Lyric discussion by random nob 

It’s probably about drugs, a common theme in Vile’s songs, and in a lot of classic rock that Vile seems to be inspired by. The second verse definitely seems to be about drug addiction. Possibly the third verse is an allegory for drug addiction as well. In the second verse, “know when to dump it” seems to refer to kicking a drug habit. So that leaves us with the catchy but confusing rhyme of “trumpet” and “dump it”. A possible touchpoint is that Vile as a kid played trumpet for a while in his school jazz band. And what “freeway” is he referring to? It’s unclear to me. Many of Vile’s lyrics are stream-of-consciousness, evoking moods and mental images and providing nice rhythmic patterns. But most of his songs seem to struggle to form coherent messages. He has admitted in interviews that he was born with attention deficit disorder. The puzzles of his lyrics will always be pleasantly mysterious.

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