else already stated. . .This song is perfect. It helps me get it all out. I don't know why I let guys get to me the way that they do. Oh well, everyone has a weekness and there's a song to solve each one. Music is the only thing you can count on.

Jewel – I Hate Valentine's Day Lyrics 22 years ago
I love this song. As a person who's never had a valentine this day really sucks because for some reason America decided to take the celebration of a Saint and turn it into this magnification of relationships day. It's a day for the coupled population of the world to turn around and laugh their asses off at single people. Stupid holiday.

Jewel – All By Myself Lyrics 22 years ago
hahah this is definitely one Celine Dion's crappy ass songs. Jewel wouldn't be this pathetic hahaha

Aaliyah – Try Again (feat. Timbaland) Lyrics 22 years ago
One of the best songs out there. Good lyrical content, nice beat, great hook, and a really awesome topic that everyone can relate too.

Aaliyah – More Than A Woman Lyrics 22 years ago
Jemma, what have you ever done?? Are you that insecure with yourself that you have to put down an original artist like Aaliyah? Origional beats,origional melodies, origional lyrics, her own truely unique sound? Can you even fathom how hard that is to do these days?I'm not too into the whole manufactured electronic sound, but come on! Learn how to recognize good music and then maybe you can judge.

Rest in Peace Aaliyah~

Aaliyah – More Than A Woman Lyrics 22 years ago
Jemma, what have you ever done?? Are you that insecure with yourself that you have to put down an original artist like Aaliyah? Origional beats,origional melodies, origional lyrics, her own truely unique sound? Can you even fathom how hard that is to do these days?I'm not too into the whole manufactured electronic sound, but come on! Learn how to recognize good music and then maybe you can judge.

Rest in Peace Aaliyah~

Dave Matthews Band – Lover Lay Down Lyrics 22 years ago
My fav DMB song. It's so sweet, sexy, and moving. I don't think there's another song out there that tops the emotion that pours out of this song.

Norah Jones – Lonestar Lyrics 22 years ago
This is a great song for anyone who's far away from the one they love and who's contemplating whether they should stay together or not because the distance is hard to deal with.

The Strokes – Alone, Together Lyrics 22 years ago
Fuck MTV!!! They ruin everything that's right with world! Fuck all the pop lemmings that say they like the songs just cause they're played on MTV, not cause they actually get the music or even appreciate it!

The Strokes – New York City Cops Lyrics 22 years ago
I agree with greenplastic. Yes it was terrible and it shouldn't have happened, but it brought a lot of people together. Music and free speech shouldn't be compramised evertime something upsets someone. There's a lot of bad music out there that upsets me, but I'm not going out and sueing them or stopping the selling of their music just cause I disagree with it. I just choose not to listen to it and others should do the same. People need to grow up and realize that isn't the answer.

Oh by the way, this song kicks ass! Rock on Strokes!

Norah Jones – Don't Know Why Lyrics 22 years ago
When I first heard this song I dismissed it cause I'm more into Punk and Hardcore music. But I heard it again yesterday and it discribes exactly what I'm going through. It's so somber, yet very sweet and I wish I could sing it to this special person.

*She doesn't sound half as raspy as macy does, and that's a good thing. Don't compare her to anything, but the Jazz greats of the past.

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.