Lyric discussion by SoundandFury1031 

Ok... Well, First off, I always that the line was "They were all in love with Di, and they were drinking from a fountain..." I'm listening to it right now... that one line over and over and I can't tell... It could be either one... let's gowith the dying theory...

I hate that almost any song out there people turn into a drug reference, but I can definitely see that in this one... I've never done heroin, but from what I've heard about it, it could be described as drinking from a fountain (shooting up) that was pouring like an avalanche, coming down a mountain (The rush of heroin into your system puts you into a stupor, and each time you do it, there's the possibility of being buried under that rush and not coming out... much like an avalanche)

But moving away from the drug reference, This song is simply about being stupid... and the chorus is about coming out of that wild streak for a moment... Waking up during the day sometimes, and seeing that the world is a pretty ok place in the sunshine...

I think the taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes line is about... Ok, Screw it... The more I think about it, the more clearly this becomes an ode to heroin...

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