Lyric discussion by choda_boy 

konstantine is the name of the girl its about. there are various versions of the name such as konstantina (a secretary at my dads office). the jimmy eat world reference, they were listening to jimmy eat world in his car. 'for me this is heaven' to be exact. that is why they quote the song. as for the overall effect of the song, i have never had a song make me cry as much as this one. ive stayed up all night listening to this song, drinking because of a broken heart. my applause to something corporate, for making such a beautiful song. one of the best love songs ever written.

Actually the girl that it is about is named Krystal. But rather than use her name he picks Constantine and spells it with a "K" just like the unusual way of spelling Krystal with a "K"
Also goes along with the with the line "...I can spell confusion with a "K" ..."

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