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The Maccabees – Marks To Prove It Lyrics 1 month ago
According to their interview with John Kennedy for the track by track review this reflects the need of society to document everything, to prove everything: it started with people getting suntans and strap marks to prove they had been on holiday but has expanded to most things in society, where people feel the need to prove whatever they've done was real, down to taking a photo of their breakfast and posting it on Instagram.

The Hives – Come On! Lyrics 9 months ago
I may be wrong, but I think they want us to come on.

Gang of Youths – Goal of the Century Lyrics 1 year ago
Coming at the end of an album centered on the death of Lead Youth Dave Leaupepe it's hardly a surpise that this song packs an emotional punch, flowing as a back and forth conversation between father and son in the valley left by the older man's passing.

They lyrics read as though written in snatches, fleeting snatches of presumed talk between the pair: starting with Dave following on from Hand of God he acknowledges his father's passing and looks at his own life through both men's eyes, wondering if he's living the right life and noting that he's following in his father's footsteps ("you sing the verses and I repeat the tune") before his father's voice lets him know that he loves him, and Dave dreams of one last meeting with his father after a show.

The final section is an update, a late night call to his father to let him know that everything is fine with the family ("Indy is growing", "we're thinking of children") before noting how much he is missed ("I wish you could meet them").

And it's there, right at the end of a review of his father's life, that he comes to terms with the contradictions of a life by realising how much his father had given him, how much he had learned from the older man, how much he has come to appreciate everything they shared together: "you were an angel in realtime".

Neil Finn – King Tide Lyrics 11 years ago
I wonder if this isn't a song about watching his son Liam grow up and take his first steps towards being a songwriter too? There are references to "You're flesh and blood, there's no excuse" (the Finns are a famously musical family), and of course to songwriting being a way of understanding yourself ("Make some sense of your life / Move your hand and make the mark").

I also like the comments about creativity, and how it can take you over if you let it ("And the hunger inside / Won't go away, it's starting to rise / And the longer you hide / The more you deny"). And the pride that a father can take in the achievements of his son, as he moves in his own area ("And the sea rushes in / Into my world" "I lay breathless in the arms of love / There's a bruise on my back / And a new understanding too").

And again, just another few moments of brilliance from Neil Finn.

Soul Coughing – Lemon Lime Lyrics 12 years ago
I think this is probably based on seeing a woman who reminds Doughty of an ex, and thinking about the time they spent together.

Oh, and the line should be "so many denominations"

Soul Coughing – Blame Lyrics 12 years ago
Like much of El Oso, this is pretty clearly Doughty's view on the vast gap that opened between him and the rest of the band. If you read his book he's very open about how they blamed him for everything - this is him in passive aggressive mode saying fine, blame me for everything that's gone wrong, it'll make you feel better at least.

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