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Artist Added
Animal Collective2010-07-31
Arcade Fire2010-07-30
Ben Kweller2010-07-30
Bright Eyes2010-07-30
Broken Social Scene2010-07-30
Conor Oberst2010-07-30
Death Cab for Cutie2010-07-30
Elliott Smith2010-07-30
Flaming Lips, The2010-07-30
Jenny Lewis2010-07-30
Modest Mouse2010-07-30
Monsters of Folk2010-07-30
Most Serene Republic, The2010-07-30
Pink Floyd2010-08-09
Postal Service, The2010-07-30
Rilo Kiley2010-07-30
She & Him2010-08-13
Shins, The2010-07-30
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