Lyric discussion by Gmspearman 

I don’t think she’s speaking of girls, singlehandedly. Jewel is much to deep as a writer to flock straight into labeled feminism, or even come close. She write about someone who is sensitive and I hear children harmonizing in the song with her . I think she’s speaking from her younger self’s point of view... to spark her audience from another angle ; an angle that each of will find familiar if we look inward for long enough. In short, I think she’s capturing the spirit of all children- innocent, until tainted with the harsh cruel real world we live in. If no one told us we were anything but worthy and beautiful from the day we were born, we would never have reason to question this. I think the lyrics ‘and I’d like to stay this way’ indicate children’s’ innocence and sensitive nature shouldn’t have to change for any reason / person , especially from the unnatural experience of Intended hatred . Intentionally being mean or not, children (or the spirit of children are sensitive for a reason. She speaks a lot about God in her other songs . I thinks she’s closely tied to her beliefs in her writing and I can always tell it’s important for her and sharing who she is in her music, and wants to make sure people consider some unique perspectives, which aren’t popularly addressedIn the music world— yet, Just as Jewel intended, stil one of the most popular way to reach other people . Jewel truly knows the power of music.

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