Lyric discussion by theosarkouda 

The ultimate song about loneliness, isolation and despair. I think the lyrics on the original cover said "and now my knights are numbered, too". "Too" can even be heard as "two". Hammill has actually said that you can read it both ways.

It’s not exactly easy listening, of course. It’s dark, even pretty scary, and highly complex. David Jackson said in an interview that at one point they play 24 independant tunes at the same time. That made it impossible to play it live – they had to cheat when they performed it at Belgian (I think) TV.

VdGG may be a bit obscure, but still they have quite a few fans, and they are held in very high regard at Prog Archives. Both the band and Hammill solo are more influential than people tend to think. Genesis is obvious (I don’t think they would have made "Supper’s Ready" without this one), so is Bowie, and I’m pretty sure that I’ve read that both Nick Cave and Julian Cope are fans, and definitely John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten). I find it funny that one of the icons of punk loved not only VdGG, but also Can, Magma and Captain Beefheart.

@theosarkouda But what is the meaning behind "and now my knights are numbered, two"? What knights?

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