Lyric discussion by When_You_Sleep510 

Well here goes. I think it's about someone who has particular idea of how they want to live their life that diverges from what society considers conventional and pragmatic. Initially this person isn't where they want to be, perhaps stuck. Those who live conventional lives are now perceiving this person as "lazy" and "crazy" for still pursuing their goals. Trying to drag them down, however they remain hopeful because deep inside they "know there's something more" ahead of them. As this person has been stuck, they've gotten older and watched their idols sellout. Which not only could sew doubt but serves as another sticking point that conventional people use against them, hence "they said your case was tragic". But perseverance pays off, "now, they say it's magic". This person made it to where they want to be to the astonishment of the naysayers. They need "time off for good behavior" because in the face of these people attempting to drag them down they remained composed and civil. It's parable of perseverance, stay true to yourself and your path even when you feel like you're lost in space, there's more to come for you! ;)

[Edit: Wording]

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