Lyric discussion by rb5191 

I know that this could simply be a story about a mummy that comes to life- but I have a hard time thinking that his lyrics are as simple as they are written... I think it has to be deeper for some reason.

I think that the song is the woman's story. I think that she discovers him- and "the curse" is that she devotes her entire life to him- and dies with him being her whole life. She spends her youth when she is beautiful writing about him, discovering his story, and towards the end of her life when he was all she new- all that she was passionate about- she elaborates the relationship into something romantic. I think she looks back on her life- and instead of considering it wasted since she spent every minute with this mummy- she personifies him- gives him life- imagines a life where he loved her and was devoted to her in return. I dont think he actually comes to life and speaks to her- I just think she imagines that he does- so she can rest peacefully in her old age- content in how she spent her days.

But- thats just my opinion. :)

I love your interpretation of this song and agree wholeheartedly!

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