Lyric discussion by catlabb 

I believe the song perfectly fits the description of a narcissist. It can be a relationship with parents, romantic partners, friends who are narcissists. Throwing mistakes in someone’s face constantly and acting like you never made a mistake yourself could be self entitlement or interpersonally exploited behavior. Condescending, arrogance. Refusing to bend and making them to be the ones who keeps bending until they break, excessive admiration and refusal to admit fault. Saying that you’ll be right here waiting is indicative of being a victim of a narcissist and heavily influenced by them, the narcissist cycle, a pattern of harmful behaviors used by one person to manipulate and exploit another. It usually consists of the four stages: idealization, devaluation, discard, and hoover. Why would a narcissist still be right there waiting? It could be that they get what they want from you or they’re looking for vengeance since they have this grandiose of self importance if the person leaves them because, how dare they? And in the case of vengeance, the same narcissist cycle will happen.

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