Lyric discussion by qhat22 

OkRadioHead pretty much nails the symbolism, but every other post I read (had to stop after a while) is missing it.

It's a contrast in extremes seen in elevated states –such as dreaming, twilight dreaming, daytime hallucinations, etc– between the surreality of subjective consciousness versus the power of objectivity (too much it would seem) to rigidly measure and mechanically dominate the imagination.

Such power is extremely alluring both on an individual and socio/cultural level, and in subjugating subjectivity it unleashes destruction on the world.

Given to visions, he sees both of these extremes and expresses a preference for imagination over objectification, (suggesting that succumbing to the latter is not just a mental weakness but culturally a fatal flaw) saying [that] if he could bring back all that he sees in dreams (first few lines are obviously dream imagery) it would be wild.

Certainly more wild than the alternate future he sees when he presses fast forward, where we have unleashed machines that take over the work of oppressing our minds and wreaking havoc on the world.

The song's title is a reference to the original geeks, who warned of all this, before the term's meaning became inverted to mean exactly the opposite: an obsession with mad participation in this mechanized insanity.

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