Lyric discussion by stratognat 

no one seems to understand the significance of the number 9. Spiritual as he was I cant believe Lennon didnt mention this in his verbal comments. 9 is a sacred number in many cultures. eg., the step pyramid at Chichin Itzu has 9 levels. Probably represents both Mayan and Aztec belief that there are 9 levels in the nether world. Maybe Dante's 9 circles of hell in the Devine Comedy was sourced from this. The Norman Blake song "Crossing Number 9" is partly about a railroad crossing and the death of a woman. But he knew that "crossing number 9" is a less familiar reference to the final stage of human life. It is a reference to dying. This shows how smart Norman Blake is. Maybe all this comes from the fact that 9 is the ultimate single digit number in the decimal system (an eastern invention). These lyrics... this song-- it's all about death, folks! OK. But it really require 8+ minutes to make this point??

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