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The Go-Gos – Our Lips Are Sealed Lyrics 22 years ago
The lyrics above are like they appear in the booklet of the Go-Go's CD Beauty and the beat (and also on the inner sleeve of the original LP). However, that's not what you hear on either original record. I have posted the lyrics to two other versions of OLAS, the one originally used on the CD (OLAS original LP version) and the one they sang live, which is more or like what is posted here but longer, except for the part "that's when YOU'll be feared" which is a typo and should read WE'll be feared. The Go-Go's sang the version I posted live in Los Angeles in 1984. This concert is available on a bootleg CD. I didn't check other live concerts to see if they always sing the song this way, but from memory that's what I remember hearing when I saw them live myself.
Regarding the story of OLAS, The Kinks had nothing to do with the song. It goes a bit like this: The Specials were playing in LA... and saw the Go-Go's and Terry took a liking to Jane Wiedlin, and they started dating. After he went back to England, they kept up through mail, and Terry Hall sent her some lyrics she added her own and that's how Our Lips Are Sealed happened (with thanks to Chris for the story). The Specials split up in Oct. 81 and Terry Hall formed the Fun Boys Three with two other ex-Specials.

Barenaked Ladies – These Apples Lyrics 22 years ago
I also found a reply by Barenaked Ladies' own Ed Robertson to this posting:

Hi there, I think your name is andrew but I may have that wrong. I want to thank you for your in depth interpretation of "these apples". I really enjoyed reading it. It was cool for me to to read because most of what you said was EXACTLY what I meant to say in the song, although I'm sure my 1st year english prof would argue that even the author does not hold the correct interpretation of his or her work.

So thanx very much for enjoying what I do enough to put that much time into it. After all the care and craftsmanship that goes into writing a song it's very nice to hear something other than " I like that song" or worse "I don't".

Anyway, this letter isn't very well thought out. I just wanted to say thanx and let you know from the horse's mouth as it were, just how right you are.

barenaked wishes
ed robertson

Barenaked Ladies – These Apples Lyrics 22 years ago
When I first came across the name of this board, I thought it was a forum to discuss the meaning of lyrics and not what they mean to me personally. So here's an interpretation of These apples I found (not mine!):

The Adam-Eve connection to "These Apples" certainly adds a nice overtone
to the lyrics. But a direct reading of the text is also very funny
and very thought-provoking.

Basically, you've got a relationship that's doomed from the start. Quite
unlike the Adam and Eve story, where there's the exact opposite
suggestion of complete compatibility - "at last! bone of my bone and flesh
of my flesh" says Adam on beholding Eve - this couple is headed for
disaster. Both parties are in love with *falling* in love, rather than
committed to loving each other, to the point that they are clueless to
the obvious incompatibilities. Here we go -

She - brings flowers

He - has never been good with plants.

Clue 1 - this plant's gonna croak and she'll be miffed at his
"disregard" for her gift. He will in turn resent her disappointment in
his performance as a horticulturist.

She - gives a dictionary with "romance" circled - BIG HINT that she's a
sentimentalist. But even more important: notice that this is "the next
presentation", not the next "present." So much is packed into this one
little twist of phrase. First, "presenting" is what female animals do to
indicate sexual availability. Second, one gets the sense that this guy
really didn't want or need a new dictionary, just as he didn't want or
need the lilacs. But she has "presented" him with a dictionary, and a
loaded one to boot. Presentations are designed and intended largely to
serve the interests and needs of the presenter. True presents are gifts
to the recipient. Just think about the "presents" you've been given
that had strings attached, that were intended to produce some result in
you, that were actually forms of manipulation. You say "thanks"; maybe
you even get off on the idea that the giver is pursuing you, but
eventually you grow weary of presents that aren't really gifts.

Clue 2 - the fundamental dynamic of giving and receiving, so essential
to healthy love, is skewed from the get-go.

He - "enthusiastic, a little bit drastic" (no kidding!) shaves her name in
his head. Ignoring two big clues, he makes a big presentation of his
own. Unfortunately,

She - "as she beheld it, she said I'd misspelled it. Need more be said?"

Clue 3 - Is there any doubt that this relationship is headed for the
crapper? I mean, anyone ga-ga enough to shave a girl's name in his head
and not even know how to spell it is begging for trouble.

Now to the line in question

He - "these apples are delicious" - commenting on their flavor

She - "as a matter of fact they are" - commenting on their type:
Delicious is a kind of apple, like MacIntosh or Granny Smith.

Clue 4 - oh boy, they can't even understand each other in everyday
speech. She's confirming something she *thought* he said, but it's not
what he actually was saying. She's not contradicting or correcting him -
don't worry, that will come later. But even now he should recognize that
she doesn't get what he means. Anyone who's been in a bad relationship
recognizes this symptom IMMEDIATELY and runs for the door!

"can all this fruit be free?" Can all this giddy rush of falling in love
last forever and cost nothing in terms of building relationship despite
(indeed, because of) hard work and conflict? Answer - no way, kids!

She - wrote a letter as big as a phone book

He - never been big on mail

He - sent her a postcard from somewhere near Lethbridge (I assume this
is way rural, Canada), wondered if it went by rail (=slow).

Clue 5 - he's gonna grow sick of reading these tomes; she's gonna be
hacked off at the miniscule response, if she ever gets it at all. Soon
she'll be complaining how he doesn't communicate his feelings and he'll
be complaining that all she does is talk. Here we have the essence of
Deborah Tannen's work (on men's and women's very different linguistic
practices), distilled and set to a catchy riff.

The remainder of the song is about the guy starting to catch the drift
and struggling to communicate clearly, no longer content to be
misinterpreted as long as the romance still burns hot.

- "never been frightened of being enlightened, but some things can go
too far": I suspect heretofore he has thought of falling in love and/or
having sex as automatically equivalent to enlightenment. But now he's
starting to question this - maybe infatuation is finally revealing
itself to be just another cycle in a continuing pattern of self-delusion.

- "Though sometimes I stammer and mix up my grammar, you get what my
meanings are." Both are vaguely aware that this ersatz Eden is going to
have its all-too-real Fall, that miscommunication, though it can fuel
lust, cannot sustain love. You feel that he's about to push a tad harder
to be understood when he says "these apples are delicious!"

He is close to breaking through to the enlightenment he says he doesn't
fear when he begins to see he's in love with falling/feeling in love and
is likely to repeat such fiascos in the future unless he takes a new
slant on life. And his satori will come when he really can practice what
he claims: "I'm not trying to sing a lovesong, just trying to sing in

You can sense his struggle: "falling in love, catching fire, I want to
be consummed, wondering if I'll ever tire [of this falling in love
thang]". It's great to feel the rush of cathexis that accompanies one's
ego boundaries going up in flames. But there's the nagging sense that to
be consummed can't be all there is to Love, much less to Life. One also
needs to be working on having a true Self, from which one can love the
true Self of the Beloved. And one has to love well one's own true Self
in order to receive love in return.

_These Apples_ is one of my favorite songs on MYSD because it suggests
clearly that there's more to real love than the rush of falling in love.
Our hero is at the edge of realizing that the only way to make a
relationship work is to quit trying to sing love songs (all the
"romance" stuff, which does get you high, but won't keep you together)
and start trying to sing in tune - to speak clearly from an honest,
authentic, consistent Self, staying true to one's values and beliefs,

MYSD is a great album because what BNL say about various forms of
dysfunctional, unrequited, and squandered relationship, in nearly every
song, is so insightful and unsentimental, but still very sympathetic,
humorous, gently ironic, and ultimately positive. Each protagonist is
taking a step nearer to real insight into Love.

Given most of the dreck passing for "love" these days, one can do a lot
worse than cranking up MYSD and cracking open a copy of M.Scott Peck's
"The Road Less Traveled". Both aim to put us finally in the drivers'
seats of our own lives. So, maybe you oughta reach over and just grab
that wheel, eh?

Chris Thyberg (
copyright 1995

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