Lyric discussion by malli321 

this song talks about this girl who "thanks her Jesus for the daisies and the roses", she knows who Jesus is and that God is her Creator, but nothing more than that.

"someday she'll understand the meaning of it all" that Jesus is more than just "the laughter or the stars in the heavens" and she'll understand that He is "as close as a heartbeat or song on her lips"

He'll call her and she will come running to him and see Him not as just her Creator, but as her the Lover of her life and she will truly KNOW Him and fall in love with Him.

This gives me hope for some of my friends, that hopefully one day they will run to Him and see Him as more than just the One who watches over, and see Him as the One who wants to be part of our lives, He wants to be our whole life. I pray that someday they will fall in love with Him.

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