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No Doubt – Don't Speak Lyrics 22 years ago
This song is really hitting me hard right now. My (ex now I suppose) boyfriend took off three weeks ago and we've been playing phone tag since then. I wanna catch him just to hear the words..but at the same time..ugh I don't want to hear it at all.

Guns N' Roses – November Rain Lyrics 22 years ago
"sometimes I need some time on my own..sometimes I need some time all alone" That pretty much sums it up I think. To me, this song is about being so in love with someone, you get so wrapped up in them that you forget about yourself. When you lose them, you realize how much of yourself you missed out on, and how much of yourself they took with them. can't be afraid to lose them and miss out on the love you share, either.

Marilyn Manson – The Beautiful People Lyrics 22 years ago
I'd have to agree with Akasha..everything points to basically laughing in the faces of those who deem themselves "christians" (and I use the term lightly). Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house..

Nine Inch Nails – Terrible Lie Lyrics 22 years ago
Terrible lie is just..whoaaa..I love that song. I can relate in soo many ways, it's scary. It's supposed to be about God and faith in a higher power, but there are so many other meanings behind it too. For's more a song about faith in someone who turned around and stabbed you in the back..and left you there to die.

Cold – Gone Away Lyrics 22 years ago
for whoever corrected my lyrics..thanks! I owe ya lol

For most of the rest of you..chill the fuck out! A song can mean something to one person, and mean something completely different to another. It can also mean something one day, and the next, it'll be completely different for you. I'd imagine it's the same with the people/person who wrote/sang it.

Cold is one of my favorite bands now..why? Because I like their music and I can relate..I don't give a fuck why you do or don't like them, nothing you say will change my mind. If you don't like 'em *shrugs* don't read the lyrics or listen to their songs. Easy enough eh?

Nickelback – Too Bad Lyrics 22 years ago
I heard an interview about this song. Chad refused to send the CD to his father because he was afraid of how he'd react to this song, but his father loved it apparently. It's sad..but yeah, a lot of people can relate to this.

Cold – Gone Away Lyrics 22 years ago
Note: * means I'm not completely sure of the words. The version of the song I have was kind of jumbled in those places, so if the words are wrong, my apologies in advance :)

As for what the song means..
Well, I suppose for me it had a dual meaning. Most of the lyrics by Cold are centered on singing (13 Ways to Bleed on Stage)..but they also talk about love in some ways. Either way, a fierce protection of what is *theirs* stands out in this.

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