Lyric discussion by skip 

During a live show (22 Aug 01) John says:

"So about the time I wrote 'Comfortable', Matt [Mangano] and I were living in the same room, and, we were hanging out and writing songs; that was a time I could write some songs, now I'm just a lazy bastard, but, I'm getting back into it; but anyway, Matt and I were sitting around and playing songs to each other and passing the guitar back and forth and giving each other words to rhyme in a song and improv on, Matt was giving me a word, I did it and handed it back to him and he did a word and handed it back to me and I did a word, and I told him that the word to rhyme was orange, knowing that there wasn't any perfect rhyme for the word orange...and Matt one-upped me anyway. This is the song that he wrote:"

Just thought you'd like to hear it straight from him.

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