Lyric discussion by anakin821 

This is my favorite Strokes song (so far). I think he is explaining how things are so great when you're a kid, but eventually you realize you're getting older and you and your friends can't stay together forever. The chorus also shows this well because says he "lacks in depth" or needs to mature realize the meaning to his life, he has this girl who wants to stay with him even though there not right for each other and he has realized this so he tells her he must go, and the final part about working hard means like college or just getting a job etc so he's not stuck working so hard the rest of his life and the very last line is the best where he realizes all of this and decides not to waste another day. The overall repeating theme(and title) "someday" is more of a bane than something he's wishing for even though he says it so promisingly. THE STROKES = THE NEW OLD FACE OF ROCK.

I totally agree with you anakin821. This song definately shows the sort of stuff im feeling at the moment too. So shit becoming mature I just want to stay young Thats life ey Fuck It

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