Lyric discussion by Zenarcher 

The beginning of the song shows a boy being tempted by a beautiful but enigmatic woman. The term "lipstick boy" means that the woman is using makeup to alter her appearance. The phrase "dirty numb angel boy" characterizes the boy as feeling aimless and looking for something to guide him.

It then mentions the boy's "inner space," which refers to his thoughts and emotions. He's involved in dangerous and possibly criminal activities, with mentions of "hand girls" and "steel." The word "chemicals" further implies that he's using drugs or other substances to alter his state of mind.

"Drive boy dive boy" is repeated several times in the song, which creates a feeling of urgency or a call for action. The woman smiles at the boy and motions for him to come over to her, as if she is offering him a temporary escape from his problems.

The middle section of the song delves further into the subjects of drug abuse, addiction, and personal identity. It encourages you to be honest with your emotions but also to conceal your true self by wearing a metaphorical "mask." This suggests that the narrator may be hiding their true nature or persona from others.

The song gives a sense of longing for a perfect image of beauty through the phrase "random blonde bio high density." The repetition of "blonde boy" and "blonde country blonde high density" reinforces this idea of a perfect image.

"You are my drug boy, You're real boy" means that there is an emotional reliance on a person or object. Using "boy" as a term of affection reinforces the idea that there is a power imbalance in the relationship.

The song becomes more surreal after this point, with phrases like "dirty numb cracking boy" and "babes and babes and babes and babes and babes." It means life of seeking pleasure and indulgence. The mention of an "angel" walking in provides a moment of clarity amidst the chaos and confusion of addiction and identity struggles.

Towards the end of the song, the tone becomes darker. The narrator is drunk and in a tube station, ranting about drinking and other things. The narrator is struggling with aimlessness or a lack of direction in their life. The mention of a blonde returning to Romford and the line "so many things to see and do in the tube hole true" also reinforce this sense of aimlessness and uncertainty.

In the final part of the song, the narrator expresses a sense of disillusionment and an awareness that his indulgent lifestyle is causing him pain and problems. The line "How am I at having fun" shows that he is questioning the value of the pleasures he is seeking. The phrase "on your way to a new tension, headache" implies that he is experiencing physical and emotional distress as a result of his actions.

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