Lyric discussion by prayingmantis84 

Dude, do yourself a favor and shut the hell up. Just because Alice Cooper is an idiot doesn't mean the rest of them are. Dexter Holland, for example, has a PhD in Microbiology. They don't just hand those babies out, you know.

Second, music is political and always will be. Whether or not you subscribe to the musicians political views is an entirely different thing altogether, but that doesn't change the fact that many songs and many artists put political and social themes into their music. Look at Rage Against the Machine. Fucking political. Doesn't mean you have to buy into it, and many people that do are fucking stupid. But hey, Art Alexakis of Everclear was a delegate to the national democratic convention. So maybe he knows what he's talking about, huh?

As far as right or wrong goes... who the hell are you to decide what makes right or wrong? Who gave Bush the authority to say, "Look, whatever I do here is right, because I'm president of the United States I can do whatever I want"? Right and wrong are relative concepts. It's only through understanding of the problem and exhaustive reasearch can a real solution be reatched. And neither of those has happened.

After all, you are aware that Osama isn't hanging out in Iraq, right? Because that's where the troops are. Don't get me wrong, I support the troops. What I will not support, however, is the reason they are there.

Pull your head out of your ass, dude.

To everyone else; sorry about that. The song is fucking awesome. Something that hasn't been mentioned is how the concept of an "American Idiot" is carried throughout the CD. Any thoughts?

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