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At the Drive-In – Transatlantic Foe Lyrics 21 years ago
I think a lot of these songs aren't meant to have contextual meaning, but the lyrics are impressionistic. Thusly, the label, emo, it deals with emotions, portrays things as you see it rather than as you know it, similar to the Impressionistic era in art a while back. ATDI to me is pure and literal emo, their songs and lyrics reflect pure emotions, whereas other "emo" bands just bitch and whine about how their girlfriend left them. So I wouldn't try and find meaning here, just listen to the melody and his voice.

Hum – Stars Lyrics 22 years ago
The great thing about this song is that, like most of Hum's other songs, it's so open-ended it means a ton of different things to different people. Personally, I always thought that the Daisy character was a reference to the Great Gatsby. "She thinks she missed the train to mars, she's out back counting stars" refers to the character daisy because she thinks she missed this grand opportunity (in the book, marrying Gatsby) so instead of doing something about it, she just settles for the closest thing, counting stars (or marrying Tom) the other stuff is just icing. Then again, maybe I'm crazy.

Failure – Another Space Song Lyrics 22 years ago
Probably my favorite song of all time, but like, it's too bad Greg had to be an ass and mess up the band. Hopefully Year of the Rabbit is half as good as failure.

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