Lyric discussion by AnimalChin 

I heard about Elliot Smith from a new friend of mine as we were suggesting music to each other. At the time he had called at 3 in the morning and demanded that I go download this while he was on the phone.

Anyways, he said that this Elliot Smith guy sat around and did a bunch of herion for like a year straight and wrote a whole bunch of words. He then cleaned up and started writing music and organized all of his heroin inspired words and started recording songs, this being the result.

Anyone know if this is a true story? Regardless, this is a great song. I love how he describes the lady as "staring into space like a dead china doll."

Dolls were never alive in the first place ;)


  • AnimalChin

i think also think that it is about his mother and her new boyfriend for ages i didn't get the line "XO mom" until i saw a bottle of armagnac and saw XO written on it and i thought it might have something to do with drinking so a drinking mom and its the name of the album to. x

sorry i replied to the wrong comment haha

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