Lyric discussion by othatzsokewl 

you know what... I was going through songs on YouTube that i used to be into when I was 12 and when I watched the video for this one I really think this one isn't so bad. I think the "if you ain't got no money..." line is more about reality than it is "WOO I'M RICH STFU UGLY POOR PPL" because of the lines "My daddy told me so... he let his daughter know" - whether literal or not i think it means she just over time had to learn the fact that you have to have some monetary background to make it. the reason it's said so harshly is because that's how it is in the real world too! but the point of the song: despite all that she's still trying to "keep it real". honestly what made me change my mind about this song is the way she points at herself and says "he let his daughter know"

There are plenty of people who live by simple means and are very happy. By making it, what do you mean? Your life can't be considered successful, unless you're rich with material things from monetary means. It depends what you consider to be rich. I'm sure plenty of hippies, mormons, omish, the average working class Joe and people from all walks of life are content and feel rich with their lives. Home is where the heart is and as long as it's filled with joy and life, that can be very glamorous. That is a terrible interpretation but thats just...

go write your own song Always

I think you have it right. She is talking about herself in reference to if you ain't got no money line. That why you see to flashback to 1994 when she didn't have money. The irony is a lot of stars spend all their money trying to look rich just for image sake. That is the rub. She not talking down to anyone but reminding herself of the consequences of having wealth and she may not always like it or understand it. The line "I got problems up to here I've got people in my ear telling me these crazy...

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