Lyric discussion by Zenarcher 

The song is about a coastal town that has been abandoned and is in a state of decay. The singer trudges slowly back to a bench where their clothes were stolen, which creates a feeling of loss and violation. The mention of Armageddon and a nuclear bomb suggests a longing for some kind of destruction or change to end the monotony and sadness of life in the town.

The singer repeats the phrases "everyday is like Sunday" and "everyday is silent and grey" to convey how monotonous and joyless life is in the town. The repetition emphasizes the lack of excitement and variation in daily life, and how it all seems to blend together into a dreary sameness.

"Hide on the promenade, etch a postcard, How I dearly wish I was not here" the singer wants to escape from their current location and situation. They may feel trapped or bored with their surroundings and long for something different. The act of etching a postcard implies a desire to preserve memories or send messages from a different, more desirable place.

The phrase "Come, come, come, nuclear bomb" expresses the singer's wish for a fresh start, a chance to start over and leave behind the pain and monotony of their current situation. It implies a desire for a drastic change, as if a nuclear bomb could wipe the slate clean and allow for a new beginning.

Towards the end of the song, the singer continues walking on the beach and encounters a strange dust that lands on their hands and face, adding to the overall sense of desolation. The repetition of "on your face" reinforces the feeling of finality or acceptance of the singer's situation.

"Win yourself a cheap tray, share some greased tea with me" implies a desire for human connection or companionship, even if it is in a simple or modest way.

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