Lyric discussion by ronaldoz4 

Take Me To the Pilot If you feel my lust, I am your prisoner, guilty for what I am about to do and it's a violation of the sexes, against the natural order Behind your eye glasses is your throne (your mind that controls your body) Dangerous desires, thoughts, your lust - TAKE CONTROL OF ME ...
Take me to the Pilot (light, passion, fire) of your soul Chamber = orifice to sodomize you They are strangers meeting for the first time A young virgin boy who dresses like a girl - but he can't know for sure Take me to your passionate place so I can sodomize you. That's it!

I really liked this song for almost 50 years and never knew what it was about. It saddens me to find out - well what would you expect from Elton? Of course it has to be obscurely written, twisted, because it is nasty - but it makes perfect sense.

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