Lyric discussion by ryan104186 

One of my favourite King Missile tracks. Obviously it's a satirical piece. I'm not sure how some people seem to miss that. The music fits so well. I love how the bass gently carries the tune into a full blown rant and rage. Those chugs of harsh distorted guitar and shrieks of violin.really getting the listener into the mood. It sounds like an almost unstoppable machine chugging along.

Really quite a powerful piece of music, both lyrically and instrumentally. They go hand in hand. In my opinion, this really shows the genius of King Missile that so many have missed. I find it a huge shame that they are so overlooked because most perceive them as just a college-humour band. Yet, I am so happy I listened to every single release of theirs and saw beyond all of that. One of my top bands because of works like this/ And also the brilliantly put together lyrics of others such as "Ed" deserve a mention.

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