Lyric discussion by Acmemetal 

Unchained certainly comes across as a break up song regarding a blue eyed girl with a size 5 dress.

Think the place to start is with the "Fat City" line. It's old slang that means flush w/ cash.

"Thought you'd never miss me till 'till I got a fat city address" talking about an ex that wouldn't think twice about him, unless she hears he got rich.

This makes sense to me when looking at the line "Enough ain't enough for you" which I take to mean they had enough to get by, but it wasn't good enough for her, she wants a guy that's going to provide the finer things in life.

Back to the first line "You said we couldn't get there from here baby and I don't care where I'm going" Sounds like she's accusing him of having no career ambition and wouldn't be able to provide for her the lifestyle she desires doing what he's doing (perhaps singing in some local band playing crappy dive bars?). Her "Thin red Line" was her ultimatum of get a real job or I'm gone.

His response "Change? Nothing stays the same" Basically, nothing last forever. Oh well.

"Unchained...hit the ground running" speaks for itself; I'm free now and I'm going to go for my dreams, "I don't ask for permission". "My chance to fly", "My turn to try", all go along with this. He's free now, Unchained.

[Edit: Spelling ]

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