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Kathleen Edwards – Buffalo Lyrics 16 years ago
A lovely song :D

Hadouken! – The Prayer Remix Lyrics 17 years ago
Why does randomly thinking about pork make more sense?!

Damien Rice – 9 Crimes Lyrics 17 years ago
Dear lord when Damien comes in it makes my hairs stand up. Sometimes he has such a great, dark quality.

Liam Frost – Try Try Try Lyrics 17 years ago

Death Cab for Cutie – I Will Follow You Into the Dark Lyrics 18 years ago
This is a very brave song. To lean away from DCFC's love of production and produce a simple song with only guitar and heartfelt lyrics is courageous and pays off, I think.

Neutral Milk Hotel – A Baby for Pree Lyrics 18 years ago
I take the miscarriage view.

"Blistering Pree, all smiling and swollen
Makes babies to breathe.."

She is happy and pregnant and is excited to be having babies.

"With their hearts hanging open all over the sheets
As soft as beets in some brown dresser drawer.."

Magnum goes straight from the hope and happiness of Pree to telling us that she miscarries.

"And with bees in her breath and the rest of her ringing
They'll sting through her chest with a force hard and beating
Till wonderfully wet she will get
Until she's soaked inside her clothes.."

Childbirth taking place. The pain of it but not a natural pain. She is losing the babies. The imagery used here is bizarre and unpleasant (bee's stinging) and does not at all lead us to think positive things.

"And there is no sorry to be sorry for
For a roll around the floor some afternoon so sound and soft
It made her swallow all her sweat
With every bit of breath she coughs...."

She feels the guilt often felt by women who miscarry for getting pregnant int he first place.

"And when the day it came to pour all her babies
All across the bathroom floor
She will be swimming in them all forever more....."

Again the imagery is not pleasant and her babies are being spilled across the bathroom floor instead of the normal hospital room. She is going to be upset and hurt by this for a long time. She will be swimming in them ever more shows this in a very beautiful and poetic way.

I see no references about abortion here.

Morning Runner – Burning Benches Lyrics 18 years ago
Blimey. Last section of this song is exhilirating.

They Might Be Giants – Experimental Film Lyrics 18 years ago
Hehe i love the first paragrah. It is what it is. Thinking about some pretentious nonesense to film in his experimental film.

Dead Prez – Hip hop Lyrics 18 years ago
Holy shit the fact that this has no comments scares me...

...easily one of the greatest hip hop songs ever. Shows how some so called "hip hop fans" don't know shit other than "Fiddy".

Frou Frou – Breathe In Lyrics 18 years ago
I like it! That interpretation goes very well with the song!

Coheed and Cambria – Always and Never Lyrics 18 years ago
Does anyone else hear Al in this song? During the "I'm still waiting here...." parts?

Frou Frou – Breathe In Lyrics 18 years ago
Aaah yes, drugs -the ultimate cop-out answer. This song is clearly not about taking drugs. Yes SOME of the lyrics relate to them but that isn't what the song is about.

I think it's about a relationship which the singer finds either painful or destructive or whatever. She would like to get out of it but is addicted. She questions whether she actually loves this person but admits to not being able to help loving them.

Verse two is her trying to avoid the person and making excuses about having to be somewhere.

Quite an abstract song which we can all get our own meanings from. But I highly doubt it's about drugs. Just because a song has drug references and metaphors doen't mean it is about taking drugs.

Nizlopi – JCB Lyrics 18 years ago
Its such an innocent song. NEARLY makes me cry each time. I have to try not to.

Its pop yes but there is nothing wrong with GOOD pop. Nothing at all. This song is cracking and made it to number one as if that actually matters other than to give its writers a good christmas bonus.

Jimmy Eat World – Closer Lyrics 18 years ago
One of my fav Jimmy songs? Its always good to know that aq band you've loved for years can still bring out songs that affect you like this one does...

Panic! at the Disco – There's a Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought of It Yet Lyrics 18 years ago
This band are so..... strange. There are a lot of people who are just dead against them for being a Fall Out Boy rip off but I dont know. The students seem to have surpassed the masters here.

Some people also rebel againts any band that becomes scene. P!ATD seem to know what they've become and are okay with it.

I for one think this song alone shows that they have a lot of potential. Just need to cut the FOB strings.

Dogs Die in Hot Cars – Lounger Lyrics 18 years ago
Sounds like many many people at university. Seems to be taking the pee outta those kids who are "weird, different, special and oh so not part of the crowd" who think they're so special at uni.

...bloody loungers.

Bright Eyes – A Perfect Sonnet Lyrics 18 years ago

Bright Eyes – A Perfect Sonnet Lyrics 18 years ago
Okay okay.... 3 things...

His voice is VERY like Dylan's in the you either like it or it grates. And I WOULD describe him as a Dylan of the new age.

Secondly, there is no such thing as Emo in music. Emo is a fashion statement for posing kids who need to feel part of a subculture to feel accepted. Fair play to them. Just don't go around describing music as "emo" for the simple reason that you dress "emo" and like the song. Be yourself, not a stereotype!

And thirdly...... WHERE IS THE MELODY FOR THIS SONG FROM!?!? I dont think it's an original Conor melody. It is from another song. Perhaps something classica. If anyone has any clues pls say.

TBH I'm suprised noone picked up on this.

Bright Eyes – One Foot in Front of the Other Lyrics 19 years ago
It all depends on which you hear first.

I love Landlocked Blues the most.The harmonies are really lovely. This one is more raw but still good.

Both are good but I prefer Landlocked. Simply personal preference.

Bright Eyes – Arc of Time (Time Code) Lyrics 19 years ago
Conor can only go on so far wailing with his acoustic guitar (not that Conor wailing on his acoustic is a bad thing!) All musicians grow. We either like it or we dont.

Bright Eyes – Arc of Time (Time Code) Lyrics 19 years ago
Well the thing about time is that it is relative to the speed you are travelling at. Time is distorted. As you approach the speed of light time changes. Gravity also affects time.

Hell, even our own MINDS affect time. We can be sitting bored and time moves slow or have fun and it moves fast. But thats enough philosophy.

There are two types of "music fan" in the world. Those who, when their favoured artist does something different, dislike it and rebel against it saying it sucks and cannot cope with change. And those who do not want their artists to be doing the same thing "over and over and over again" and want them to grow and change and experiment because when a band starts to stagnate they suck *cough U2 cough*.

I am one fo the latter people.

Dave Matthews Band – The Stone Lyrics 19 years ago
And that song, btw, is Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis.

Dave Matthews Band – The Stone Lyrics 19 years ago
Damn straight the Elvis part is beautiful.

That some people didnt realise it was Elvis scares me! Learn your heratige people!

Denver Harbor – Satisfied Lyrics 19 years ago
Aye, tis decent. Lyrics are a little hollow or cliche. Reminds me of Fightstar after their dude left that pop band.

Seem to have matured a little after Fenix TX.

They Might Be Giants – Birdhouse in Your Soul Lyrics 19 years ago
Jesus God. Give some christians a turd and all of a sudden it's God/Jesus. Does God have an electrical well? Nope. Does a nite-lite? Why yes, it's called a plug socket.

Was Jesus' ancestor a lighthouse? Nope, thats WAY too phallic for christians to accept.

Is there any scriptural reference to god/jesus as a blue canary? Nope. Can nite-light's be found int he shape of a blue canary? I don't see why not!

Is jesus spelled "l-i-t-e"? Erm...

John Butler Trio – Ocean Lyrics 19 years ago
I know this has no lyrcs but musically it is beautiful and impressive in equal measure. As it's called Ocean maybe it depicts the changes in an ocean with a storm at the end.

Bright Eyes – Don't Know When but a Day Is Gonna Come Lyrics 19 years ago
About the "truth" line. It is my opinion that we believe what we want to believe and disregard contrary evidence.

I've noticed myself doing this. if I hear something that doesn't agree with my POV I will either say "tis a lie" or I discredit it or disregard it.

But we could talk about this stuff all day. The song is very musically good. Nothing TOO special but good nonetheless.

Pedro the Lion – Bad Things to Such Good People Lyrics 19 years ago
Lol Structure because we can classify EVERYTHING into neat little boxes to make our world a better place can't we?

Record companies putting every band into a certain genre is stupid and insulting to the band.

Pedro the Lion – Letter from a Concerned Follower Lyrics 19 years ago
I like this guy. He's an actual INTELLIGENT christian. Someone who questions the whole faith and is not afraid to be controvertial. Unlike many christians I know who are just blind followers indoctrinated to the point that they are the type of person that Jesus dude came to show the light.

I am in no way christian and think christanity has a lot to answer for but I do not hate it. I recognise that there are many positive aspects of faith.

Like I said, I like this guy. He does not blindly follow his faith, he questions it and points out the hypocrisies and contradictions. (I refer to his other nongs and not justt his one).

Pedro the Lion – The Longer I Lay Here Lyrics 19 years ago
Masturbation isn't a sin.

Arcade Fire – Neighborhood #3 (Power Out) Lyrics 19 years ago
It's about a big blizzard in canada.

Mae – Cover Me Lyrics 19 years ago
Aye. That is the strength of all good music. It is open to interpretation even thought the writer MAY have his own interpretation. They don;t create it, they channel it and have their interpretation. Being an atheist means I have different interpretations.

I dont like this song that much really. Not up to Mae's standard IMO.

Jimmy Eat World – Futures Lyrics 19 years ago
Beh, I mean MEAN SOMETHING not make a difference. Some fan I am!

Jimmy Eat World – Futures Lyrics 19 years ago
Anyone else hear "votes" rather than "voice" making a difference?

Jimmy Eat World – Drugs Or Me Lyrics 19 years ago
Coleridge said "to dissect is to destroy" so I'll just comment on how amazing the harmonies are. Like on most JEW songs.

Jimmy Eat World – Your House Lyrics 19 years ago
Absolutely heartbreaking song. The degree of emotion Jim puts into the song takes it to another level. The repetition at the end is what gets me. Fantastic song.

And xpankfrisst, you interpretation does make sense and is the one I go for.

Nil Lara – Fighting For My Love Lyrics 19 years ago
Scrubs led me to this one. And its great! Downloading other songs now!

NOFX – The Decline Lyrics 19 years ago

Jimmy Eat World – Last Christmas Lyrics 19 years ago
Ha! This is great! Better than... any version of it. Began playing it around the house and at college and now everyone is singing it!

Vanessa Carlton – White Houses Lyrics 19 years ago
I have such a crush on this girl's voice.

The Postal Service – Against All Odds (Phil Collins cover) Lyrics 19 years ago
Lol silly person.

This song is very good. It's a really beautifully written song and this is the best version I have heard. I'd LOVE some more of the Service.

Jimmy Eat World – Jen Lyrics 19 years ago
Hmm could Jen be one of their 2 female backing singers? A dedication?

And its poppy but I like it!

The Goo Goo Dolls – Name Lyrics 19 years ago
Best solo EVER!

Johnny Cash – Hurt (Nine Inch Nails cover) Lyrics 19 years ago
Lol some people are such music fascists. It appears your taste is the only one that matters.

This song is so poignant because Johnny was dying and died rather soon after making it. I think calling it his curtain call is harsh as that suggests attention seeking. I've never heard a more honest song in my life.

If you dont like a song... dotn post.

Jimmy Eat World – Futures Lyrics 19 years ago
One of my favs. Bet Jim's gutted bout the elections eh? :P

Jimmy Eat World – Work Lyrics 19 years ago
I think its the melody in this song. Especially the "Don't think we're not serious...." part. Very nice. Might be my fav on the album. Not sure yet. Probably never will be!

Kings of Leon – California Waiting Lyrics 19 years ago
No comments? WHY? This is such a great song.

I dont understand the reference to "crimson and clover". Its in other songs too.

Dashboard Confessional – The Only Gift That I Need Lyrics 19 years ago

The Rocket Summer – Saturday Lyrics 19 years ago
Camp loveliness!

The Rocket Summer – That's so you Lyrics 19 years ago
Heartbreaking song. Love it.

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